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Why are ideas in science constantly changing?
scientists are constantly testing, debating, and revising scientific explanations
Science deals only with the ___ world.
What are observations?
information gathered by your senses
What are inferences?
logical interpretations based on what is already known
What is a hypothesis?
a tentative explanation that can be tested
What is an independent variable?
variable that is manipulated
What is a dependent variable?
variable that is measured
What is a constant variable?
variable that stays the same
What is qualitative data?
data that describes characteristics that can't be measured
What is quantitative data?
data that involves counting or measuring
What is a theory?
a well-tested explanation for a range of phenomena
What is bias?
showing preference towards toward a particular viewpoint.
Living things are made of self-contained units called...
Which type of reproduction involves two parents?
sexual reproduction
Which type of reproduction involves only one parent?
asexual reproduction
The directions for inheritance are carried on what molecule?
What are the characteristics of life?
Made of cells, reproduce, have DNA, grow and develop, use materials and energy (metabolism), respond to their environment, maintain a stable internal environment, grow and adapt over time
What is metabolism?
the combination of all chemical reactions of life processes
What is a stimulus?
a signal to which an organism responds
What is homeostasis?
maintaining a stable internal environment
What is evolution?
a group of organism's ability to change over time