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What is the name of the child born to Peleus and Thetis?
According to Herodotus, what incident do the Persians say was the beginning of the conflict between the Greeks and Asians?
the capture of Troy
Who brings the three goddesses to Paris?
Why has Menelaus come to Egypt in Euripides' Helen?
He washed ashore after a shipwreck
What fate awaits Achilles if he chooses to avenge the death of Patroclus?
To die and never return to Phthia
According to Herodotus, who is inspired by the stories of the previous abductions to obtain a wife in Greece?
Whom do the "learned Persians" blame for initiating the exchange of abductions between Greece and Asia?
The Phoenicians
Why are Aphrodite's words "fatal to the walls of Troy"?
Because the gift of Helen will lead to the destruction of the city
What causes Achilles to drop the shield and spear in Statius' Achilleid?
Hearing the cry of Deidamia
According to Catullus, where is the great marriage between Peleus and Thetis celebrated?
Who is the father of Achilles?
What do the chorus mean when they say "For then the women of Troy would never have been harnessed to slavery's yoke."?
If Hecuba had killed Paris at birth, the Trojans would not have been conquered
Why does Catullus speak of the Argonauts when narrating the marriage of Peleus and Thetis?
Peleus fell in love with Thetis while sailing on the Argo
What is the judgment that Paris must make?
Which goddess is the most beautiful
Why must Thetis marry a mortal man?
She is fated to have a son greater than his father
What is the name of the daughter of the king of Argos whom the Phoenicians abduct, according to Herodotus?
In Euripides' Helen, what good news does Helen receive from the Egyptian prophetess?
Her husband is still alive
The girls on Scyros perform dances in the style of which other islands?
Samothrace and Crete
How does Thetis disguise Achilles when she hides him from the Greek army?
Dresses him as a girl
According to Catullus, who brings "woodland gifts" to Peleus and Thetis?
In Statius' Achilleid, which items that Ulysses and Diomedes have brought does Achilles pick up?
The shield and spear
In Catullus 64, what are the Parcae doing as they prophesy?
According to Euripides' Helen, who constructed Helen's phantom?
Why doesn't Menelaus believe that Helen is his wife when he first sees her in Euripides' Helen?
Because he thinks that a phantom is Helen
According to Herodotus' Histories, where does Io eventually end up?
Where does the action of Euripides' Helen take place?
What is Herodotus' native city?
Why is Helen in peril in Euripides' Helen?
Because the Egyptian king wants to marry her
Achilles tells Lycomedes, the king of Scyros, that his actions at Troy will bring honor to
Who is Patroclus?
Achilles' most beloved comrade
What is the name of the daughter of the king of Tyre whom the Greeks abducted, according to Herodotus?
In Catullus 64, what do the Parcae prophesy will happen at Achilles' burial?
A young virgin will be sacrificed
Why does Achilles turn his anger against Hector?
He killed Patroclus
What unexpected fact about the Trojan War is revealed to Menelaus in Euripides' Helen?
Helen never went to Troy
How does Menelaus finally recognize the true Helen in Euripides' Helen?
He learns that the phantom Helen has disappeared
According to Herodotus, who does NOT have a hand in the abductions of Greek and Asian princesses?
Why do the gods attend the marriage of Peleus and Thetis?
Because Thetis is a goddess
Who is Chryses?
The priest of Apollo who asks for the return of his daughter
According to Catullus, which god bears marks of his former punishment when he arrives to honor Peleus and Thetis?
What, according to Achilles, are in the two jars of Zeus?
Good things and evil things
How does Achilles demonstrate his anger towards Agamemnon in the Iliad?
He refuses to fight
Why, according to the Persians, do the Greeks bear the responsibility for the conflict between Greece and Asia?
They launch a military expedition over the abduction of Helen
According to the Phoenicians, why did Io leave Argos?
She was pregnant by the ship's captain
According to Catullus, the Parcae prophesy that the child of Peleus and Thetis will do all of the following EXCEPT
He will come home from the Trojan War
In Homer's Iliad, why does Achilles not kill Agamemnon in anger?
Because Athena stops him
What does Calchas say to the army at the beginning of Homer's Iliad?
That Apollo is angry that Agamemnon dishonored his priest
Why does Priam travel to Achilles' tent at the end of the Iliad?
To ransom the body of his son
Who is the mother of Achilles?
Who are the three goddesses whom Paris must judge?
Hera, Athena, & Aphrodite
What do the Parcae mean when they say "Scamander's wave shall witness to his great virtues"?
Achilles will battle bravely at Troy
What is the name of the Scyrian princess Achilles loves?
