AP World Unit 4: Transoceanic Interconnections

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Hernan Cortes

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Hernan Cortes

Definition: Spanish explorer and conquistador who led the conquest of Aztec Mexico in 1519-1521 for Spain.

Significance: He defeated the Aztec empire and claimed Mexico for Spain.


Great Dying

Definition: the devastation of Native American populations by diseases brought over from Europe

Significance: Showcases the "I" in SPICE-T because the lack of interaction from the Afro-Eurasian world caused the absence of acquired immunities to Old World diseases, such as smallpox, measles, influenza, etc-- causing up to 90% of the population to die.



Definition: the belief that there is a fixed amount of wealth in the world, measured in gold and silver. exporting more than it imports -> making more money for self and country.

Significance: Showcases the "E" in SPICE-T because of an increased desire to gain more wealth by exporting more than importing
-one prominent example = global silver trade


trading post empire

Definition: a form of imperial dominance based on control of trade rather than on control of trade rather than on control of subject peoples.

Significance: Portuguese was one of these empires and controlled trade throughout Indian Ocean -- Showcases "E" in SPICE-T



Definition: a small, fast Portuguese sailing ship of the 15th-17th centuries.

Significance: Showcases the "T" in SPICE-T because it's an innovation that the Portuguese made that was much faster and smaller than other boats and carried a lot of cargo, increasing trade.


New France

Definition: the French colonies of continental North America-- Canada.

Significance: Showcases the "P" in SPICE-T as New France is the expansion of French colonies into the Americas, building a new state.



Definition: the first successful settlement in the Virginia colony

Significance: the first permanent, stable English settlement in North America. Because Jamestown was successful, it provided an example of a sustainable colony to other expeditions heading to the New World.


New Amsterdam

Definition: the capital of the Dutch North American empire.

Significance: the town of New Amsterdam was founded as a way to help protect trading areas further upriver while providing a great port of entry.


Columbian Exchange

Definition: exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the Americas and the rest of the world following Columbus' voyages.

Significance: Connects to the Great Dying because the Colombian Exchange directly contributed to the Great Dying and millions of deaths -- also can connect to "I" in SPICE-T



Definition: the product of European-African Unions

Significance: Showcases the "C" in SPICE-T as it is the combination of African and European cultures as an identity.



Definition: term used by Spanish authorities to describe someone of mixed native American and European descent

Significance: Showcases the "C" in SPICE-T as it is the combination of Native American and European cultures as an identity.


transatlantic slave trade

Definition: the brutal system of trading African Slaves from Africa to the Americas.

Significance: It changed the economy, politics, and environment. It affected Africa, Europe, and America. It implies that slaves were used for cash crops and created a whole new economy.


triangular trade

Definition: a three way system of trade during 1600-1800s Africa sent slaves to America, America sent Raw Materials to Europe, and Europe sent Guns and Rum to Africa

Significance: Showcases the "E" in SPICE-T as it demonstrates trade -- boosts economy.


Middle Passage

Definition: the forced voyage of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to the New World.

Significance: supplied the New World with its major workforce and brought enormous profits to international slave traders.


African diaspora

Definition: spread of African peoples across the Atlantic via the slave trade.

Significance: contributed in important ways to the economic development of many countries, as well as to social, cultural and political innovations of global significance.


New Spain

Definition: group of Spanish colonies in America

Significance: territory included most of modern-day Mexico; converted Native pop. to Christianity; oversaw economy; developed many educational institutions


Treaty of Tordesillas

Definition: treaty between Spain and Portugal that defined where each could explore and claim land

Significance: divided the New World into Spanish and Portuguese parts of influence (neatly divided the New World)


coercive labor systems

Definition: work a person does for another (or the state) with little to no compensation, some are forced

Significance: was a major labor system and source of labor in America.



Definition: granted colonists the right to demand labor of native peoples in the mines and fields

Significance: fundamental to the economics of early Spanish colonies. They saw it as fair, indigenous peoples would provide labor and tribute and would get religious / cultural instruction in return.


mit'a system

Definition: form of tribute to the Inca gov. in the form of labor (tax labor + mandatory public service)

Significance: provided the economic system for the Incan Empire. used for construction, whether architectural or agricultural.


Commercial Revolution

Definition: reform of Europe's economic system centered around trade and developing ideas of capitalism

Significance: increased commerce. There were new innovations in baking and finance promoted growth.


joint-stock company

Definition: large, investor-backed companies

Significance: these companies sponsored exploration and colonization, precursors to modern companies


British East India Company

Definition: private trading companies founded in England and the Netherlands

Significance: were given monopolies and controlled Indian Ocean Trade (includes the right to make war and rule conquered peoples)


Dutch East India Company

Definition: major corporation founded by the Dutch

Significance: monopolized trade between Europe and Asia, greatly changed regions they ventured to because it impacted their economies and culture -- increases economic



Definition: leader of a confederation of indigenous peoples

Significance: led one of the most costly wats of resistance in New England history (King Philips War)


Pueblo Revolt

Definition: revolution against Spanish religions, economic, and political institutions imposed on North America

Significance: kept Spanish out of New Mexico for 12 years, helped ensure the survival of cultural traditions, lands, languages, religions, etc.


maroon societies

Definition: societies of people who escaped slavery to create independent groups and communities

Significance: developed their own culture, gov, trade, and military defense against European / American oppressors. Attempted to live as free people



Definition: west African kingdom that became strong through exploitation of slave trade

Significance: raided other villages to enslave people and sold them to europeans. One of the major exporters of enslaved peoples.



Definition: all children of mixed society

Significance: determined one;s social status, level of taxation, legal rights -- social and cultural



Definition: one who rules a country of province as a representative of his ruler (acts in their name)

Significance: were given control of large areas, was the government system of empires like the Portuguese.


settler colonies

Definition: areas outside Europe where many European immigrants voluntarily settled

Significance: based on theft and exploitation of land, many indigenous peoples' rights and cultures were erased.



Definition: city that developed in theAndes (present day Bolivia)

Significance: was home to the world's largest silver mine and became the largest city in the Americas, boosting the economy.


fur trade

Definition: Europeans gave tools and weapons to Native Americans in return for animal fur

Significance: fur trade drove European exploration and colonization. It also made places more wealthy and fostered peaceful relations between indigenous and Europeans.


"soft gold"

Definition: nickname for animal furs

Significance: fur was highly valued for its warmth and symbol of elite status, generated massive wealth, and boosted the economy.


manila galleons

Definition: spanish treasure ships that transported goods like silk, spices, porcelain, etc

Significance: served as an economic lifeline for the Spanish, and was their means of communication and trade with its Philippine colony.f


"silver drain"

Definition: describes the siphoning of money from Europe to pay for luxury products

Significance: by the fact that Europe had few trade goods that were desirable, mercantilism as silver and silver gold fueled continued to be a necessary resource. transatlantic slave trade became increasingly relied on.

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