Woo hoo. Bio (Created while listening to "mother" by Danzig)
Making observations
Formulate a hypothesis
Perform an experiment
Gather new data
Come to a conclusion
If proven correct, turn hypothesis into theory
They all can interact back and forth, for example: if your new data proves your original hypothesis wrong then you must create a new hypothesis.
Heritable variation must happen among individuals. This means through the expression of different versions of genes, we can see different traits in individuals which will allow variation to be passed down.
The number of offspring that CAN be produced, is greater than the that which IS produced. Not every individual will survive or reproduce. There are forces that kill off many individuals in a species and this just further allows natural selection to occur by killing off the less adaptive individuals.
Not all individuals in population are equally successful at survival or reproduction. This condition simply requires that Heritable variation have an effect on the survival and reproductive rates. If there were random effects on the survival rates then it would lead to no true evolution and would basically be a mess of genes, however, with Heritable variation being a factor towards the survival rates this allows it to pass on the traits that are found in those who are better fit to survive.