EndoPerio - Armamentarium, Instrumentation & Diagnosis

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Hyperplastic pulpitis (pulp polyp)

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25 Terms


Hyperplastic pulpitis (pulp polyp)

A form of irreversible pulpitis the result of growth of chronically inflamed young pulp into occlusal surface.

Usually asymptomatic, reddish cauliflower - like growth

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Phoenix abscess

Exacerbation of otherwise asymptomatic apical periodontitis

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Size 2 (31 × 41 mm )

Standard size for adult projection in periapical films

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Nerve broach

Instrument used for pulp extirpation

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Lentulo spiral

Instrument used to deliver sealer in the canal

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Gutta percha

Universally accepted root canal filling material

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Flows into dentinal tubules to accomplish hermetic seal

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Endodontic explorer

Instrument used to locate the orifice of the canal

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Vertical root fracture

A severe crack that extends longitudinally down the long axis of the root

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Normal pulp

Does not exhibit any spontaneous symptoms. Respond to pulp test, does not cause patient distress

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Reversible pulpitis

Pulp of the tooth is irritated patient feels discomfort but reverses quickly after the causative factor is removed

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Dentin hypersensitivity

Having an exposed dentin that does not have dental pathosis can sometimes have sharp, quickly reversible pain subjected to thermal, evaporative, tactile, mechanical, osmotic or chemical stimuli

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Symptomatic irreversible pulpitis

Intermittent pain/spontaneous

Cold stimuli will elicit heightened and prolong episodes of pain even after the source is removed

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Asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis

If left treated may become symptomatic and towards necrosis. Endodontic treatment must be performed as soon as possible

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Acute periodontitis

Painful response to biting pressure or percussion. May or may not respond to pulp vitality test

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Chronic periradicular periodontitis

no clinical symptoms. Does not respond to pulp vitality tests and radiograph exhibit periradicular radiolucency usually around the apical third of the root

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Acute periradicular abscess

Very painful to biting pressure, percussion and palpation. Negative to all pulp vitality test and will exhibit varying degree of moblity and the x-ray exhibits widening of periodontal ligament space to a periradicular radiolucency

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Chronic periradicular abscess

No clinical symptoms. No respond to pulp vitality test radiograph exhibits periradicular radiolucency. Not sensitive to biting pressure but patient feels different upon percussion. This can be differentiated with chronic periradicular peridontitis because it exhibits intermittent drainage through sinus tract

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