controls cell activity
controls transcription
contains instructions to make proteins
pores allow movement into cytoplasm
nucleolus makes ribosomes
Modify, sorts and packages proteins and lipids from the ER for storage in the cell or secretion outside the cell
makes lysosomes
Stores materials such as water, salts, proteins and carbs; helps plants support heavy structures like leaves
maintains pressure and keeps cell rigid, prevent wilting
Prokaryotic cells are much smaller than eukaryotic cells. They also differ from eukaryotic cells in having:
cytoplasm that lacks membrane-bound organelles
smaller ribosomes
no nucleus; instead they have a single circular DNA molecule that is free in the cytoplasm and is not associated with proteins
a cell wall that contains murein, a glycoprotein
In addition, many prokaryotic cells have:
one or more plasmids
a capsule surrounding the cell (protection)
one or more flagella.
Consist of DNA or RNA core
Core is surrounded by a protein coat called capsid
Coat may be enclosed in a lipid envelope
attachment proteins
replicate only when they are in a living host cell
Virus attaches to host cell receptor proteins.
Genetic material released into host cell.
Genetic material and proteins replicated by host cell "machinery".
Viral components assemble.
Replicated virus released from host cell
microscope that forms an image by focusing beams of electrons onto a specimen
Transmission electron microscope:
transmit through, can see organelles, 2D
requires vacuum, thin and dead specimen
Scanning electron microscope:
scan beam of electron across specimen, electrons knocked off specimen
3D, can use thick specimens
lower resolution, dead specimen
Add drop of water to middle of clean slide. Cut onion, Separate into layers.
Place the thin tissue onto the water on the slide using tweezers
Add drop of iodine solution to act as stain.
Place cover tip and put pressure on it to get rid of air bubbles.
Homogenisation: breaking up cells membrane to release organelles, using blender and ice-cold, isotonic, buffer solution.
Filtration: remove large cell debris
Ultracentrifugation: spins solution at different speeds to separate organelles, heaviest organelle spun out first and forms pellet at bottom of tube whilst leaving the rest of the organelles in the supernatant.
order: nucleus, chloroplast, mitochondria, lysosomes, ER, ribosomes
Interphase: preparation for division so growth and DNA replication occur. G1 (cell grows and new organelles made), S (DNA replicates), G2 ( cells keeps growing and proteins made)
Prophase: chromosomes condense, nuclear envelope dissolves and centrioles form
Metaphase: chromosomes align along equator and centromere attach to spindle
Anaphase: sister chromatids pulled apart to opposite poles as spindles contract
Telophase: chromosomes at each end of cell, cell cleavage, nuclear membrane forms again, cytokinesis to produce 2 genetically identical daughter cells
cut 1 cm of root tip with scalpel (tip is where growth occurs)
boil in hcl for 5 mins
remove with tweezers and rinse with cold water and dry on paper towel
place on slide and cut 2mm
use mounted needle to break tip open and spread the cells flat on a slide
add stain to make chromosomes easier to see
add coverslip and view with an optical microscope
clip slide onto stage
select lowest objective lens
use coarse adjustment knob to move stage up
look down eyepiece and use coarse adjustment knob until roughly focuses slide
use fine adjustment knob till fully clear image
to increase magnification, use higher-powered objective lens
cut 5 equal pieces of beetroot
put one of each in a test tube containing 5cm^3 of water
set water baths at 10,20,30,40 and 50 degrees for set time
removes pieces from tube
colorimeter measures how much light is absorbed, use blue filter and distilled water to calibrate it
higher absorbance, the more pigment released and the higher the permeability
simple diffusion (involving limitations imposed by the nature of the phospholipid bilayer)
facilitated diffusion (involving the roles of carrier proteins and channel proteins)
osmosis (water potential)
active transport (involving the role of carrier proteins and the importance of the hydrolysis of ATP)
co-transport (illustrated by the absorption of sodium ions and glucose by cells lining the mammalian ileum).
conc gradient
thickness of exchange surface
Movement of specific molecules across cell membranes through protein channels down a concentration gradient.
carrier protein: large molecules
large molecule attaches to protein
protein changes shape
releases molecule other side
channel protein: charged particles
draw tangent
calculate gradient = change in y / change in x
line up 5 test tubes
add 10cm^3 of intial 2M sucrose solution to first tube and 5cm^3 of distilled water to the other 4
use a pipetter, draw 5cm^3 of first solution and add to second and mix
repeat process three more times to create solutions of 0.5M, 0.25M and 0.125M
x-axis is concentration of sucrose solution, y-axis is % change in mass
plot data
draw curve
Energy-requiring process that moves material across a cell membrane against a concentration difference from low to high.
carrier proteins
co-transporters: binds to molecules, the concentration gradient of one molecule is used to move the other against its concentration gradient.
sodium and glucose:
sodium actively transported out of cells into blood by SOPI pump
sodium diffuses from lumen into cell down concentration gradient with glucose through co-transporter
glucose diffuses out into the blood by facilitated diffusion
The faster the speed of individual carrier proteins, the faster the rate of active transport.
The higher the number of carrier proteins present, the faster the rate of active transport.
The faster the rate of respiration and the availability of ATP, the faster the rate of active transport.
phagocyte recognises foreign antigen
phagocyte engulfs in phagosome
lysosome fuses with phagosome
lysozymes released to hydrolyse and kill pathogen
phagocyte then present antigen on surface membrane
binds to complementary antigens presented on phagocyte
activates T-cell
T helper cells release chemical signals that activate and stimulate phagocytes and cytotoxic T cells which kill foreign and abnormal cells.
activates B cells
Activated by antigens and by Helper T cell cytokines
Antibodies on surface bind to complementary antigens
B cell becomes competent and divides by mitosis to undergo clonal selection
produce plasma cells and memory cells
Clone of B cell
secrete specific antibodies, monoclonal as produced from same B cell
antibody binds to antigen to form antibody-antigen complex
leads to agglutination which makes phagocytosis easier
Two parallel pairs of polypeptide chains;
One pair of heavy chains and One pair of light chains
Each chain contains:
constant region
Variable region
vaccine contains weakened pathogen
triggers primary immune response
memory cells produced and remain in blood for quick secondary response
pathogen destroyed before causes symptoms
herd immunity: 90% to protect vulnerable
animal testing
unknown side effects
who receives first
Monoclonal antibody = antibody produced from a single group of genetically identical B cells
detect pathogens (ELISA)
location of cancer cells
treat cancer
pregnancy tests
patient antigens bound to the inside of a well
antibody (attached to an enzyme) complimentary to the antigen is added
antibody binds to the antigen if present and is immobilised
wash out the well to remove unbound antibody
add a substrate which reacts with the enzyme to produce a colour change if antibody is still present
patient antigens bound to the inside of a well
antibody complimentary to the antigen is added
wash out the well to remove unbound antibody
second antibody (attached to an enzyme) complimentary to the first antibody is added
washed out the well again to remove unbound antibody
add a substrate which reacts with the enzyme to produce a colour change if antibody is still present
envelope on virus bind to CD4 on cell surface of helper T cells
virus fuses with the cell and releases capsid
reverse transcriptase copies the RNA viral into DNA
Integrase (viral enzyme) inserts the DNA into the host genome
viral proteins produced and assembled into more viruses
bud off from the cell to go infect more T cells
Antibiotics can't enter human calls - but viruses exists in its host cell
Viruses don't have own metabolic reactions which antibiotics target
If we did use them they'd act as a selection pressure + gene mutation = resistant strain of bacteria via natural selection → reducing effectiveness of antibiotics and waste money