June 2024
Reading the Bible in context
Understanding why and to whom it was written to avoid misinterpretation.
Bible Division
Categorization into Old Testament (Law, History, Poetry, Prophecy) and New Testament (Gospels, History, Letters, Apocalyptic Prophecy).
Creation Order
Sequence of events in Genesis 1 - Light, Sky, Land, Sun, Birds, Man.
Presence of God
God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit at creation.
First Commands
Fruitful, Multiply, Fill, Subdue, Rule - given to humans.
Promise between man and God.
Abraham's Line
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, David, Jesus - important family lineage.
Judges in OT
Cycle of Judges for peace and deliverance in Israel.
Kings of Israel
Differences between Nagid (faithful) and Melek (unfaithful) kings.
Prophets' Task
Call to repentance, accusation, and the Day of the Lord.
Stories used by Jesus to teach important lessons.
I AM Statements
Jesus' statements fulfilling OT prophecies.
Great Commission
Command to make disciples of all nations.
Gospels Differences
Varied perspectives and audiences in the Gospels.
Early Church Spread
Spread through missionaries, letters, and preaching.
Overcoming Obstacles
Early Church faced persecution and learned endurance.
Gentiles in the Church
Peter and Cornelius' visions opened the Church to Gentiles.
Epistles Messages
Encouragement, love, and warnings in the Epistles.
Book of Revelation
Reveals the Day of the Lord and God's salvation for His people.