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sacrifice, die, priest, martyr of charity
The humility and ___ of Jesus Christ has inspired many people to live and ___ for him. Maximilian Kolbe, a Polish Franciscan ___, asked to die for another man at Auschwitz. He was canonized as a “___ ___ ___” by Pope John Paul II in 1982.
redemptive, saving plan
Christ’s ___ Death on the cross was part of the mystery of God’s ___ ___ of Salvation, promised to humanity immediately after the Original Sin of Adam and Eve.
humankind, son, lamb of god, paschal lamb, passover
God did not abandon ___. He sent his ___ to redeem us from our sins. Jesus was the ___ ___ ___, the Suffering Servant, who bore the sins of the people and the ___ ___ ___, the symbol of Israel’s Redemption at the first ___.
god’s love, redeemed, communion, beyond doubt
Jesus showed us the depth of ___ ___ by his Passion and Death. His sacrifice ___ us, took away our sins, and restored us to ___ with God. Jesus chose to be crucified to prove ___ ___ his immense love for us.
True or False? Jesus took on our guilt and died a death we deserve.
to prove beyond doubt his immense love for us
Why did Jesus choose to be crucified?
paschal, heart, oldest, early, liturgy
The ___ Mystery of Christ’s Passion, Death, and Resurrection is the ___ of the Gospel. The Passion narratives were probably the ___ stories about Jesus proclaimed by the ___ Church—they were formed and added very quickly to the ___.
the offer of wine
the division jesus’ garments
the presence of two robbers
the reactions of the mockers
the darkness
jesus’ final prayer
the offer of vinegar
the loud cry of jesus
the tearing of the temple veil
What are the 9 Old Testament Prophesies fulfilled in Jesus’ passion?
passover, israelites, colt, zechariah 9:9, prophet
Jesus enters Jerusalem during the week before ___, the feast that celebrates God’s deliverance of the ___ from slavery into freedom. Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a ___, fulfilling the prophecy of ___, and the crowds greet Jesus as a ___.
moneychangers, den of thieves, israel, enrages
Jesus enters the Temple area and drives out the ___. His charge that the Temple had become a ___ ___ ___ showed that he had authority over the religious practices of ___, a fact that ___ the religious leaders.
True or False? The plan to arrest Jesus without causing an uprising, failed.
they question things like the source of his teaching authority, his views on beliefs like the resurrection of the dead, and whether it is lawful to pay taxes to rome or not. they are also upset by jesus’ criticism of their hypocrisy
Why do the Pharisees and Herodians also oppose Jesus?
they saw jesus as a threat to the civil order and a danger to their position of leadership
Why did the Sadducees oppose Jesus?
commends, anoints, oil, foreshadows, faith, mission
Jesus ___ the generous actions of the anonymous woman who ___ his head with expensive ___ at Bethany. It ___ the anointing of his body after his Death. This woman of simple ___ recognizes Jesus’ true identity and ___ when so many others do not.
passover meal, eucharist, new life, all believers
Jesus celebrates a ___ ___ with his Apostles where he instituted the ___, a celebration of Jesus’ Passover from death to ___ ___ and the gift of himself to ___ ___ under the forms of bread and wine.
True or False? The Eucharist that Christ instituted at the Last Supper is the memorial of his sacrifice.
mount of olives, trials, reassures, galilee, re-gather
On the way to the ___ ___ ___ Jesus predicts that the disciples will flee during the coming ___. But he also ___ them that after his Resurrection, he will go before them to ___ where he will ___ his flock.
my father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; yet, not as i will, but as you will
What is the perfect prayer of Jesus that he prayed in the garden?
false evidence, death penalty, current high priest, messiah, he is
During his trial Jewish officials try to obtain ___ ___ against Jesus in order to pronounce a ___ ___ against him. Joseph Caiaphas, the ___ ___ ___, asks Jesus if he is the ___, the Son of God. Jesus affirms that ___ ___.
True or False? Under Jewish law, blasphemy was punishable by death.
peter’s repentance and sorrow at his betrayal is in stark contrast of judas who, once he realized his sin, despairs and commits suicide
How does Peter’s betrayal contrast to that of Judas?
roman laws of occupation in effect, prefect, crimes, sanhedrin’s, blasphemy, seditious
Under ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___, only the Roman ___ had the right to inflict the death penalty for ___ of a nonreligious nature. While Pilate would have scoffed at the ___ charge of ___, accusing Jesus of trying to usurp the emperor was ___ and a capital offense.
false, he portrays him as arrogant and cruel
True or False? The Jewish historian Josephus portrays Pontius Pilate as humble and kind.
True or False? All the Gospels portray Pilate as cynical—he knows Jesus is innocent, yet he fails to follow his conscience.
responsibility, passover, crowd, barabbas, criminal, riots
Pilate schemes to escape his ___ by involving a ___ of freeing a prisoner of the citizen’s choosing. He thinks the ___ might call for Jesus to be released, but they choose ___, a ___ responsible for inciting ___, instead.
charge, crowd’s cry, sedition, crucifixion, king of the jews
Jesus accepts Pilate’s ___ that he is King of the Jews. Pilate caves into the ___ ___ and pronounces Jesus guilty of ___, has him scourged, and hands him over for ___. Pilate’s soldiers mock Jesus, calling him “___ ___ ___ ___.”
usually by dehydration, loss of blood, shock, and respiratory arrest
What was the usual cause of death for a person who is crucified?
it symbolizes his utter agony as a human being who cries out to his god for help
What is the significance of Jesus’ last words: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
the days of the old covenant have ended
What does the split of the veil in the Temple’s sanctuary symbolize?
our lady, the immaculate conception, the blessed mother, the mother of the church, ever virgin, the queen of heaven and earth, advocate, helper, benefactress, and mediatrix
What are the many titles of Mary listed by the author?
new stage, resurrection, roman centurion, feared, signifigance
Mathew shows how Jesus’ Death launches a ___ ___ in history, a stage that will result in the ___ of the dead. His Gospel reports how the ___ ___ and his men greatly ___ the events they are witnessing and immediately understand their ___.
false, mary magdalene; mary, the mother of james and joseph; and the most of the sons of zebedee, the apostles james and john; mary the blessed mother; and the beloved disciple, likely john
True or False? Everyone abandons Jesus at his crucifixion.
joseph of arimathea, disciple, not approve, jesus’ body, new tomb
Pilate releases the body of Jesus to ___ ___ ___, a wealthy ___ of Jesus and member of the Sanhedrin who did ___ ___ of the council’s condemnation of Jesus. He hurriedly wraps ___ ___ on Friday afternoon and places it in a ___ ___ in the rock.
after jesus’ resurrection non believers could never produce jesus’ body even though they knew where he was buried
What is important about the fact that Pilate refuses the request of the Pharisees to post a guard at the tomb?
footsteps, discern, following, offering, disappointments
Jesus’ showed us the way he wants us to walk in his ___. We do this by trying to ___ what God wants us to do and then ___ the path he has in store for us, including ___ any sufferings and ___ that come our way.
the blessed mother who, as she stood beneath the cross quietly, endured the death of her son
Who is our model?