Chapter 2.3 - lipids

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what are the functions of lipids?

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what are the functions of lipids?

S - storage of energy

H - hormonal roles - steroids

I - insulation - thermal

P - protection of organs

S - structural roles - cholesterol

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what are unsaturated fatty acids?

they are double bonds and are generally liquid at room temperature (plant oils)

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what are saturated fatty acids?

they arent double b

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what are some differences between trans and cis fats?


  • H atoms same side

  • double bond - kink

  • natural

  • good for health


  • H atoms different side

  • doesn’t create kink - linear chain

  • processed food

  • bad for health

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what are some health risks?

  • high levels of cholesterol = atherosclerosis = coronary heart disease

  • cis fats raise HDL (decrease blood cholesterol)

  • saturated fats raise levels of LDL

  • trans fats raise levels of LDL while increasing blood cholesterol and lowering HDL

  • fats + cholesterol cant dissolve in blood - packed with proteins:

  • low density lipoproteins transport cholesterol from liver to body (bad)

  • high density lipoprotein scavenges excess cholesterol and returns it to the liver (good)

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