A Raisin in the Sun

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Beneathea- What could be so dirty on that woman’s rugs that she has to vacuum them every single day?

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RUTH: I wish certain young women 'round here who I could name would take inspiration about certain rugs in a certain apartment I could also mention.

BENEATHA (Shrugging) How much cleaning can a house need, for Christ's sakes.

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RUTH Just listen to her just listen!


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MAMA If you use the Lord's name just one more time

BENEATHA (A bit of a whine) Oh, Mama

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RUTH Fresh just fresh as salt, this girl!

BENEATHA (Drily) Well if the salt loses its savor

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MAMA Now that will do. I just ain't going to have you 'round here reciting the scriptures in vain you hear me?

BENEATHA How did I manage to get on everybody's

wrong side by just walking into a room?

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RUTH If you weren't so fresh

BENEATHA Ruth, I'm twenty years old.

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MAMA What time you be home from school today?

BENEATHA Kind of late. (With enthusiasm) Madeline is going to start my guitar lessons today.

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MAMA Your what kind of lessons?


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MAMA How come you done taken it in your mind to

learn to play the guitar?

BENEATHA I just want to, that's all.

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MAMA (To BENEATHA) Why you got to flit so from one thing to another, baby?

BENEATHA (Sharply) I just want to learn to play the

guitar. Is there anything wrong with that?

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MAMA Ain't nobody trying to stop you. I just wonders sometimes why you has to flit so from one thing to another all the time. You ain't never done nothing with all that camera equipment you brought home

BENEATHA I don't flit! I I experiment with different

forms of expression

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RUTH Like riding a horse?

BENEATHA People have to express themselves one way or another.

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MAMA What is it you want to express?

BENEATHA (Angrily) Me! (MAMA and RUTH look at each other and burst into raucous laughter) Don't worry I don't expect you to understand.

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MAMA (To change the subject) Who you going out with tomorrow night?

BENEATHA (With displeasure) George Murchison again.

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RUTH You ask me, this child ain't sweet on nobody but herself, Express herself !

BENEATHA Oh I like George all right, Mama. I mean I like him enough to go out with him and stuff, but-

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RUTH (For devilment) What does and stuff mean?

BENEATHA Mind your own business.

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MAMA Stop picking at her now, Ruth. (She chuckles then a suspicious sudden look at her daughter as she turns in her chair for emphasis) What DOES it mean?

BENEATHA (Wearily) Oh, I just mean I couldn't ever really be serious about George. He's he's so shallow.

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MAMA Hush, Ruth.

BENEATHA I know he's rich. He knows he's rich, too.

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RUTH Well what other qualities a man got to have to satisfy you, little girl?

BENEATHA You wouldn't even begin to understand. Anybody who married Walter could not possibly understand.

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MAMA (Outraged) What kind of way is that to talk about your brother?

BENEATHA Brother is a flip let's face it.

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RUTH (Glad to add kindling) She's saying he's crazy.

BENEATHA Not crazy. Brother isn't really crazy yet-he- he's an elaborate neurotic.

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MAMA Hush your mouth!

BENEATHA As for George. Well. George looks good- he's got a beautiful car and he takes me to nice places and, as my sister-in-law says, he is probably the richest boy I will ever get to know and I even like him sometimes- but if the Youngers are sitting around waiting to see if their little Bennie is going to tie up the family with the Murchisons, they are wasting their time.

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RUTH You mean you wouldn't marry George Murchison if he asked you someday? That pretty, rich thing?Honey, I knew you was odd

BENEATHA No I would not marry him if all I felt for him was what I feel now. Besides, George's family wouldn't really like it

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MAMA Why not?

BENEATHA Oh, Mama The Murchisons are honest-to- God-real-live-rich colored people, and the only people in the world who are more snobbish than rich white people are rich colored people. I thought everybody knew that. I've met Mrs. Murchison. She's a scene!

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MAMA You must not dislike people 'cause they well off, honey.

BENEATHA Why not? It makes just as much sense as disliking people 'cause they are poor, and lots of people do that.

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RUTH (A wisdom-of-the-ages manner. To MAMA) Well,

she'll get over some of this

BENEATHA Get over it? What are you talking about, Ruth? Listen, I'm going to be a doctor. I'm not worried about who I'm going to marry yet if I ever get- if i ever get married

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MAMA Now, Bennie

BENEATHA Oh, I probably will ... but first I'm going to be a doctor, and George, for one, still thinks that's pretty funny. I couldn't be bothered with that. I am going to be a doctor and everybody around here better understand that!

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MAMA (Kindly) 'Course you going to be a doctor,

honey, God willing.

BENEATHA (Drily) God hasn't got a thing to do with it.

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MAMA Beneatha that just wasn't necessary.

BENEATHA Well neither is God. I get sick of hearing

about God.

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MAMA Beneatha!

BENEATHA I mean it! I'm just tired of hearing about God all the time. What has He-got to do with anything? Does he pay tuition?

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RUTH That's just what she needs, all right!

BENEATHA Why? Why can't I say what I want to around here, like everybody else?

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MAMA It don't sound nice for a young girl to say things like that you wasn't brought up that way. Me and your father went to trouble to get you and Brother to church every Sunday.

BENEATHA Mama, you don't understand. It's all a matter of ideas, and God is just one idea I don't accept. It's not important. I am not going out and be immoral or commit crimes because I don't believe in God. I don't even think about it. It's just that I get tired of Him getting credit for all the things the human race achieves through its own stubborn effort. There simply is no blasted God- there is only man and it is he who makes miracles!

