Cipher Suite: client sends SSL/TLS version and supported cipher suites, server sends back server cert and public key
Authentication: client validates server cert with CA and verifies server has public key
Key Exchange: client generates public key encrypted pre-master key and sends data
Hash function turns your data into a fix length value
Use case
Sending the hash value of the password so that the password is not actually stored on server
Check see if data has been altered
Digital signing a hash to make sure has is not altered
Supports automatic rotation through Lambda
Directly integrate with some AWS products like RDS
Which allows you to automatically rotate DB password and because it integrates with RDS directly, updating password is done for you
Applications can retrieve secrets by calling the Secrets Manager SDK or API
Since RDS is backed by EBS, RDS supports EBS volume encryption
Encryption cannot be removed once added
Oracle supports integration with CloudHSM
Transparent Data Encryption
Encryption is handled within the DB engine; data is secured the moment it is written
Supported on RDS SQL and Oracle DB types
Generate-db-auth-token: creates a token with 15 min validity which can be used in place of a DB user password
IAM policies are used to map IAM identities to DB users
Authorization is handled by the DB engine
Communication to Dynamo DB Endpoint is HTTPS
If data sent from user/CLI/Console/API, plaintext inside https tunnel
If data sent from encryption client, cipher text inside tunnel
Between Endpoint and the Table, not HTTPs. Either plaintext or cipher text depending on above source
Encryption at rest is mandatory
Streams, global tables, backups are all encrypted and use the same key as table
If a table uses CMK but that CMK is disabled or inaccessible for 7 days, that table is baked up and archived. To restore it you have to present the key.
Requires 8+ free IP addresses per subnet you plan to deploy a LB node in
Different listeners can have different SSL certs
Set of ciphers and protocols; when a server and client are setting up the SSL connection, client sends a cipher suite. Security policy tells what a load balancer can use from that cipher suite
Default ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08
Accessed through KMS specific APIs, not industry standards
Regional and Public service
When you delete a KMS generated key, it is mark for deletion for some time between 7-30 days. It is NOT immediately deleted
Perform cryptographic operations (encrypt and decrypt) inside KMS so key never leaves KMS
Provides FIPS 140-2 Level 2
50,000 GenerateDataKey API calls per second across us-east-1, us-west-2, eu-west-1
10,000 across us-east-2, ap-southeast-1&2, ap-northeast-1, eu-central-1, eu-west-1
5500 for all other regions
Contains Key ID, date, key policy, and state
Key encryption keys (aka KMS key) can be used for up to 4KB of data
Data encryption key
GenerateDataKey - works on > 4KB
It is generated using one of the keys KMS manages
Symmetric key
When DEK is generated, KMS generates plaintext for you to encrypt your data with (you do the encryption yourself)
KMS also provides a ciphertext version of your key for you to store with the encrypted data
When time to decrypt, you pass the ciphertext key to KMS and KMS does the decryption of just the key, and you take that and decrypt the rest of the data
AWS Managed Keys
Rotation required (once per year)
One per service per region
Cannot be used outside of the service of what it is created for
Key policy cannot be customized or changed
Customer Managed Key
More control such as key policy
Key policy has the ability to distrust an account entirely; meaning even the full admin access users can be denied
Supports cross-account access
Rotation is default but can be disabled
Can be deleted immediately but only deletes the key material. The key and metadata is kept to allow you to rotate the key because you can import a new key material but keep the same container
Manual key rotation
Use case: regulation, standardization across hybrid env
No portability: does not allow decryption outside of AWS
Cannot be restored after deletion period
Cannot be immediately deleted
RSA - encrypt/decrypt OR signing and verification
Elliptic Curve (ECC) - signing and verification
SM2 (only China region) - encrypt/decrypt OR signing and verification
Open source client side encryption library; can utilize KMS or not
Available in C, .NET, CLI, Java, Javascript, Python
Handles data keys and wrapping keys
Handles message formatting
Depending on your application, if you need high rate of generation of DEK, you might hit rate limit
CMC allows you to cache the DEK so that you don't reach limit of API calls
Can set max age threshold, max message encrypted, max bytes encrypted
Grants allow permissions on 1 KMS key
Ideal for temporary access and least permission access (where as key policies are long term)
Generally used by AWS services which us KMS
Only grant permission, no DENY
Eventual consistency - up to 5 minute propagation delay which can cause AccessDeniedError
You can choose to have a multi-region key upon key creation
Primary key in a primary region is replicated to other regions
Primary and Replica keys can be promoted/demoted
Same key ID
These are independent keys and merely replicas (i.e., the keys can be independently managed and have different enablement state, descriptions, tags, etc.)
Decreases latency
Active-Active application
Digital signing
Keys can be interacted with KMS API but encryption operations are done on CloudHSM
No shared HSMs
Only support symmetric keys, no multi-region, no auto key rotation
1 CloudHSM supports one custom key store
Passing an additional variable (hence, context) when encrypt/decrypt to ensure the integrity of data
For example, in a table, there is nothing preventing the same field of ciphertext replacing other fields. But if it was done through encryption context, even if the ciphertext was replaced, it would not be able to be decrypted because the corresponding variable would be different
A single tenant HSM (shared hardware)
A temper resistant hardware that AWS has no access to, it is customer managed
Fully FIPS 140-2 Level 3 compliant
Launched in a specific CloudHSM VPC managed by AWS
One AZ by default, you can create a cluster and make it multi AZ
Java Cryptography Extensions (JCE)
Microsoft CryptoNG (CNG) Library
Customer generate and manages keys
End user provides both key and objects to S3
Hash of the key is taken by S3 and attach it to the key after encryption, key is discarded after
S3 generates and manage a root key (KEK) and specific object encryption key (DEK)
Root key and object key are rotated and managed by S3, no visibility to end user
Root key is used to encrypt the object keys
NO control on how often the key is rotated, who has access to specific key (no key policies)
KMS generates/manages root key and generates data encryption key that it passes to S3 to use as object keys
Allows specific key policies so even someone with full S3 admin permissions may not be able to decrypt everything