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adam’s role
first man created by God, placed in the garden of eden
adam’s significance
his disobedience to God by eating the forbidden fruit is the fall of man, bringing death and sin into the world
eve’s role
the first woman created by God, made form Adam’s rib to companion him
eve’s significance
her decision to eat the forbidden fruit and offer it to Adam introduces sin into the world, her actions contribute to the fall of humanity
abraham’s role
the patriarch of the Hebrew people, chosen by God as the father of a great nation
abraham’s significance
his covenant with God establishes the foundation for the Israelites and the promise of land and descendants
sarah’s role
abraham’s wife and mother of Isaac, formerly known as sarai
sarah’s significance
pivotal part to the fulfillment of God’s covenant to Abraham, as she miraculously bears Isaac at an old age, matriarch of the Israelite nation
haggar’s role
sarah's maidservant who bore Abraham's first son, Ishmael, when sarah was unable to conceive, at sarah’s suggestion
haggar’s significance
her role highlights the consequences of human attempts to fulfill God’s promises through their own actions, rather than trusting God’s timing, important role in Abraham’s family lineage
Ishmael’s role
the first son of abraham and haggar, the servant
Ishmael’s significance
considered the ancestor of several arab nations and represents the theme of God's promise extending beyond Isaac, illustrating the complexity of divine plans
isaac’s role
the son of Abraham and Sarah, the child of promise through whom God's covenant is fulfilled, born miraculously in their old age
isaac’s significance
he is the continuation of God’s covenant with Abraham, represents the fulfillment of God’s promises and is a key figure in Israelite’s lineage
Rebekah’s role
Isaac’s wife and mother to Esau and Jacob
Rebekah’s significance
plays a pivotal role in God’s promise to Jacob, despite the cultural preference to her older son Esay, manipulating the lineage
jacob’s role
Isaac and Rebekah’s younger son and the father of the twelve tribes of Israel
jacob’s significance
his life and his twelve sons are central to the formation of the nation of Israel, his story illustrates themes of redemption and God’s faithfulness
rachel’s role
jacob’s beloved wife and the mother of Joseph and Benjamin
rachel’s significance
Jacob's favorite wife and the mother of two of the most prominent tribes of Israel, Ephraim and Manasseh, her longing for children which eventually led to her death in childbirth represents maternal love and sacrifice
Leah’s role
jacob’s first wife and the mother of his six sons, rachel’s sister
Leah’s significance
the mother of six of the twelve tribes of Israel, including Judah, from whom King David and ultimately Jesus are descended, her relationship with Jacob highlights themes of love, jealousy, and God’s sovereignty
tamar’s role
the widow of Judah’s sons, who secures her place in david’s lineage by tricking Judah into fathering her child
tamar’s significance
she is the first woman listed in the genealogy of Jesus Christ, she challenged societal norms as she takes initiative to ensure her family line continues
joseph’s role
the favored son of Jacob, sold into slavery by his brothers and later becomes the second-in-command in Egypt
joseph’s significance
his rise to power saves his family (who betrayed him) from famine, fulfilling God’s plan for Israel’s survival
moses’s role
the leader chosen by God to free the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and to lead them to the promised land
moses’s significance
led the Israelites, out of slavery, received the Ten Commandments, taught the Israelites to serve God, and took them to the promised land
aaron’s role
moses’s brother and the first high priest of Israel
aaron’s significance
important role in establishing the priestly system in Israel and aiding Moses in leading the Israelites
Joshua’s role
Moses’s chosen successor who leads the Israelite’s to the promised land
Joshua’s significance
his military conquests and leadership solidify Israel’s claim to the land, his obedience to God symbolize faithful leadership and fulfillment of god’s promises to Israel
rahab’s role
Canaanite woman who helps Israelite spies in jericho, who declares her faith in the God of Israel, marries Solomon and births Boaz
rahab’s significance
her faith in the God of israel highlight God’s willingness to show mercy to outsiders, she becomes part of the genealogy of Jesus, showing God’s inclusion
naomi’s role
mother in law of ruth who returns to Bethlehem after the death of her husband and sons
naomi’s significance
her story reflects themes of loss, hope, and redemption, her relationship with ruth leads to the restoration of her family and the lineage that leads to king David
ruth’s role
a moabite widow who chooses to stay with her mother in law, Naomi, and eventually marries Boaz
ruth’s significance
her faithfulness and devotion to Naomi bring her into the lineage of David, she symbolizes love, loyalty, and God’s providence
Boaz’s role
wealthy relative of Naomi who marries ruth and redeems her family’s land
Boaz’s significance
