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Discretionary Income
Money that people spend on items they WANT but do not NEED helped contribute to consumerism
Culture of buying goods in large amounts fueled by advertising and economic prosperity- Now CHEAPER than ever!
GI Bill
Law providing benefits to WWII veterans, including tuition assistance and low-interest home alone
Fair Deal
Truman’s program aimed at expanding social programs like healthcare and civil rights - Attempt to continue FDR’s Policies
William J. Levitt
Developer of mass-produced suburban housing, creating “Levittowns”
Residential areas outside cities that got popular because of postwar housing demands
White Flight
White americans moving from the city to the suburbs but left cities in worse conditions
Service Sector
Part of the economy focused on providing services rather than goods (healthcare and retail)
Cars became essentials for suburban life
Reasons to move to suburbs
Affordable housing, better schools, safety, and rise of car culture
Dixiecrat party
Southern Democrats who opposed Truman’s civil rights and split from og Democrat Party
Smith Act
Law making it illegal to talk about overthrowing against U.S. Gov’t
Investigated alleged communist influence in Hollywood/Gov’t
Taft Hartley Act
Law restricting labor unions - Overturned many rights won by unions during the New Deal
Joe McCarthy
Senator who led anti-communist hunts and falsely accused many of being Soviet spies
Causes of the baby boom
Soldiers returning from WWII, economic prosperity, and cultural emphasis on family
Effects of baby boom
Increased demand for schools, housing,and consumer goods, shaping 1950s society
Became a dominant form of entertainment, culture, and advertisement
Dr. Benjamin Spock
Wrote a book about permissive parenting styles
Roles of women
Encouraged to be housewives and mothers
Eisenhower won the election in this year
Interstate Highway System
Eisenhower’s project to create national highways, boosting economy and suburban growth
Effects of more highways
Growth of suburbs, increased car culture,decline of railroads, and rise of fast food/motels
Checkers speech
Richard Nixon’s televised defense against corruption charges,saving his VP nomination
Cultural pressure to fit into a cookie cutter silhouette
Examples of suburban area in Pennsylvania
Sunbelt Migration
Population shifting to the South/West for jobs, better climate, and lower taxes
Group rebelling against conformity and materialism
Fallout Shelters
Built by families due to fear of nuclear war with Soviet Union
Dick Clark
Host of American Bandstand; promoted rock n roll and teen culture
Couple executed for being alleged Soviet spies
Alger Hiss
Former gov’t official accused of being a Soviet spy; convicted of perjury
Other America
Book by Michael Harrington exposing poverty in the U.S.
Hollywood Ten
Group of left-wing writers who were/had been communist and REFUSED to speak - Went to PRISON
Movie executives created a list of entertainment figures who should not be hired because of commie ties