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A South American Native Tribal Group
A South American Native Tribal Group
A South American Native Tribal Group
Iriqouis Confederecy
The combination of multiple tribes in the NY area
Native tribe in the Midwest
A Native Tribe in the Southwest Region (Specifically Modern day NM)
Three Sisters
Corn, Squash/Pumpkins, Beans
Christopher Columbus
A European Explorer funded by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to venture across the Atlantic in search of new trade routes to the Indies. He landed in the Bahamas and started the exploration of the new world and the torture of Native Americans.
Columbian Exchange
The contact between native Americans and Europeans, resulting in the exchanges of Crops, Animals, and Disease
Bartolome de Las Casas
A Spanish Explorer and settler who advocated for better conditions of Native Americans.
Casta System
The Social Hierarchy system created by the Spanish to set distinct ethnic groupings. Bottom → Pure African and Natives ; Next → Mixed (Spanish and African(Mestizos)/Native(Mulatoes)) Heritiges ; Next → Creoles (Spanish Decent but born in the colonies/Americas) top → Purley Spanish Heritage
Middle Passage
The difficult voyage across the Atlantic, taking enslaved Africans from Africa to the Americas. 10-15% of slaves died on board due to harsh conditions.
Protestant Reformation
The Revolt of the Spanish Catholics against the muslims
Henry the Navigator
Prince of Portugal. Helped fund many voyages across the Atlantic.
Chattel Slavery
the most common form of enslavement of Indians and Africans
Joint Stock Market
The company that allowed for investors to privately invest money into voyages across the Atlantic, which minimizes the losses for investors
Samuel de Champlain
The former governor of new france
New France
The area of the Americas (NY Harbor and St. Lawrence River) colonized by france
New Netherelands
The Area of the Americas (Hudson River/Albany, and Manhattan) colonized by the dutch
Treaty of Tordesillas
the Line settling the land controlled by the Spanish and the Portuguese. The Pope set this line.
Valladolid Debate
The debate for whether or not Natives deserved to be treated equally
Encomienda System
The system in which the Native indians were enslaved by the spaniards
Pueblo Revolt/Pope’s Rebellion
The revolt against the Spanish. The Pueblos were mad at the Spanish for encroaching on their territory. The Pueblos shocked the Spanish and pushed them out of NM. Unfortunately, the Spanish reinvaded the Pueblos and took control.