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Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible)
The first Tsar of Russia (1533–1584), expanded Russian territory, known for violent purges.
Ming Dynasty
Chinese dynasty (1368–1644) known for cultural restoration and maritime exploration.
Tungusic people from Northeast Asia who founded the Qing Dynasty after conquering the Ming.
Qing Dynasty
China's final imperial dynasty (1644–1912), established by the Manchus.
Emperor Kangxi
One of the longest-reigning emperors of the Qing Dynasty known for stability.
Emperor Qianlong
Qing emperor (1735–1796) presided over a prosperous, multicultural empire.
Osman I
Founder of the Ottoman Empire (1299).
Mehmed II (The Conqueror)
Ottoman Sultan known for capturing Constantinople in 1453.
Capital of the Byzantine Empire, conquered by Mehmed II in 1453, renaming it Istanbul.
Suleiman I (The Magnificent)
Ottoman Sultan (1520–1566) who presided over the empire's peak in power and culture.
Shah Ismail
Founder of the Safavid Empire, established Shi’a Islam as the state religion.
Shah Abbas I
Safavid ruler (1588–1629) who centralized power and promoted Persian culture.
Founder of the Mughal Empire (1526) who established Mughal rule in India.
Mughal emperor known for religious tolerance and administrative reforms.
Gunpowder Empires
Empires characterized by their use of gunpowder weaponry: Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals.
Divine Right
Belief that monarchs derive authority from God.
Political system where monarchs hold centralized and unchecked power.
Louis XIV
French King known as the 'Sun King', epitomizing absolutism.
English Bill of Rights (1689)
Document establishing constitutional monarchy in England.
Peter I (Peter the Great)
Russian Tsar who modernized Russia and expanded its influence.
Devshirme System
Ottoman practice of recruiting Christian boys for state service.
Elite Ottoman soldiers drawn from the devshirme system.
Powerful Japanese feudal lords during the Shogunate period.
Tokugawa Shogunate
Japanese ruling dynasty that unified the country (1603–1868).
Royal officials in France under Louis XIV.
Tax Farming
System where individuals collected taxes for government profit.
Martin Luther
German theologian who initiated the Protestant Reformation.
95 Theses
Document by Martin Luther criticizing Church practices.
John Calvin
Protestant reformer who developed Calvinism.
French Calvinist Protestants who faced persecution.
King Henry VIII
English King who established the Anglican Church.
Anglican Church
Church of England established by Henry VIII.
Protestant Reformation
Movement against Catholic Church corruption in the 16th century.
Gutenberg’s Printing Press
Invention that revolutionized mass communication.
Catholic Church's response to the Reformation.
Spanish Armada
Spain’s failed naval invasion of England in 1588.
Edict of Nantes (1598)
Granted religious tolerance to Huguenots in France.
Peace of Westphalia (1648)
Treaties ending the Thirty Years’ War.
Millet System
Ottoman system allowing religious communities autonomy.
Monotheistic religion founded in 15th-century Punjab by Guru Nanak.
Sunni/Shi’a Islam
Two main branches of Islam divided over leadership succession.