English Argumentative Strategies

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Subject, Occasion (why written), Audience, Purpose (what are you tryna get the people to do)

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Appeals to Emotion (Pathos)

Writers may appeal to fear, anger or joy to sway their readers. They may also add climax or excitement. This technique strongly connects to the essay's mood. Fear is a particularly strong emotional appeal. Writers use fear to warn that disaster will result if their course of action is not followed.  

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Appeals to Authority (Ethos)

A writer may mention an important event or person in an essay to lend importance or credibility to his/her argument. Also shown when a writer indicates his/her own knowledge, experience, and education to build their own personal credibility. 

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Appeals to Logic (Logos)

The use of facts, data, and unarguable and logical reasoning to support a claim. This is also seen in strong organization. 

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Word Choice/Diction

Is a person "slim" or "skinny"? Is an oil spill an "incident" or an "accident"? Is a government expenditure an "investment" or a "waste"? Writers tend to reinforce their arguments by choosing words that will influence their readers’ perception of an item or issue. Diction may also help to establish a writer's "Voice" or "Tone".

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Rhetorical Question

Sometimes a writer will ask a question to which no answer is required. The writer implies that the answer is obvious; the reader has no choice but to agree with the writer's point.

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Overly repetitive writing can become tiresome. However, when used sparingly for effect, it can reinforce the writer's message and/or entertain the reader. Writers may repeat a word, a phrase or an entire sentence for emphasis.

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When an author creates a "balanced" sentence by re-using the same word structure, this is called parallelism. Always strive for parallelism when using compound or complex sentences.

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A comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.This tool is not limited to poets. Essay writers often use figures of speech or comparisons (simile, metaphor, personification) for desired emphasis.

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By using a less severe word, writers try to make an unpleasant reality more palatable.  For example, “The War Department” was changed to “The Department of Defense” in the 1940s.

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Irony is present if the writer’s words contain more than one meaning. This may be in the form of sarcasm, gentle irony, or a pun (play on words). It can be used to add humor or to emphasize an implied meaning under the surface. The writer's "voice" becomes important here. 

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This is one of the most enjoyable persuasive techniques. It involves completely overstating and exaggerating your point for effect. (Like when your mom says, "I must have asked you a million times to clean your room!" Get it?)

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Everyone else is doing it, and so should you.

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Name-calling links a person to a negative idea or symbol. (“Commie,” “Terrorist,” “Bum”)

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Counterargument aka Concession

A very brief acknowledgement of your opposing side’s point of view. 

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Rebuttal aka Refutation

Your written proof of why your side is still better. 

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Call to Action

A short, action-oriented sentence that encourages your audience to go out and act on the topic you’ve been arguing about. These are usually at the end of your argumentative text.

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