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what are the seven properties of light?
Straight lines containing waves, absorbed, reflected, refracted, dispersion, interference, diffraction
when light is bounced off a surface and follows the angel of incidence equals the angle of reflection
light bends when it travels through materials of different density
when light travels around an object and illuminates the areas behind the blockage
when light rays work in conjuction with each other or when light rays collide and cancel each other out
white light separated into its separate wavelengths due to different degrees of refraction
focal length formula
distance x 2
lowest handheld shutter speed
Inv. FL X (1/focal length)
adjusted FL for cropped sensors
sensor value/focal length
what is the photographers triangle?
shutter speed, aperture, ISO
How many focal points are there for any given distance?
what does the diopter adjust do on the camera?
adjusts the viewfinder’s focus to match the photographer’s eye
what are the three sets of pictures that need to be taken at a crime scene?
overview, mid view, close-up
what are the cardinal rules for image composition?
fill the frame, maximize depth of field, film plane parallel
circle of confusion
a concept in photography that describes the size of the blur spot in an image, which affects depth of field and sharpness
tells you where the data of the image is, dark or light
how many megapixels does a Nikon D200 have?
what is the sensor crop factor on a D200?
what is the aperture range on a D200?
f/3.5 to f/5.6
how many frames per second can a D200 shoot?
five frames per second
who coined the term photography in 1839?
Sir John Herschel
Joseph Niepce in 1826
developed the first permanent photo 8-hour exposure using modified camera obscura and tar solution to fix the image
Louis Daguerre in 1839
developed positive transparency method, the daguerreotype process
daguerreotype process
copper sheets treated with iodine to make them sensitive to light then placed in camera, images were developed using warm mercury vapor
Henry Fox Talbot in 1841
first negative, could produce multiple images from one negative, image was not as sharp as Daguerre but more durable and printed on paper