Please don't judge me
Grover Cleveland
Who was the first President to serve 2 terms non-consecutively?
Andrew Carnegie, John D, Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan
Who were the 3 Titans?
Andrew Carnegie
Who made his fortune in Steel?
John D. Rockefeller
Who made his fortune in oil and Kerosine?
John D. Rockefeller
Who was the first billionaire and is considered the riches man in modern history?
J. P. Morgan
Who made his fortune in banking?
J. P. Morgan
Who bought Carnegie’s steel company and made it the first billion-dollar company?
William Mckinley
Who was the 3rd president to be assassinated?
As a result of who’s assassination did the secret service start protecting the President?
Who’s was the first inauguration to be filmed?
How a government buys and sells goods is called its type of what?
At the federal level, we are a __?
At the state level, we are a __?
Which type of government will you typically see during the transition from one government to another?
What simply means “without rule”?
In what form of government does the power lie with the head of state?
In what form of government does the power lie with the dictator?
What economic system uses private ownership of companies and free markets?
Free Market
What is it called when prices are determined by supply and demand?
“From each according to his ability, to each according to his DEEDS”
“From each according to his ability, to each according to his NEEDS”
What is usually defined as redistribution of wealth?
Leon Czolgosz
Who assassinated William McKinley?
Karl Marx
Who is known as the father of Communism?
Wounded Knee
What was the last armed conflict between the white man and the Indian?
Ghost Dance
What was the religious dance started by Wovoka claimed to have seen visions of God with the Indians being able to return to their form state?
Battle of Little Big Horn
Colonel Custer and 264 memebers of his regiment were wiped out by the Sioux led by Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull
Sand Creek Massacre
Black Kettle’s group was killed by Colonel J. M. Chivington while under the impression that they were safe
Decimation of the Buffalo
White desire for buffalo skin coats, along with the disappearance of the open plains, led to the decimation of the buffalo herds
Who was the Paiute Responsible for the Ghost Dance?
Who succeeded Cochise and refused to be a part of the reservation. He fought on for nearly 15 years before surrendering refusing to live on a reservation?
Who was the Apache Chief who accepted a treaty with the whites that allowed their reservation to be part of the tribe’s original land?
Chief Joseph
Who was the Nez Perce leader who almost made it to the Canadian border?
General Custer
Who led the 7th Cavalry and was killed, along with all of his men at Little Bighorn?
Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull
Who were two Sioux leaders at the Battle of Little Bighorn
Red Cloud
Who was the Sioux Indian who led a group of indians who terrorized the soldiers and construction workers of the Boseman trail in Montana?
Colonel J. M. Chivington
Which colonel led a volunteer militia who killed 133 of Black Kettle’s peolple? (105 of them were women)
Black Kettle
Who was the Cheyenne Indian seeking peace at Fort Lyon under the assumption that thye should be safe?
Little Crow
Who was the Sioux Indian who led a massacre of 700 whites during the Civil War?