AP Pysch

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a historic perspective…not in use today…introspection.

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observing one’s own mental state

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focused on the purpose of consciousness and behavior…individual differences…has influenced the educational system.

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Structuralism vs Functionalism

Structuralism studied the contents of the mind through the use of lab experiments and introspection. Functionalism was more interested in using direct observation and fieldwork in order to better understand the adaptive function of behavior.

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the perspective that human behavior is driven by the unconscious mind…

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all behaviors are learned

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Looking at how the whole human achieve his/her potential (self-actualization)

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everything psychological is also biological

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Evolutionary Psychology

natural selection over generations also applies to thoughts and behaviors

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Cognitive Psychology

Our thought processes control our behaviors.

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Thoughts and behaviors vary based on cultural context.

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Gestalt Psychology

The whole is different than the sum of its parts

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Wilhelm Wundt

regarded as the first modern psychologist because he gathered data about human thinking in a laboratory setting (empirical analysis). ….

also came up with the structuralism perspective …examining the structures that made up the mind

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William James

came up with the functionalism perspective which sought to causal relationships between internal states and external behaviors.

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Sigmund Freud

came up with the Psychoanalysis + Structuralism perspectives…also the psychoanalysis stages +psychoanalytic theory

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John Watson

one of the people that came up with the Behaviorism perspective and Operant Conditioning

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B.F Skinner

one of the people that came up with the Behaviorism perspective and Operant Conditioning

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Ivan Pavlov

one of the people that came up with the Behaviorism perspective

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Abraham Maslow

one of the people that came up with the humanist perspective

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Jean Piaget

came up with the cognitive psychology perspective…cognitive development stages

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Erik Erikson

came up with the psychosocial stages…

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Phineas Gage

Gage's accident helped teach us that different parts of the brain play a role in different functions….survived severe damage to the brain.

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Albert Bandura

came up with Observational Learning ..or modeling

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Lev Vygotsky

came up with one of the stage theories…..humans continuously develop throughout their lives….

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Lawrence Kohlberg

came up with the moral development stages

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Howard Gardner

came up with the multiple intelligence within the theories of intelligence

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Alfred Binet

wanted to design a test to identify which children needed special attention in school….Stanford Binet IQ test

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Charles Darwin

came up with the Evolutionary Perspective

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Ivan Pavlov’s Dogs

Learning technique classical conditioning….is the association between a neutral stimulus and a stimulus that produces a reflexive, involuntary response

<p>Learning technique classical conditioning….is the association between a neutral stimulus and a stimulus that produces a reflexive, involuntary response</p>
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Albert Bandura’s Bobo Doll

Observational learning …also known as modeling..

  1. Observation

  2. Imitation

<p>Observational learning …also known as modeling..</p><ol><li><p>Observation</p></li><li><p>Imitation</p></li></ol>
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Edward Tolman’s Rats

Latent learning….is learning that becomes obvious only once a reinforcement is given for demonstrating it…..Tolman’s rats in a maze

<p>Latent learning….is learning that becomes obvious only once a reinforcement is given for demonstrating it…..Tolman’s rats in a maze</p>
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Wolfgang Kӧhler’s chimps

Insight learning….occurs when one suddenly realizes how to solve a problem…..

<p>Insight learning….occurs when one suddenly realizes how to solve a problem…..</p>
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Harry Harlow’s wire mother

one was a simple construction of wire and wood, and the second was covered in foam rubber and soft terry cloth.

<p></p><p>one was a simple construction of wire and wood, and the second was covered in foam rubber and soft terry cloth.</p>
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David Rosenhan’s Psychiatric experiments

pioneer in applying psychological methods to the practice of law, including the examination of expert witnesses, jury selection, and jury deliberation

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Asch conformity study

people conform for two main reasons: they want to fit in with the group (normative influence) and because they believe the group is more informed than they are (informational influence)…Asch measured the number of times each participant conformed to the majority view.

<p>people conform for two main reasons: they want to fit in with the group (normative influence) and because they believe the group is more informed than they are (informational influence)…Asch measured the number of times each participant conformed to the majority view.</p>
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Milgram obedience experiment

The experiment was controversial because it revealed people's willingness to obey authority figures even when causing harm to others, raising ethical concerns about the psychological distress inflicted upon participants and the deception involved in the study.

