Los Jovenes De Hoy

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What percentage of young people think their ideas are not represented by politics nowadays?

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What percentage of young people think their ideas are not represented by politics nowadays?


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When was 15-M?

2011 - 2012

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Why did 15-M happen?

Because of social problems

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Give examples of these social problems

Austerity cuts and political corruption

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Which political party was created in 2014 because of 15-M?


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When was the revolution of the penguins?


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Where was this protest?


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What did the students demand?

Improvements in the education system like access to discounts for public transport

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By what percentage has the number of young people of 16 years in both employement and education decreased by in the last 20 years?


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What was the youth unemployment rate in 2022?


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How many people (approximately) are 'NiNis' in Latin America?

20 million people

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