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When French people meet a good friend or a family member, they are likely to…
briefly shake hands with the person.
In France, a “collège” is typically for students…
11-15 years old
In France, you would likely go to a “lycée” if you were…
16-18 years old
The number of native speakers of French in the world is about…
270 million
French is an everyday language for a large community in…
The separation of power between three branches of government (the executive, legislative, and judicial) was an idea developed by…
In France, having children before marriage is…
The case for over half the births
The PACS is…
A form of a civil union
The divorce rate in France is…
The majority of French people aged 18-29 live…
With their parents
In France, your “fête” day is…
The day associated with the saint of your name
The French work week is officially…
35 hours
In France employees get annual paid vacation of…
5 weeks
The inhabitants of Guadeloupe are..
Full French citizens, like Hawaiians
The Tour de France is…
A bicycle race
The largest university of Quebec is…
l’université de Montréal
At the end of the lycée students take a national exam called the…
Tuition at public universities in France is…
Almost zero
The Grandes Écoles are…
Exclusive private universities
Brussels is…
A capital of the European Union
The official languages of Canada are…
English and French
80% of French speakers in Canada…
Live in Quebec
« Métro, boulot, dodo » is a…
Phrase to describe the daily life of Parisians
In France if a movie start time is 8:00 p.m., the announcement will say…
Yves Saint Laurent and Coco Chanel are…
Important French fashion designers
The largest fast-food restaurant chain in France is…
Of the following courses, the one served first at a French meal is the...
The majority of French people shop for food…
In supermarkets
The attraction for French people for buying food at markets is…
They often provide fresher products than other options
Carrefour is…
A big supermarket chain
Salade niçoise (description)
Salad with eggs
Salade niçoise (region)
Choucroute (description)
Sauerkraut and pork
Choucroute (region)
coq au vin (description)
Chicken stew
coq au vin (region)
Couscous (description)
Grain and vegetables (sometimes meat)
Couscous (region)
North Africa
Crêpe (description)
Sweet or savory thin pancake
Crêpe (region)
Fondue (description)
Melted cheese (often)
Fondue (region)
Quiche (description)
Egg and cheese pie
Quiche (region)
Most French houses are normally made out of…(select all that apply)
Bricks or stone
You would buy a baguette in a…
Your “quartier” is…
Your neighborhood
The mountain range between France and Spain is the…
The mountain range between France and Italy is the…
The total number of regions in metropolitan France is…
The most recent addition to French territory among these choices is…
Among the regional languages spoken in France are…
Basque, Breton, Corsican
France is bordered by the …
Atlantic Ocean, English Channel, Mediterranean Sea
French people think of France as having the shape of a…
France shares a border with…
Belgium, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain, Switzerland