<p></p><p>The experiment was controversial because it revealed people&apos;s willingness to obey authority figures even when causing harm to others, raising ethical concerns about the psychological distress inflicted upon participants and the deception involved in the study.</p>
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Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment

how good people can be transformed into perpetrators of evil, and healthy people can begin to experience pathological reactions - traceable to situational forces.

<p>how good people can be transformed into perpetrators of evil, and healthy people can begin to experience pathological reactions - traceable to situational forces.</p>
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Dependent vs Independent Variable

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Reinforcement: Anything that makes a behavior more likely to occur

Positive reinforcement

Negative reinforcement

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Punishment: Anything that makes a behavior less likely to occur

Positive punishment

Negative punishment

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adding something

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taking away something

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Positive reinforcement

Giving a high five for an achievement

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Negative reinforcement

Getting up from the bed to avoid the noisy alarm.

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Positive punishment

adding more chores to the list when your child neglects their responsibilities.

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Negative punishment

losing party privileges when you continue to do it.

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Case Study

In-depth investigation of an individual or a small group

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Measures various elements of human behavior

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Naturalistic Observation

Observe behavior in its natural setting

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Longitudinal Study

Participants are observed at intervals over a long period of time

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Cross-Sectional Study

Compare / contrast people at different age groups at a given time

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Experimental approach

Setting up experiments in a controlled environment

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Parts of the neuron & how the nervous system functions

  • Dendrites, soma, nucleus, synapse, neurotransmitters

  • Dendrites receive the information and sends the information through the soma…..this information then gets transformed into neurotransmitters through the synaptic cleft.

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Parts of the brain

  • Hindbrain vs midbrain vs forebrain

    • Hindbrain- top of the spinal cord, basic life support

    • Midbrain- integrates simple sensory info and muscle movements

    • Hindbrain and midbrain are considered apart of the “old brain”

    • Forebrain is considered apart of the “new brain”

    • Forebrain- thought and reason

    • Hippocampus responsible for creating new memories.

    • Amygdala- emotion

<p></p><ul><li><p>Hindbrain vs midbrain vs forebrain</p><ul><li><p>Hindbrain- top of the spinal cord, basic life support</p></li><li><p>Midbrain- integrates simple sensory info and muscle movements</p></li><li><p>Hindbrain and midbrain are considered apart of the “old brain”</p></li><li><p>Forebrain is considered apart of the “new brain”</p></li><li><p>Forebrain- thought and reason</p></li><li><p>Hippocampus responsible for creating new memories.</p></li><li><p>Amygdala- emotion</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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7 senses function

  • Vision - your eye gathers light, which is focused on retina, and then transduction converts the light to a neural stimulus.

  • Hearing- the transduction of sound waves into auditory neural signals

  • Touch- pain is a response to potential dangers, and isn’t a weakness that is leaving the body.

  • Taste- a chemical sense, as apposed to previous energy senses….flavor of food is actually a combo of tase and smell

  • Smell- olfactory bulb connecs to the brain via the amygdala and hippocampus     ( the limbic system: emotion+memory)

  • Vestibular: how your body is oriented in space ( semicircular canals— balance)

  • Kinesthetic: the position and orientation of specific body parts

<p></p><ul><li><p>Vision - your eye gathers light, which is focused on retina, and then transduction converts the light to a neural stimulus.</p></li><li><p>Hearing- the transduction of sound waves into auditory neural signals</p></li><li><p>Touch- pain is a response to potential dangers, and isn’t a weakness that is leaving the body.</p></li><li><p>Taste- a chemical sense, as apposed to previous energy senses….flavor of food is actually a combo of tase and smell</p></li><li><p>Smell- olfactory bulb connecs to the brain via the amygdala and hippocampus     ( the limbic system: emotion+memory)</p></li><li><p>Vestibular: how your body is oriented in space ( semicircular canals— balance)</p></li><li><p>Kinesthetic: the position and orientation of specific body parts</p></li></ul>
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Rules of perception

Figure-ground relationships

<p>Figure-ground relationships</p>
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Gestalt Rules

Figure- Ground segregation, Closure, Proximity, Continuity, Similarity, Past Experience, Symmetry/Equlibrium

<p>Figure- Ground segregation, Closure, Proximity, Continuity, Similarity, Past Experience, Symmetry/Equlibrium</p>
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Perceived motion

Looks like things are moving, when they aren’t

<p>Looks like things are moving, when they aren’t</p>
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Monocular cues

  • linear perspective → 3-dimensional point of view instead of 2

  • Relative Size Cue → sizes may look similar….for example a person being the same height as the Eiffel tower., however this is just an illusion

  • Interposition Cue → circle that covers the shape behind it makes us just think that the circle is in front and the square and the triangle follows.

