________ is maintained by systems in the upper brainstem and hypothalamus.
________: the most common sleep disorder where individuals have trouble falling asleep.
Motor cortex neurons
________ fire as rapidly during REM sleep as during waking movement.
________: loss of muscle tone similar to what happens in REM sleep but occurs when the individual is still awake.
________ (EEG): the measurement of electrical activity in different parts of the brain and the recording of such activity as a visual trace (on paper or on an oscilloscope screen)
homeostatic system
The ________ responds to longer wake periods by increasing the urge to sleep.
Locus coeruleus
________: a lateral part of brain stem that has norepinephrine producing neurons that mediate arousal along with orexin.
suprachiasmatic nucleus
The ________ also receives input from the retina.
slow wave
Sleeping drugs do not help because they suppress ________ sleep and arent effective in keeping people asleep.
Internal activation
________ comes from the cyclically active REM sleep generator neurons in the brainstem.
outside day night
The clock can be reset by light so it is linked to the ________ cycle.
Periodic Limb Movements
________: intermittent jerks of the legs or arms that occur as individual enters slow wave sleep and cause arousal from sleep.
Hypnagogic hallucination
________: individuals tend to enter REM sleep very quickly and enter dreaming state while partially awake.
Ventrolateral preoptic
________ (VLPO) nucleus: area in the brain that causes suppression of arousal systems.
________ from neurons cause the excitation of the forebrain.
________ is caused by the loss of nerve cells in the lateral hypothalamus that contain orexin or hypocretin.
________ in the hypothalamus use orexin and some contain histamine.
REM sleep
In ________, there is an internally activated brain and EEG but the external input is suppressed.
________ is made of several different stages that are accompanied by daily rhythms in hormones, body temperature, etc.
Sleep disorders
________ are one of the least recognized sources of disease, disability, and death.
________ (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep: sleep characterized by the random rapid movement of the eyes when derams also occur.
________: a very important sleep promotor.
circadian system
The ________ is regulated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus.
clock proteins
It expresses ________ that go through a biochemical cycle of approximately 24 hrs.
The paralysis of muscle.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
________: airway muscles relax and close airway causing difficulty breathing.
adenosine levels
Increased ________ slow down cellular activity and diminish arousal.
________: an excitatory signal to arousal system especially norepinephrine neurons.
Adenosine release
________ starts in the basal forebrain and spreads to the rest of the cortex.
Suprachiasmatic nucleus
________: a small group of cells in the hypothalamus serving as the master clock.
________: mechanisms controlling transitions into sleep (particularly REM sleep) dont work.
REM Behavior Disorder
Occurs when muscles fail to become paralyzed during REM sleep.
Circadian system
________: Monitoring the time of day /night.
REM sleep
Dreaming occurs only in ________.
Electroencephalography (EEG)
The measurement of electrical activity in different parts of the brain and the recording of such activity as a visual trace (on paper or on an oscilloscope screen)
NREM (Non-Rapid Eye Movement) sleep
Sleep where the eyes do not rapidly move
REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep
Sleep is characterized by the random rapid movement of the eyes when dreams also occur
Over the course of ones lifetime
slow-wave sleep time decreases & REM time increases
up to 18 hrs
Older adults
6-7 hrs
The most common sleep disorder where individuals have trouble falling asleep
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
A condition where the airway muscles relax and close the airway causing difficulty breathing.
Periodic Limb Movements
Intermittent jerks of the legs or arms that occur as the individual enters slow wave sleep and cause arousal from sleep.
A disorder where mechanisms controlling transitions into sleep (particularly REM sleep) don't work
Hypnagogic hallucination
Individuals tend to enter REM sleep very quickly and enter a dreaming state while partially awake.
The loss of muscle tone similar to what happens in REM sleep but occurs when the individual is still awake.
Ventrolateral preoptic (VLPO) nucleus
An area in the brain that causes the suppression of arousal systems.
Circadian system
A body system monitoring the time of day or night.
Homeostatic system
A body system monitoring how long the person is awake.
Suprachiasmatic nucleus
A small group of cells in the hypothalamus serving as the master clock.
An excitatory signal to the arousal system, especially for norepinephrine neurons.
Locus coeruleus
A lateral part of the brain stem that has norepinephrine-producing neurons that mediate arousal along with orexin.
A very important sleep promoting molecule.