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vaginal discharge present during postpartum stage of labour.
Expected blood loss during a vaginal delivery is ____ mL
Expected blood loss during a cesarean delivery is _____ mL
One of 4 Ts of bleeding - Uterine atony, or lack of uterine muscle tone, where the uterus fails to contract properly, leading to excessive postpartum bleeding.
One of 4 Ts of bleeding - Retained placental fragments, where leftover tissue in the uterus prevents contraction and results in persistent postpartum bleeding
One of 4 Ts of bleeding - Injury to the birth canal, including vaginal, cervical, or uterine lacerations, or uterine rupture, causing postpartum bleeding.
One of 4 Ts of bleeding - A blood clotting disorder or coagulopathy, such as in cases of preeclampsia or placental abruption, that interferes with clot formation and leads to postpartum hemorrhage.
Degree of shock caused by 500-1000mL of blood loss. No blood pressure change, dizziness, palpitations, tachycardia. Mothers body makes extra blood to compensate.
Degree of shock caused by 1000-1500mL of blood loss. Slight fall in blood pressure, tachycardia, weakness, sweating.
Degree of shock caused by 1500-2000mL of blood loss. Marked fall in blood pressure, restlessness, pallor, oliguria.
Degree of shock caused by 2000-3000mL of blood loss. Profound fall in blood pressure, collapse, air hunger, anuria.
B in “BUBBLLEE” assessment - describes firmness of _____ and nipples
Uterine Fundus
U in “BUBBLLEE” assessment - describes the location and firmness of the _____ ______
B in “BUBBLLEE” assessment - describes the ______ function; amount and frequency of urination
B in “BUBBLLEE” assessment - describes the _____ function; passing of gas and bowel movements
L in “BUBBLLEE” assessment - describes the amount and color of the _____
L in “BUBBLLEE” assessment - presence of peripheral edema
E in “BUBBLLEE” assessment - describes the perineum: discomfort, condition of repair if done.
Emotional Status
E in “BUBBLLEE” assessment - describes the mood of the mother, fatigue.
Return of the uterus to the nonpregnant condition.
The uterus size decreases by 1-2cm every 24 hours following birth. It will return to normal size by ____ weeks.
Uterine Atony
When the uterine muscles fail to contract around the endometrial arteries at the placental site, it is known as _____ _____ or “boggy fundus”. Causes hemorrhaging.
Fundal Massage
If uterine atony occurs, the nurse can perform a ___ ___ to stimulate the uterine muscles to contract.
Lochia Rubra
Red lochia present 1-3 days postpartum. Composed of blood, fragments of decidua, and mucus.
Lochia Serosa
Pink lochia present 3-10 days postpartum. Composed of blood, mucus, and invading leukocytes.
Lochia Alba
White lochia present 10-14 days postpartum and up to 6 weeks. Largely mucus, leukocyte count high.
Bowel habits should return to normal after _ week of delivery.
A _____ degree classification of perineal laceration would include: vaginal mucus membrane and skin of the perineum to fourchette.
A _____ degree classification of perineal laceration would include: vagina, perineal skin, fascia, levator ani muscle, and perineal body
A _____ degree classification of perineal laceration would include: the entire perineum and external sphincter of the rectum
A _____ degree classification of perineal laceration would include: the entire perineum, rectal sphincter, and some of the mucous membrane of the rectum.
Vertical incision
Cut sometimes used in emergency C-sections - allows better access to the baby but eliminates the possibility of future vaginal delivery.
Cut most often used in C-sections that gives possibility of future vaginal delivery.