  • Texture Gradient- the perception of the texture/surface of the thing at hand…..ex. Epcot…when we get farther away from the ball, we think its smooth, when it reality, once you get up close, you see its gradient texture.

  • Shadowing

<p></p><ul><li><p>linear perspective → 3-dimensional point of view instead of 2</p></li><li><p>Relative Size Cue → sizes may look similar….for example a person being the same height as the Eiffel tower., however this is just an illusion</p></li><li><p>Interposition Cue → circle that covers the shape behind it makes us just think that the circle is in front and the square and the triangle follows.</p></li><li><p>Texture Gradient- the perception of the texture/surface of the thing at hand…..ex. Epcot…when we get farther away from the ball, we think its smooth, when it reality, once you get up close, you see its gradient texture.</p></li><li><p>Shadowing</p></li></ul>
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Muller-Lyon Illusion

perception is culturally based

<p>perception is culturally based</p>
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Five stages

    1. From awake to asleep

    1. Memory consolidation

    1. Deep Sleep

  • 4.Deep Sleep

    1. Rapid Eye movement (REM)

<p>Five stages</p><ul><li><p></p><ol><li><p>From awake to asleep</p></li></ol></li><li><p></p><ol start="2"><li><p>Memory consolidation</p></li></ol></li><li><p></p><ol start="3"><li><p>Deep Sleep</p></li></ol></li><li><p>4.Deep Sleep</p></li><li><p></p><ol start="5"><li><p>Rapid Eye movement (REM)</p></li></ol></li></ul>
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Circadian rhythm

24- hour cycle of metabolic and thought processes taht govern sleep/wake

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Sleep disorders

  • Insomnia: Persistent problems falling asleep or staying asleep

  • Sleep apnea: Stop breathing for short periods of time during the night

  • Narcolepsy: Unpredictable periods of intense sleepiness (REM)

  • Sleepwalking & night terrors: Typically occur in children during the first few hours of stage 4 sleep

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  • Psychoactive drugs

  • Depressants slow down the same body processes  (heroin, alchohol)

  • Stimulants speed up body processes  (caffeine, nicotine)

  • Hallucinogens or psychdelics cause changes in perception of reality, hallucinations, and etc. (mushrooms, Marijuana)

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Tolerance & withdrawal

needing more and more of that drug in order to tolerate it. However, trying to withdraw from it will be very difficult to do the side effects.

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Types of learning

  • Classical conditioning- is the association between a neutral stimulus and a stimulus that produces a reflexive, involuntary response

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Memory = encoding

  • Encoding- split-second holding for incoming sensory info

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Memory storage

  • short-term memory + long-term memory

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Memory retrieval

  • retrieving information from sensory memory with external cue/recognition

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Types of learning

Operant conditioning- is learning based on the consequences of one’s behaviors

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Types of learning

  • Observational learning- is also known as modeling ….Bobo Doll experiment

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Types of learning

  • Latent learning- is learning that becomes obvious only once a reinforcement is given for demonstrating it

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Types of learning

  • Insight learning- occurs when one suddenly realizes how to solve a problem

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Three Box Model

  • Sensory memory…something that ur senses are picking up

  • Short term memory (working memory)…up to 30 seconds …about 7 items

  • Long term memory ….storage is unlimited ..and the memory lasts long forever

<p></p><ul><li><p>Sensory memory…something that ur senses are picking up</p></li><li><p>Short term memory (working memory)…up to 30 seconds …about 7 items</p></li><li><p>Long term memory ….storage is unlimited ..and the memory lasts long forever</p></li></ul>
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Deep processing

  • Deep processing leads to a more durable memory trace

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Shallow Processing

Shallow processing leads to a fragile memory trace that is vulnerable to decay.

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Where is memory stored?

  • Memory is stored everywhere….mostly in the cerebellum and cerebral cortex

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  • Nativist Theory

  • Language acquisition device during “critical period” in development

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Conflicting motives

  • Approach-Approach conflict: choose between two good options

  • Avoidance-Avoidance conflict: choose between two bad options

  • Approach-Avoidance conflict: one option has both good and bad elements

  • Multiple Approach-Avoidance conflict: two+ options with both good and bad elements

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