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(Song) China:
- Confucian Fillial Piety (important virtue and primary duty of respect, obedience, and care for one's parents and elderly family members)
- Buddhist Right Behavior
Dal al-Islam:
- Jizya (tax non-Muslims have to pay)
- Dhimmi (non-Muslims have legal protection)
Medieval Europe:
- Feudal lords (landowners in manorial society)
- Chivalry (moral and social code of knights)
<b>State Formation Worldwide</b>
- Caliphates/Sultanates in Dar al-Islam
- Feudalism in Europe
- Buddhist and Hindu states in South and Southeast Asia
- Centralized power in China
- Kingdoms in Africa and Americas
<b>Increasing Productivity</b>
- Dar al-Islam: spread of crops and technology
- Europe: three-field system
- Americas: diffusion of maize
<b>Spread of Religions</b>
- Hinduism and Buddhism spread to Southeast Asia
- Confucian values spread from China to Korea and Japan
<b>Religion in Daily Life</b>
- Sufism
- Bhakti poetry
- Monasticism
<b>State promotion and control of trade and production</b>
- (Song) China: promotion of paper money
- Banking houses in Europe and Islamic world
- Majapahit monopoly on domestic trade
<b>Sailing technology</b>
- Compass, astrolabe and knowledge of Monsoon winds
<b>Continual tech developments</b>
- China: Grand Canal
- Dar al-Islam: House of Wisdom and advances in medicine and math