Wilhelm Wundt
first psych lab
Focus of functionalism
how behavioral processes and conscious thought function, how they enable an organism to adapt
Focus of humanistic psychology
how we meet our growth potential and achieve self-fulfillment
What influences behavior according to the biological perspective?
Focus of cognitive perspective
how we encode, process, and store information
Focus of behavioral perspective
looking at behavior through conditioning
Focus of biological perspective
looking at results of genes, hormones, nervous system, and brain
testable prediction
Case study
in depth investigation of a person with rare, unusual, extreme conditions
Naturalistic observation
observes subject in natural setting
self-reported attitudes or behaviors of a group
Correlation coefficient
number between -1 and +1 to represent the linear dependence of two variables
looks for cause and effect
Experimental group
the group exposed to independent variable and tested for change
Control group
group that is not influenced by the independent variable
Standard deviation
how scored vary from the mean, 99.8% within 3 standard deviations from mean
receive messages
sends messages
(DCBA) Dendrite Cell Body Axon
Path of the signal down a neuron
Action potential
brief electric charge that travels down the axon
chemicals stored in axon terminals
chemical messengers manufactured by the endocrine glands
the blood stream
Where are hormones secreted
measures brain waves
Occipital lobe
processing visual info
Temporal lobe
interpreting hearing
Parietal lobe
processing sensory info
corpus callosum
What part of brain is cut for split brain patients
awareness of ourselves and our environment
Circadian rhythm
24 hour bodily clock
stage 2
When do you see sleep spindles
Delta waves
large slow brain waves
REM sleep
eyes dart
body is internally awake, but externally calm
Why is REM sleep called paradoxical sleep
SCN triggers release from the pineal gland and causes sleepiness
Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)
controls circadian rhythm
learning that has persisted over time
getting info in our brains
Length of long term memories
Magic 7
capacity of STM
organizing items into familiar, manageable units
What brain structure is related to implicit memory?
What brain structure is related to explicit memory?
controls heart rate and breathing
"little brain" coordinates muscle movements
frontal lobe
Phineas Gage- damage to what area of brain?
Sigmund Freud
Who emphasizes the role of the unconscious?
process by which we receive info from our environment
process of organizing and interpreting sensory info
converts different forms of physical energy into electrical impulses that are transmitted to the brain
Absolute threshold
weakest amount of stimulus that can be sensed half the time
Difference threshold
the minimal difference that an individual can detect between two stimuli
Sensory adaptation
a decline in receptor activity when stimuli are unchanging
the eye's lens changes shape to focus near or far objects on the retina
Cornea Iris Pupil Lens Retina Optic nerve
Correct order of structures as light passes through the eye
acquiring new behavior or information
learning association between events and behavioral responses
Classical conditioning
associations made between natural stimuli and neutral stimuli
Ivan Pavlov
Who is most closely related to classical conditioning?
Conditioned response
learned behavior
Unconditioned response
reflexive response
Unconditioned stimulus
natural stimulus that reflexively elicits a response
Conditioned stimulus
an ordinarily natural event that is trained to lead to a response
Spontaneous recovery
after a period of time CR will reappear but weaker
learned response applies to original stimulus and similar stimuli
respond differently to similar stimuli
Pairing for classical conditioning
an UCS paired with a NS in order to create an association between the NS and the desired behavior.
Operant conditioning
behavior is altered to obtain rewards or avoid punishment
Law of effect
Thorndike; rewarded behavior is strengthened and punished behavior is diminished
BF Skinner
Who is most closely related to operant conditioning?
reinforces guide behavior towards desired behavior
event that strengthens the behavior it follows
Negative reinforcement
remove stimulus to increase behavior
Fixed ratio schedule
reinforces response after a set number of responses
Variable ratio schedule
behavioral responses vary
Fixed interval schedule
set amount of time
Variable interval schedule
time varies
best example of something within a category
Components of creativity
Expertise Imaginative thinking skills A venturesome personality Intrinsic motivation Creative environment
step-by-step procedure that guarantees a solution to a problem
simple thinking strategy to making judgments and solving problems
sudden realization of a problem's solution
Confirmation bias
tendency to search for information that supports our preconceptions
inability to see a problem from a fresh perspective
Mental set
tendency to approach a problem in a particular way/ one that has been successful in the past
Representative heuristic
judging the likelihood of things in terms of how well they represent or match particular prototypes
Availability heuristics
estimating the likelihood of events based on their availability in memory
Belief perseverance
clinging to ones beliefs even after being presented with contrary evidence
the way an issue is phrased
spoken written or signed way of communicating
smallest unit of language
smallest unit of word that carries meaning
Number of phonemes in English language
rules of language
order of words in a sentence
Receptive language
understanding what is said
Telegraphic speech
words that are said
examination of one's own mental and emotional processes
Sigmund Freud
Who emphasized the role of the unconscious?