In Statius' Achilleid, Achilles' dancing is likened to the behavior of what Theban king?
To whom does Jupiter himself "resign his love", according to Catullus?
Who do the chorus of Euripides' Andromache refer to as "she who gave birth to this evil"?
Whom do the Argonauts see when they are sailing to Colchis, Aeetes' land?
The Nereids
In Euripides' Helen, what does Helen mean when she says "A name can do what a body never could?"
That her phantom was in Troy while she was in Egypt
Who or what is Ida?
A mountain near Troy
Who is Thetis' grandmother?
According to Herodotus, from which city do the Phoenicians abduct the king's daughter?
Why do Achilles and Agamemnon argue in the Iliad?
Because Agamemnon takes Achilles' war prize
On what island does Thetis hide Achilles in hopes of keeping him from sailing to Troy?
In Euripides' Andromache, what did Cassandra warn the elders of Troy?
That Paris would bring ruin to the city
What catches Ulysses' attention about Achilles' performance during the dance in Statius' Achilleid?
He isn't very good
In Catullus 64, what does Penios bring as a wedding gift?
Who is Tyndareus?
Leda's mortal husband, the foster father of Helen
In the passage from Herodotus' Histories, who is the daughter of the king of Colchis?
To which of the following animals does Statius' Achilleid liken Achilles when he picks up the shield and spear?
A lion
In the Aeneid, whom does Pyrrhus kill in front of his victim's parents?
Whom does Athena visit after her conversation with Zeus at the beginning of the Odyssey?
Odysseus' son, Telemachus
In the Odyssey, where does Athena tell Telemachus to go for news of his father?
Pylos and Sparta
In the Aeneid, what does Priam do when he realizes that Troy has fallen?
He puts on his sword and armor
Why does Orestes refuse to call Clytemnestra "mother"?
He is ashamed of her behavior
Iphianassa (Iphigenia) is Agamemnon's
Eldest child
Why, according to Orestes, should Menelaus save him?
Because Orestes' father sacrificed another child, Iphigenia, to help Menelaus
Who is the father of Pyrrhus?
When the disguised Athena talks to Telemachus in the Odyssey, where does she say Laertes is?
living in the country
Which of the following is NOT true of Aegisthus?
He fought at Troy
Why do the people weep when they see Iphianassa (Iphigenia)?
They know she is to be sacrificed
Why did Orestes kill his mother?
To avenge the murder of his father, Agamemnon
In the Underworld in the Odyssey, What does Agamemnon tell Achilles about his funeral?
that his ashes were mixed with those of Patroclus
Why are the men in Odysseus' house called "suitors"?
Because they wish to marry Odysseus' wife, Penelope
According to the Odyssey, how does Thetis show her grief for her son?
she brings the other Nereids to sing a dirge
In the Underworld in the Odyssey, what does Agamemnon say about Penelope's behavior?
That she is "a woman beyond reproach"
Why does Tyndareus want to see Orestes dead?
Orestes killed his daughter, Clytemnestra
Lucretius remarks that Iphianassa (Iphigenia) is the right age to
Be married
What did Ulysses and Diomedes steal from Troy?
The Palladium, a statue of Minerva
Which god's anger has delayed Odysseus' return to Ithaca?
Why does Orestes speak of "pollution"?
He has incurred a blood guilt because of the murder of his mother
Where does the sacrifice of Iphianassa (Iphigenia) take place?
What is the main subject of the Odyssey?
Odysseus' homecoming
Whom does Orestes claim ordered him to kill his mother?
What horror does the Cyclops visit on Odysseus' men?
He eats them
Where is Odysseus when the action of the Odyssey begins?
Trapped on the island of Calypso
In the Odyssey, what does Proteus tell Menelaus about why Poseidon sent (Lesser) Ajax to his death?
that Poseidon was going to save Ajax, but then Ajax began to boast
Why can't Odysseus kill the Cyclops?
Otherwise he and his men would be trapped in the cave
Why does Menelaus say he cannot go to war for Orestes?
Because he has no resources and is tired from his wanderings
What feat does Odysseus accomplish before he reveals his true identity to the suitors?
He shoots an arrow through twelve axeheads
In the Aeneid, how does Pyrrhus respond to Priam's charge that Pyrrhus is unworthy of his father?
He tells Priam to tell his father when they meet in the underworld
What course of action does Menelaus suggest?
Patience and persuasion
In the Aeneid, when the Trojans are trying to decide what to do with the Horse, what advice does Laocoon give?
Don't trust gifts from Greeks.