his marriage to ruth marks redemption and leads to the birth of obed (david’s grandfather), model of generosity and integrity
Samuel’s role
a prophet and the last judge of Israel, anointing Saul and David as kings
Samuel’s significance
played a major role in transitioning Israel from a theocracy to a monarchy, his role in anointing David establishes his covenant and sets the stage for the messiah
Saul’s role
the first king of Israel, chosen by God but later rejected due to his disobedience
Saul’s significance
his reign marks the beginning of Israel’s monarchy, but his failures serve as a warning about the dangers of disobedience and self-reliance
david’s role
the second king of Israel, and the ancestors of Jesus
david’s significance
the king who united Israel and establishes a dynasty, his covenant with God promises that his descendants will rule forever, a promise fulfilled in Jesus
Bathsheba’s role
the wife of David and the mother of Solomon
Bathsheba’s significance
her relationship with David begins with adultery and leads to the birth of Solomon, who becomes king, highlights themes of sin and redemption
solomon’s role
son of David and bathsheba, second and last king of a unified Israel
solomon’s significance
king of Israel who built the first temple in Jerusalem, known for his wisdom
job’s role
a man who suffers immense personal loss and physical affliction but remains faithful to God
job’s significance
his endurance through suffering emphasize the importance of maintaining faith in adversity, story represents suffering, faith, and the mystery of God’s will
isaiah’s role
a prophet who speaks God’s messages of judgment and hope to Israel
Isaiah’s significance
one of the major prophets who shapes Israel, foretelling the coming of the Messiah, emphasizes the holiness of God and the promise of a coming savior
pentateuch characteristics
contain laws, genealogies, narratives, and instructions, foundational books, lay the groundwork for creation, fall of man, and establishment of Israel, focus on covenantal relationships
pentateuch books
genesis, exodus, Leviticus, numbers, deurteronomy
historical books characteristics
focus on Israel’s history, details the rise and fall of kingdoms and God’s interactions, emphasizing faithfulness/lack thereof to God’s covenant, focus on God’s sovereignty, blend narrative and genealogy
books in historical books
Joshua, judges, ruth, first Samuel, second Samuel
Biblical poetry characteristics
characterized by parallelism, vivid imagery, and rhythm, uses rhetorical language, deeply connected to worship and prayer, explore God’s greatness, justice, and mercy
biblical poetry books
psalms, Song of Solomon
wisdom literature characteristics
provides guidance for living a Godly and moral life, practical approach to the pursuit of wisdom, focuses on themes such as fear of the Lord, pursuit of knowledge, and consequences for righteous/unrighteous living
wisdom literature books
proverbs, job
prophetic literature characteristics
contains writing of the prophets, poetic writing style that includes visions and oracles, follows pattern of confrontation, repentance, redemption, call people to obey God’s laws
prophetic literature books
Isaiah, jeremiah
genesis 2:18-23
God recognizes that it’s not good for man to be alone, so he creates a woman from Adam’s rib, bringing her to him, and Adam names women
Genesis 12:1-3
God instructs Abraham to leave his country, family, and home to go to a land God will show him, promising him a great nation
Genesis 16:1-6
Sarai suggests to Abram that he have a child with her Egyptian slave (Hagar) to which he agrees and Hagar conceives
Genesis 24:12-14
Abraham’s servant prays to God, asking for guidance in finding a wife for Isaac, and proposes a test: if a woman offers him a camel’s water, she is the one God has chosen for Isaac
Genesis 39:1-6
Joseph (slave in Egypt) is bought by Potiphar and finds favor with his master who puts him in charge of his household and possessions
Exodus 3:13-15
Moses asks God his name, and he responds with “I AM WHO I AM”
Exodus 21:28-30
if an ox gores a person to death, the ox is stoned to death and the owner is only liable if they knew and didn’t take precaution
Exodus 32:21-24
occurs after the Israelites worship the golden calf, Moses confronts Aaron about his role in leading the people to idolatry
Joshua 2:8-11
after hiding the Israelite spies, rahab goes to the roof and confesses her faith in the God of Israel
ruth 1:16-17
ruth expresses her unwavering loyalty to Naomi by declaring she will follow Naomi wherever she goes, and that Naomi’s people/God will be her own
1 Samuel 8:19-21
the Israelites (despite Samuel’s warnings) insist on having a king, demanding to be like other nations with a leader to judge and fight their battles, and Samuel reports this to the Lord
2 Samuel 6:20-22
David returns home to bless his household, but his wife Michal scolds him for his joyful dancing, deeming it undignified for a king
job 38:2-7
God questions Job about his knowledge of the creation of the earth, following Job questioning what was the point of his suffering in God’s plan
Proverbs 1:7
the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, fools despise wisdom and instruction