15-20 micrometers
Troph size of E. coli
Sluggish, non-progressive
Movement of E. coli
Coarse, irregular in size and distribution
Peripheral chromatin of E. coli
Coarse, often vacuolated
Cytoplasm of E. coli
Large, eccentric
Karyosomal Chromatin of E. coli
20-25 micrometers
Troph size of E. histolytica
Active, progressive
Movement of E. histolytica
Fine, evenly distributed and uniform in size
Peripheral chromatin of E. histolytica
Finely granular
Cytoplasm of E. histolytica
Small, central
Karyosomal chromatin of E. histolytica
8-10 micrometers
Troph size of Endolimax nana
Sluggish, non-progressive
Movement of Endolimax nana
Peripheral chromatin of Endolimax nana
Granular, vacuolated
Cytoplasm of Endolimax nana
Large, irregularly shaped
Karyosomal chromatin of Endolimax nana
12-15 micrometers
Troph size of Iodamoeba butschlii
Sluggish, non-progressive
Movement of I. butschlii
Peripheral chromatin of I. butschlii
Coarsely granular, vacuolated
Cytoplasm of I. butschlii
Large, central
Kayosomal chromatin of Iodamoeba butschlii