CH 1: A General Service Law Enforcement Agency would be
CH 1: b. the local police department
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CH 1: A police officer is also known as
CH 1: e. peace officer
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CH 1: All police officers are peace officers, but all peace officers are not police officers. The legal status of peace officers is defined by
CH 1: c. statute
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CH 1: Attitudes toward the police are influenced by people's attitudes toward the
CH 1: a. policing system
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CH 1: Before we had the modern police, citizens were the primary agents of social control. How was behavior regulated?
CH 1: a. comments, warnings, and rebukes
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CH 1: Herman Goldstein developed P.O.P. This stands for
CH 1: d. Problem-oriented policing
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CH 1: Herman Goldstein developed the concept of
CH 1: c. problem-oriented policing
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CH 1: In order to carry out their responsibilities, police are heavily dependent upon
CH 1: a. citizens
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CH 1: In the Police Service Study (PSS), the researchers found that \________ percent of the total calls for police services involved a violent crime.
CH 1: e. 2
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CH 1: Jerome Skolnick asked the question
CH 1: d. "For which social purpose do police exist?"
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CH 1: Movies and television shows strengthen the impression that all police are highly successful in solving crimes, when in fact only \_____percent of all reported index crimes are solved.
CH 1: b. 20
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CH 1: Newport News, Virginia is noted for being one of the first experiments in
CH 1: c. problem-oriented policing
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CH 1: One of the more popular approaches to policing, which alters the basic organizational philosophy is known as
CH 1: b. community policing
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CH 1: One of the most enduring myths about policing is the police
CH 1: a. crime fighter image
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CH 1: One of the most important aspects of policing is that officers exercise enormous amounts of \________ in handling various situations
CH 1: a. discretion
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CH 1: One of the most important factors shaping the police role is
CH 1: c. the authority to use force
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CH 1: Only about \____________ of police officers' activities are devoted to criminal enforcement.
CH 1: c. one-third
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CH 1: P.O.P. in Newport News represented a whole new role for the police. Officers functioned as
CH 1: b. community organizers
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CH 1: P.O.P. represents a proactive approach, which is very different from the \__________ approach.
CH 1: c. reactive approach
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CH 1: People call the police because they want an officer to
CH 1: a. settle problems, restore calm, arrest or remove someone from the home
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CH 1: Police are the \___________ of the criminal justice system
CH 1: b. gatekeepers
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CH 1: Police contribute to social control through both
CH 1: d. law enforcement and order maintenance
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CH 1: Police departments around the world practice
CH 1: a. Problem-oriented policing
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CH 1: Police depend upon the public to
CH 1: d. all of these
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CH 1: Police regularly prevent crime, investigate crimes and apprehend criminals; maintain order and provide service. These activities would define them as a
CH 1: b. general service law enforcement agency
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CH 1: Policing is extremely complex, involving difficult questions about
CH 1: d. all of these
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CH 1: The belief that crime scene investigators play a major role in investigating and solving crimes is known as the
CH 1: d. CSI Effect
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CH 1: The decision by a police officer to make an arrest initiates most criminal cases. This factor makes police the \__________ of the criminal justice system.
CH 1: b. gate keepers
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CH 1: The emphasis on crime fighting also creates unrealistic public expectations about the ability of the police to
CH 1: a. catch criminals and prevent crime
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CH 1: The idea that the police are a "thin blue line" fighting a war on crime adds to their image as
CH 1: c. crime fighters
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CH 1: The police are part of the system of
CH 1: b. social control
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CH 1: The police task is to
CH 1: a. preserve the norms by deterring crime.
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CH 1: The policing approach that concentrates on relatively minor quality of life issues and is said to contribute to a significant reduction in serious crime is known as
CH 1: c. zero tolerance policing
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CH 1: The reality of policing is that the police play an extremely
CH 1: c. complex role by dealing with social issue of crime
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CH 1: Typical police officers fire their weapon \____________ times during their career.
CH 1: a. 0-1
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CH 1: What does our political system ensure where the police are concerned?
