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Pope Gregory VIII issued a papal bull describing attacks on Christians by Muslims + calling for a 3rd Crusade
29th October 1187
William Marshall took the royal court to Bristol to sign an amended Magna Carta
12th November 1216
John left for France in hopes of regaining Normandy
February 1214
William de Braose had not paid off money owed for land
Richard is crowned king of the Angevin Empire
3rd September 1189
Frederick I drowned on the way to the Holy Land + many of his men went home
June 1190
Richard was greeted with a great ceremony upon arrival at Messina, Sicily
September 1190
Richard invaded + conquered Cyprus
May 1191
Richard arrived + joined Philip’s siege of Acre
8th June 1191
Saladin’s forces surrendered at Acre
12th July 1191
Richard executed 2,700 Muslim soldiers + executed them in front of Saladin’s camp
August 1191
Saladin’s army attacked the crusaders at the Plains of Arsuf
7th September 1191
William Longchamp deposed as Chancellor
October 1191
Marches on Jerusalem
October 1191 - January 1192
June 1192 - July 1192
The Treaty of Jaffa
John heard of Richard’s capture + tried to seize the throne
Hubert Walter, Archbishop of Canterbury, was appointed justiciar by barons
December 1193
Richard out-witted Philip at Vendrome
July 1194
A truce was made between Richard and Philip lasting until
November 1195
Baldwin, Count of Flanders, placed Arras under siege
Richard I dies after being badly wounded
6th April 1199
John’s army capture Arthur in Mirebeau
Rouen surrendered to Philip, putting Normandy under his control
June 1204
John lost Normandy + returned to England
The “thirteenth” tax introduced by John
Between ____, only judges approved + directed by John were allowed to hear legal cases
1209 -1214
John captured William de Braose’s wife + eldest son
John crowned king
27th May 1199
Treaty of Le Goulet
John died of dysentery at Newark (exact date unknown; approximation)
18th October 1216
Anti-Jewish pogroms
1189 - 1190
Massacre of Jews at York Castle
16th March 1190
Saladin won at the Battle of Hattin
Richard was released after a year in captivity
4th February 1194
Arthur’s forces besiege Mirebeau, trapping Eleanor of Aquitaine - John captures Arthur and rescues his mother
August 1202
Philip sieges Chateau Gaillard
September 1203
Hubert Walter (archbishop of Canterbury) died
The Pope declared an Interdict on England
March 1208
The Pope relented the terms of the Interdict so that clergy, monks, nuns and the dying could receive mass
John was excommunicated
November 1209
John accepted Pope Innocent III as his overlord and accepted the terms of the reconciliation
May 1213
Eustace de Vesci, Robert Fitz Walter and LLwyelyn plotted against John
Battle of Bouvines
27th July 1214
Leading barons met at Bury St Edmunds
November 1214
The rebel barons mustered an army in Northampton + sent another set of demands
April 1215
Rebel barons broke their oath of fealty to John and marched on Northampton led by Fitz Walter, before marching onto and capturing London
May 1215
John authorised the Magna Carta at Runnymede
15th June 1215
The Pope issued a papal bull declaring the Magna Carta “shameful”
August 1215
The rebels took Rochester Castle
October 1215
The rebels surrendered Rochester Caslte
November 1215
Louis arrived in Kent
May 1216
Leading barons named William Marshal protector of 9-year-old King Henry III & regent of the kingdom
11th November 1216
Richard sold offices eg. Sheriffs (he later made people pay to retain these offices)
Muslim Seljuk Turks were in control of the Holy Land
Richard set sail on the Atlantic Ocean after the 3rd Crusade
October 1192
Richard was shipwrecked on his return from the 3rd Crusade
November 1192
Philip’s forces reached Chateau Gaillard after Philip declared John’s land forfeit
September 1203
Richard built Chateau Gaillard
Richard and Philip agreed to a 5 year truce
January 1199
Treaty of Le Goulet
Henry was crowned in Gloucester
October 1216
Louis returned to France for more troops and resources
Peace was made between the royalists and the barons and Louis gave up his claim to the throne
September 1217