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Josip Tito

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Josip Tito

“I am a communist, but I am not in the Warsaw Pact” Ruled Yugoslavia, and it wasn't part of the Warsaw Pact

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Lech Walesa

Former president of Poland and was a Polish statesman that organized solidarity.

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General MacArthur

American General that commanded Allied troops in the Southwest pacific in WW2 he overlooked the Allied occupation after the war with Japan and led the United Nations into the Korean War.

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“Glasnost and Perestroika!”A new leader who came to power in the USSR and was eager to bring reforms. Created Glasnost and Perestroika to reform the Communist party of the Soviet

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A military alliance formed by the United States, Canada, and ten other countries. This alliance was created for all members to aid each other if any one of them were attacked.

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Warsaw Pact

A military alliance formed by the Soviet Union as a response to the creation of NATO that included the Soviet Union, and seven satellites in Eastern Europe. Invoked by the Soviets It cemented the division of Europe between the Eastern and Western blocs.


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Marshall Plan

$$ Big aid package to strengthen democratic governments made by the U.S.It helped people across Europe to rebuild and recover after WW2.

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Truman Doctrine/Containment

Containing communism / keeping it within its existing boundaries At the time it referred to eastern Europe This would lead to the Berlin Airlift Vietnam The policy was not able to stop communism from reaching China (but that was another type of communism)

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Berlin Blockade / Berlin Airlift

A blockade in Berlin to cutoff land and river transit between west Berlin and west Germany. The Soviet Union wanted to limit transportation of the US When Berlin was blockaded by the USSR, Western Allies came for support and aid.

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Berlin Wall

A big wall made of concrete topped off with barbed wire and patrolled by guards.In order to stop the flight, East Germany built a wall to weal off West Berlin and showed that workers, far from enjoying a communist paradise had to be forcibly kept from fleeting.

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Domino Theory (Vietnam)

A theory that if communism takes over Vietnam communism would soon take over southeast Asia like dominoes. American leaders didn’t want communism to spread, and they did everything in their power to prevent it from spreading

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Cuban Missile Crisis

Crisis formed when the Soviet Union sent nuclear missiles to Cuba, but the US demanded the Soviet Union to remove the missiles and therefore created a naval blockade on Cuba. This created a tense confrontation that almost started a nuclear war, until Khrushchev removed the missiles. - this crisis showed that neither the Soviet Union nor the US were ready to use nuclear weapons on each other for fear/war tactics.

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An era of relaxation of tensions formed by the Soviet Union and American arms - allowed the Americans to restrain the Soviet Union through diplomatic agreements rather than by military means.

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Glasnost and Perestroika!

Openness in Russian; a Soviet policy of greater freedom of expression introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev in the late 1980s - ended censorship and encouraged people to discuss the country's problems openly

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teheran Nov 43

where great britan,USA and ussr meet

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plans for reparations

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A bomb reveled to japan and ussr

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may 45

VE and VJ day

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April 49 USSr

detonates their first atomic bomb

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After ww2…

USA and ussr emerged as superpowers

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iron curtain

a boundary dividing Europe part communist and non communist

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to reduce the threat of war designed to shoot down missiles launched by hostile nations

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Ronald Reagan proposed..

a missile defense program called “star wars'“.

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Fidel castro

led a revolution in cuba and became its leader

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Spheres of influence

a country or area in which another country has power to influence developments although cannot enforce change

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