Main philosopher
Philosopher with Socrates on the day of his death
Who was Phaedo?
Freeing of the soul & no longer blinded by the bodily sense
Why is death not something that scares him?
Left hand: Limited/ superior Right hand: Unlimited/ inferior
Pythagorean theorem of fundamental opposition
Pythagorean theorem what is the fundamental cause of everything?
Immortality of the soul & how it goes from body to body and the body is a cage or tomb
Key belief of the Pythagoreans
Impiety- did not believe in the Gods of the city and was corrupting the youth
Why was Socrates condemned to be killed?
Sebes and Missian
Which Pythagoreans go against and question Socrates
Key differences between ____ and true knowledge
Which town did Socrates get executed in?
Where is Plato from?
Who would need to rule a Polis for it to be true and just?
All ___ share the fact that they are mortal yet they are never the same they are always changing in constant flux, _____ are always changing how can we know something of it, right one second than wrong the next because it has changed in a second.
The very meaning of a word
What is Plato searching for?
Without knowledge of the _____ everything is incomplete and insecure
Truth ( intelligible beings, objects, a being)
The eminence of the good with the help of our knowing mind lets us know the ____.
What is at the top?
Forms, ideas
What is the mode of Being of understanding?
What is the mode of Being of thought?
Sensible things
What is the mode of Being of Belief, Trust?
What is the mode of Being of Imagination?
Who doesn't understand the conversation and struggles, the one who cannot be saved?
No greater evil than hating _______
Who was Phaedo explaining Socrates death to