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Part of gods plan for all eternity from the beginning of creation
Greek word for church
Oe of the images of the church is
The body of the church with is made visible throughout the members
Holy Spirit is
Would of the mystical body of Christ it reveals Jesus in the liturgy
Cardinal virtues
Prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance
JesĂşs did what
proclaim the good news and sent the apostles to do the same
Father, Son, and holy spirt
Catholics are
Called into community
Catholic with a capital C means what
Doctrines and practices of the early church, celebrate sacraments
Teaching recognized as central to the faith defined by the magisterium
Specific community of believers under the leading of the bishop
What does the Holy Spirit do
AnĂmate and sanctifies and builds the church
Event that started the mission of the church on earth
Holy Spirit was revealed
At Pentecost
At pentecost
God was fully revealed for the first time
When Mary was taken into heaven
1st sacrament of initiation
Holy spirit
Máster of grace
One who is sent forth and are used to proclaim and build the church
JesĂşs gift along with his saving death on the cross that gave birth to the church
Church is made up of
Human component and a divine component
Blessing, petition, intercession, thanksgiving and praise
5 types of prayer
Charism that insures that the church will always avoid error on her faith and teaching morals
Tradition with a capital T is
Living transmission of gods truth through us
Teaching office
Allied magisterium
Peter the first pope told people
To be baptized so their sins would be forgiven
in genesis how is the Holy Spirit shown
In a form of strong wind
Peace, patience, kindness, generosity are
Fruits of the Holy Spirit
How did the Holy Spirit reveal the church
To the whole world
Holy Spirit is what part of the trinity
Third divine person
Do Catholics pray to saints?
Catholics do not pray to saints but instead recognize their holy lives and their connection with god and we pray with them
Was Mary perfectly holy?
Mary was immaculate, never hesitated, chose God first, said yes, queen of all saints, queen of heaven, cared for God and for us
Why is assumption important?
We too are promised at judgement to be taken body and soul into heaven
Ecumentail Movement?
Started with Vatican 21, effort to keep all Christian’s throughout the world united and this is important because the church is one holy catholic and apostolic
The Church is indefectable?
Based on sacred scripture and tradition, follow dogma teachings, apostolic successsion to guarantee authenticity in the teaching
What is indulgence?
Christians are offering special sacrifices for remittance of sins and indulgence that cleans the would and when we die we go to heaven and pray to go to purgatory
What is a bishop
Bishops receives holy orders role to teach govern and sanctify
How is the church visible and invisible
Human part is visible, diving is invisible, mystery how they work together to keep the church working in the world
Apostolic definition
Means that we are sent out like apostles to spread the good news and evangelize. We are part of a church that continues that mission every week at mass
List 2 marks of church and describe.
ONE- one church for the world, one body of Christ, one family. HOLY- grows in holiness and is what is needed to get to heaven.
Paschal mystery
Life, death and resurrection of Jesus
Infaliable definition
Infaliable meas that the church can not be wrong when teaching about the church
Vocations of life
Single, Married, consecrated life, priest
Images of the church
Light and salt, flock, temple of god, olive grove
Significance of the council of Jerusalem
Gentiles didn’t have to follow Jewish customs to be Christian the church is universal
List two gifts of the Holy Spirit and describe how they are made visible to the world
Courage- overcoming suffering. Wisdom- being able to see outside of own perspective
when Jesus institutied the church, he called all people, not just the rich and powerful. Explain how the church is universal in the light of Jesus?
Church is for all people to heal all and we are in need of salvation because of original sin so we need the body of Christ.
What are your responsibilities as a member of the laity.? Include 4.
to bring other to Christ, raise family in faith, to pray, to follow the precepts of the church, share good news of the gospel
Write about what a covenant with god means and give tow examples.
Permanent promise. Abraham and Noah