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MAMA Now you say after me, in my mother's house there is still God. (There is a long pause and BENEATHA stares at the floor wordlessly. MAMA repeats the phrase with precision and cool emotion) In my mother's house there is still God.

BENEATHA In my mother's house there is still God.

(A long pause)

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MAMA There are some ideas we ain't going to have in this house. Not long as I am at the head of this family.

BENEATHA Yes, ma'am.

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RUTH (Almost gently, with profound understanding)

You think you a woman, Bennie but you still a little

girl. What you did was childish so you got treated

like a child.

BENEATHA I see. (Quietly) I also see that everybody thinks it's all right for Mama to be a tyrant. But all the tyranny in the world will never put a God in the heavens!

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Start next scene

TRAVIS Grandmama, that stuff Bennie is using smell awful. Can I go downstairs, please?

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MAMA Did you get all them chores done already? I ain't seen you doing much.

TRAVIS Yes'm finished early. Where did Mama go this morning?

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MAMA (Looking at BENEATHA) She had to go on a little errand.


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MAMA To tend to her business.

BENEATHA Haylo . . . (Disappointed) Yes, he is. (She tosses the phone to WALTER, who barely catches it) It's Willie Harris again.

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After walter talks on phone

BENEATHA Brother, where did Ruth go?

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WALTER (As he exits) How should I know!

TRAVIS Aw come on, Grandma. Can I go outside?

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MAMA Oh, I guess so. You stay right in front of the house, though, and keep a good lookout for the postman.

TRAVIS Yes'm. (He darts into bedroom for stickball and bat, reenters, and sees BENEATHA on her knees spraying under sofa with behind upraised. He edges closer to the target, takes aim, and lets her have it. She screams) Leave them poor little cockroaches alone, they ain't bothering you none! (He runs as she swings the spraygun at him viciously and playfully) Grandma! Grandma!

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MAMA Look out there, girl, before you be spilling some of that stuff on that child!

TRAVIS (Safely behind the bastion of MAMA) That's right look out, now! (He exits)

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After travis exits

BENEATHA (Drily) I can't imagine that it would hurt him- it has never hurt the roaches.

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MAMA Well, little boys' hides ain't as tough as Southside roaches. You better get over there behind the bureau. I seen one marching out of there like Napoleon yesterday.

BENEATHA There's really only one way to get rid of

them, Mama

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BENEATHA Set fire to this building! Mama, where did Ruth go?

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MAMA (Looking at her with meaning) To the doctor, I think.

BENEATHA The doctor? What's the matter? (They exchange glances) You don't think

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(The phone rings')

BENEATHA (At the phone) Hay-lo . . . (Pause, and a

moment of recognition) Well when did you get back! . . . And how was it? ... Of course I've missed you- in my way . . . This morning? No . . . house cleaning and all that and Mama hates it if I let people come over when the house is like this . . . You have? Well, that's different . . . What is it- Oh, what the hell, come on over . . . Right, see you then. Arrividerci.

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MAMA (Who has listened vigorously, as is her habit)

Who is that you inviting over here with this house

looking like this? You ain't got the pride you was born


BENEATHA Asagai doesn't care how houses look, Mama he's an intellectual.

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BENEATHA Asagai-Joseph Asagai. He's an African boy I met on campus. He's been studying in Canada all summer.

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MAMA What's his name?

BENEATHA Asagai, Joseph. Ah-sah-guy . . . He's from Nigeria.

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MAMA Oh, that's the little country that was founded by

slaves way back . , .

BENEATHA No, Mama that’ s Liberia.

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MAMA I don't think I never met no African before.

BENEATHA Well, do me a favor and don't ask him a whole lot of ignorant questions about Africans. I mean, do they wear clothes and all that

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MAMA Well, now, I guess if you think we so ignorant

'round here maybe you shouldn't bring your friends


BENEATHA It's just that people ask such crazy things. All anyone seems to know about when it comes to Africa is Tarzan

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MAMA (Indignantly) Why should I know anything about


BENEATHA Why do you give money at church for the missionary work?

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MAMA Well, that's to help save people.

BENEATHA You mean save them from heathenism

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MAMA (Innocently) Yes.

BENEATHA I'm afraid they need more salvation from the British and the French.

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RUTH (Dispiritedly) Well, I guess from all the happy

faces everybody knows.

BENEATHA You pregnant?

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MAMA Lord have mercy, I sure hope it's a little old girl.

Travis ought to have a sister.

BENEATHA How far along are you?

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RUTH Two months.

BENEATHA Did you mean to? I mean did you plan it or was it an accident?

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MAMA What do you know about planning or not plan-



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RUTH ( Wearily) She's twenty years old, Lena.

BENEATHA Did you plan it, Ruth?

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RUTH Mind your own business.

BENEATHA It is my business where is he going to live, on the roof? (There is silence following the remark as the three women react to the sense of it) Gee I didn't mean that, Ruth, honest. Gee, I don't feel like that at all. I-I think it is wonderful.

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RUTH (Dully) Wonderful.

BENEATHA Yes really.

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(RUTH has her fists clenched on her thighs and is

fighting hard to suppress a scream that seems to

be rising in her)

BENEATHA What's the matter with her, Mama?

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(The glassy-eyed look melts and then she col-

lapses into a fit of heavy sobbing. The bell rings)

BENEATHA Oh, my God that must be Asagai.

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