CH 1: b. public control and accountability of the police
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CH 1: What is the community policing movement attempting to accomplish?
CH 1: c. to restore and develop the citizen role as co-producers of police services
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CH 1: What percentage of all index crimes are cleared or solved?
CH 1: a. 20 percent
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CH 1: What police action initiates most criminal cases?
CH 1: c. filing a written report
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CH 1: Who is the author of the book Police for the Future?
CH 1: b. David H. Bayley
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CH 3: City police are the most important component of the law enforcement system as they
CH 3: c. represent the majority of all law enforcement agencies.
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CH 3: County police departments involve
CH 3: c. municipal police that operate on a countywide basis.
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CH 3: How is the role of each federal agency specified?
CH 3: b. by federal statute
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CH 3: In what way do sheriffs have a unique role?
CH 3: b. They serve all three components of the criminal justice system.
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CH 3: Regarding the private security industry, what are the minimum training standards required by most states for private security personnel?
CH 3: a. They are required to have firearms training and certification.
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CH 3: Sheriffs have a unique role in that they serve all three components of the criminal justice system
CH 3: d. law enforcement, courts, and corrections.
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CH 3: The agency having statewide police powers for traffic regulation and criminal investigation is known as
CH 3: b. state police
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CH 3: The annual average attrition rate for police is about five percent. Why, then, is hiring often delayed?
CH 3: b. Delays allow the city or county to cope with budget shortfalls.
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CH 3: The authors list two major remedies for issues associated with fragmentation. They are
CH 3: a. consolidation and contracting
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CH 3: The distinction between a law enforcement agency's approved allotment of officers and the number of officers currently employed is known as
CH 3: b. authorized strength.
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CH 3: The idea of consolidating several smaller agencies into larger ones is an effort to solve which problem?
CH 3: b. fragmentation
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CH 3: The office of Coroner/Medical Examiner is considered a law enforcement agency because the office has the responsibility to
CH 3: a. investigate crimes
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CH 3: The primary responsibility for police protection rests with which level of government?
CH 3: c. cities and counties
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CH 3: The process of replacing sworn officers with non-sworn personnel for certain positions is known as
CH 3: d. civilianization.
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CH 3: The standard measure for the level of police protection in a community, usually expressed as the number of sworn officers per thousand residents, is called the
CH 3: b. police-population ratio
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CH 3: There is no formal, centralized system for coordinating or regulating all of the different law enforcement agencies. This decentralization is known as
CH 3: a. fragmentation
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CH 3: U.S. Department of Justice SMART Policing Initiative grants are designed to encourage
CH 3: c. local police to focus their resources on places and people that are most responsible for crime and violence.
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CH 3: What act is responsible for launching the largest government reorganization at the federal level in recent decades?
CH 3: b. the Homeland Security Act
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CH 3: What are the most important set of national standards related to police procedures?
CH 3: a. the decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court
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CH 3: What authority do most campus police in large universities have?
CH 3: b. They have general arrest powers
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CH 3: What does most of a police agency's budget go toward?
CH 3: b. personnel costs
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CH 3: What does the emphasis on decentralized policing under the community policing policy suggest about small local law enforcement agencies?
CH 3: a. They might be preferable to large consolidated agencies.
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CH 3: What factors have contributed to the eradication of most of a constable's function?
CH 3: d. urbanization and growth of city departments
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CH 3: What is generally considered the most important component in American law enforcement?
CH 3: d. municipal police
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CH 3: What is the difference between federal and municipal agencies?
CH 3: c. Federal agencies do not have the order maintenance responsibilities.
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CH 3: What is the difference between state police and highway patrol?
CH 3: d. State police have statewide police powers for traffic and criminal investigations.
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CH 3: What is the major problem concerning the law enforcement fragmentation issue?
CH 3: d. A lack of communication between agencies in the same geographic area.
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CH 3: What is the most common administrative arrangement concerning the police agencies of Indian tribes?
CH 3: c. Agencies are created under the Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act.
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CH 3: What is the most important feature of the law enforcement industry?
