AP Biology Unit 2: Cell Structure and Function Notes Pt. 1

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the thickest of the cytoskeletal fibers, with a diameter of 25 nm.

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What is the process by which water molecules move through a plant?

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the thinnest of the cytoskeletal fibers, with a diameter of nm

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endosymbiotic theory

suggests that there was a host cell that was originally a prokaryotic cell.

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Intermediate filaments

Come in a number of different varieties, each one made up of a different type of protein.

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Evidence for this is based on the following: ________ are the same size as prokaryotic cells, divide by binary fission, and, like bacteria, have Fts proteins at their division plane.

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Intermediate of the cytoskeletal fibers, with a diameter of 8 to 10 nm.

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Key components of three more specialized eukaryotic cell structures: flagella, cilia and centrosomes.

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What is made up of tubulin proteins arranged to form a hollow, straw- like tube, and each tubulin protein consists of two subunits, α- tubulin and β- tubulin?

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