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18th Amendment
first commercial radio station (KDKA)
Scopes Trial
Lindbergh flight across the Atlantic
warren harding
calvin coolidge
ku klux klan
terrorist group newly organized to promote racism and radical supremacy
w. e. b. dubois
organized the NAACP; supported active opposition for civil rights
fill in the blank
w. e. b. dubois organized the ________; supported active opposition for civil rights
fill in the blank
gangs of professional ________ became common in big cities
al capone
most notorious gangster of the 20s
st. valentine’s day massacre
fill in the blank
al capone organized the ___. ____________ _____ ________
third communist international (comintern)
attempted to spread communism in the Western World
william z. foster
leader in the American Communist Movement
a. mitchell palmer
established the General Intelligence Division
j. edgar hoover
leader of the GID (later the FBI)
red scare
raiding of Communist headquarters in 33 cities to stop communism in America