CH 3: a. the tradition of local political control
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CH 3: What is the most important law Congress has passed that applies directly to state and local enforcement agencies?
CH 3: d. the 1964 Civil Rights Act
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CH 3: What is the most important role of state governments regarding law enforcement?
CH 3: b. to require the licensing or certification of all sworn officers
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CH 3: Which are the largest federal law enforcement agencies?
CH 3: c. the U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Federal Bureau of Prisons
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CH 3: Which of the following is not a category of state law enforcement?
CH 3: c. state guards
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CH 3: Why are civilians often utilized in police work?
CH 3: a. Civilians are less expensive than sworn officers.
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CH 3: Why are most departments below their authorized strength?
CH 3: d. This is due to retirements, resignations, and terminations.
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CH 3: Why does relying on the Supreme Court to define minimum standards for police have serious limitations?
CH 3: b. Most aspects of policing do not raise issues of constitutional law.
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CH 3: Why is it important to take an industry perspective on policing?
CH 3: c. The approach provides a comprehensive picture of all the different producers of police services.
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CH 3: Why is the legal status of the sheriff unique?
CH 3: a. In most states it is a constitutional office.
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CH 3: Why is the office of the coroner or medical examiner often considered a law enforcement agency?
CH 3: c. They have the responsibility to investigate crimes.
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CH 3: Why is there no agreement about the nature of federal law enforcement activities?
CH 3: a. Many federal agencies have enforcement or regulatory powers.
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CH 4: A police union is an
CH 4: d. organization legally authorized to represent police officers in collective bargaining.
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CH 4: A type of structure of police organizations consisting of officers from different ranks within the same agency is known as a
CH 4: a. task force
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CH 4: American law enforcement agencies are organized along quasi-military lines. This means
CH 4: c. the police resemble the military in some but not all respects.
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CH 4: An important criticism of the quasi-military style is the
CH 4: d. the cultivation of an "us versus them" attitude.
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CH 4: An organization legally authorized to represent police officers in collective bargaining with their employer is called a
CH 4: d. Police Union
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CH 4: Because police strikes are highly controversial and sometimes illegal, what action do police officers usually take instead?
CH 4: b. There is a disruption of normally assigned duties.
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CH 4: Community policing is an alternative to the traditional form of policing. Its placement of greater responsibility on officers to be more responsive to neighborhood residents in an attempt to \______________ more traditional organizations.
CH 4: a. decentralize
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CH 4: For what purpose is the collective bargaining method of negotiation designed?
CH 4: c. It provides a structured framework for settling differences between employers and employees.
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CH 4: How do interagency task forces address problems within the traditional police organizational structure?
CH 4: d. They increase the likelihood that innovations will be accepted within the organization.
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CH 4: How does the community policing approach attempt to modify a police organization?
CH 4: c. through de-bureaucratization
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CH 4: In which way do the police resemble the military?
CH 4: b. The organizational style of the police is authoritarian.
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CH 4: Most large police agencies engage in collective bargaining procedures. What are the findings concerning agencies that do not engage in collective bargaining?
CH 4: d. They typically do not receive shift differential pay or education incentive pay.
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CH 4: Robert Peel designed the London Metropolitan Police Department along the lines of
CH 4: d. the military
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CH 4: The approach to de-bureaucratizing police organizations, which eliminates many rules and policies that are seen to stifle creativity and problem-solving, is called
CH 4: a. deformalizing
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CH 4: The bureaucratic form of organization exists because
a. it is the most efficient means of government that has been developed.
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CH 4: The control of police discretion and the reduction of misconduct have been achieved through bureaucratic principles using the technique called
CH 4: d. administrative rulemaking
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CH 4: The degree to which police have specialized units is dependent on
CH 4: b. the size of the department
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CH 4: The guide that ensures that personnel decisions are based on objective criteria, and not on favoritism, bias, and political influence is called the
CH 4: c. civil service system
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CH 4: The management program that uses technology as an organizational tool to achieve crime control through accountability is known as
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CH 4: The method of determining conditions of employment through bilateral negotiations is known as