list the organs in the digestive tract
oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines, rectum
the movement of nutrients across digestive epithelium into capillaries
this converts pepsinogen into pepsin
this structure absorbs fatty acids that cannot pass through blood capillaries
lymph vessel
expulsion of fecal matter from the body
defecation (pooping)
the three divisions of small intestines in order
duodenum, jejunum, ileum
where proteins are digested
the part of the colon that empties into the rectum
sigmoid colon
this enzyme begins the digestion of starches in the oral cavity
salivary amylase
the structure that collects urine from the minor and major calyces
renal pelvis
exocrine cells of the pancreas secretes enzymes into digestive tract
pancreatic acinar/acini
the innermost layer of the digestive tract that produces mucous
the cell produces bile
this type of tooth is responsible for tearing and shredding
the enzyme that first chemically digests proteins
the nephron structure in which secretion takes place
DCT collecting duct
plays the primary role in digestion and absorbtion of nutrients
small intestine
a tooth used for cutting
the portion of the nephron that recieves filtrate from the blood
bowmans capsule
the enzymatic breakdown of food from small pieces into their monomers
chemical digestion
the tube that drains urine from nephron
collecting duct
after processing in stomach with gastric juices, its called
structure that stores bile
this cell secretes pepsiogen
chief cells
the structure responsible for elimination of urine