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Warren G. Harding
29th President from 1921 until death in 1923
period of postwar recovery
ruined by scandals
Kellogg-Briand Pact
International agreement aimed at preventing war
62 nations signed
renounce war as a solution
Teapot Dome Scandal
Major political scandal where Secretary of the Interior, Albert B. Fall, illegally leased Navy petroleum reserves to private oil companies for bribes
during Hardingās presidency
Calvin Coolidge
30th president following Hardingās death
quiet, pro-business
oversaw Roaring 20s
limited government (laissez-faire)
Dawes Plan of 1924
Attempt to stabilize German economy and ease post-WWI tensions
gives loans to Germany
help pay off German reparations to Britain and France
collapsed during Great Depression
Herbert Hoover
31st president from 1929 to 1933
led nation through onset of Great Depression
reluctant to intervene
Agricultural Marketing Act
Attempt to assist struggling farmers by stabilizing crop prices and creating cooperatives
purchase surplus crops (prevent price drops)
still failed
Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1930
Highest protective tariff in US history
meant to protect American industries by raising tariffs
collapsed World trade
worsened the Great Depression
Black Tuesday
October 29, 1929 - Stock market crashed
signaled beginning of the Great Depression
panic selling, bank failure, massive unemployment
Makeshift shantytowns that emerged during Great Depression
unemployed and homeless build scrap shelters
unsanitary + dangerous
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Provide financial support to struggling banks, businesses, and state governments
during Great Depression
under Herbert Hoover
Bonus Army
Group of 43,000 WWI veterans (+ their families) marching to Washington D.C.
demanded early payment of promised war bonuses