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the goal of meiosis is to make ____________ gametes
Where is meiosis located?
girls: ovaries
boys: testes
what is the preparation order for meiosis
G1, S, G2
meiosis begins with a ____________ cell
how many times does meiosis go through PMAT?
what does meiosis I include?
Prophase I
Metaphase I
Anaphase I
Telophase I
(PMAT 1)
prophase I id the same as ___________ prophase?
in both mitosis prophase and prophase I the _____________ disappears
in both mitosis prophase and prophase I the DNA condenses into _____________________
in both mitosis prophase and prophase I the centrioles move to opposite ends of the cell and produce ___________ __________
spindle fibers
in the new steps of prophase I: _________________ chromosomes find each other
Crossing over can occur-when sister chromatids from homologous chromosomes "_______ _____" and exchange genes
"cross legs"
in metaphase I homologous pairs line up in the ___________ ___ _____ ______
middle of the cell
in anaphase I homologous pairs are _____________ and move towards opposite ends of the _____
separated; cell
in telophase I the cells begin to ________ apart
sometimes in telophase I a new ___________ forms
in telophase I these new cells are NOT ______________. They have _______ the original amount of DNA (1 set) and are now ___________.
identical; half; haploid
The steps of meiosis II are _______ _______ mitosis
just like
meiosis is just like __________, just with __ cells instead of 1
mitosis; 2
In between meiosis I and II, some _______ for a while, but many do not
the end result of meiosis is 4 ___________ cells (gametes)
Prophase II: chromosomes (in "___" shapes) _____________ further
X; condense
Metaphase II: Chromosomes line up in the ______________ ________ in the middle.
metaphase plate
Anaphase II: chromosomes are pulled apart and __________ chromosomes move to opposite sides of the cell.
Telophase II: each cell (remember-there are 2) divides and forms a nucleus and ______________, making 4 ____________ (single chromosome) daughter cells.
membrane; haploid
Where does spermatogenesis occur?
in males
What is the goal of spermatogenesis?
produce sperm that can travel long distances
spermatogenesis in meiosis produces __ evenly divided __________ cells
4; divided
Where does oogenesis occur?
in females
What is the goal of oogenesis?
to provide everything the baby needs initially
oogenesis in meiosis produces __ egg (with all the cytoplasm and organelles) and the rest are __________________ cells called _________ bodies
1; disposable; polar
structural mutations usually happen when a chromosome __________ and is incorrectly ____________
breaks; repaired
what are the types of structural mutations?
delation, translocation, and inversion
when a chromosome completely loses a segment
when part of a chromosome breaks off and attaches to a different chromosome
when part of a chromosome breaks and reattaches (to the same chromosome) upside down
what are the microstructural mutations?
Microinsertion, and
Frameshift mutation
Microdeletion is when 1 letter is _____________
Microinsertion is when 1 letter is ____________
when the 3 letter pattern shifts a letter because of an addition or subtraction
framshift mutation
Macromutations can't be seen in a _________________
numerical mutations happen when someone has ____ ______ or not ___________ chromosomes
too many; enough
what are the numerical mutations?
polyploidy; poly/monosomy; and nondisjunction
more than the correct # of sets
polyploidy is common in __________; and usually causes death in ____________
plants(often seedlesss); humans
Incorrect number of 1 chromosome only
what is an example of poly/monosomy
having 3 #21 chromosomes=having down syndrome
nondisjunction is a common cause of _______________ and ______________
polysomy and monosomy
in nondisjunction sometimes homologous pairs do not ______ correctly during Anaphase I. This leads to some ___________ getting 2 copies of the piece of DNA
split; gametes
After fertilization, nondisjunction can lead to disorders like _______ ______________, ________________ ________________, and _________ ______________.
Down Syndrome, Kleinfelder Syndrome, and Turner's Syndrome.
down's syndrome is a trisomy if the ___ chromosome
people with down's syndrome have ______ muscle tone (babies appear "___________")
low; floppy
people with down's syndrome have _______ facial features with a small _______
flat; nose
people with down's syndrome have an _____________ slant to the eyes
people with down's syndrome have small skin folds on the __________ corner of the eyes
people with down's syndrome may have _________ problems
turner syndrome is a _____ chromosome monosomy
in turners syndrome there is an ___ chromosome monosomy
X (means there is only one X)
turner syndrome occurs in __________
females (XO)
people with turner syndrome are ________
people with turner syndrome do not mature ____________
people with turner syndrome have some physical abnormalities including a _____________ ________
webbed neck
Kleinfelder's syndrome is a sex chromosome _______________
Kleinfelder's syndrome occurs in _______
males (XXY)
people with Kleinfelder's syndrome have enlarged __________
people with Kleinfelder's syndrome have sparse _________ and _________ ______
facial; body hair
people with Kleinfelder's syndrome have small _________
people with Kleinfelder's syndrome have an inability to produce __________
Kleinfelder's syndrome includes ______ (most common), XXXY, XXYY, XXXXY, XXXYY