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Civil War in the U.S. + Jan 6th Rioters
fear of a looming civil war because U.S. polity score dropped to an anocracy
Demographic of Jan 6th indicates they were “normal people”, not those with a history of white wing extremist violence or known domestic terrorists,
Extensional vs Intensional definitions
Extensional: a list of examples that the word being defined applies to
Intensional: a list of characteristics that members of a category share
Genus vs Differentia
Genus: A class/group or family that things belong to; what they have in common
Differentia: Distinguishing features between things in the same category
Dahl’s 7 points of democracy generally:
control of government decisions is vested in elected officials
widespread suffrage/ inclusive suffrage
Citizens can freely express themselves
Totalitarianism vs Authoritarianism
Generally, totalitarianism revolves around ideological conformity. Authoritarianism is more about power and control—there’s mentality but not an enforced ideology.
Battle of Caporetto
Greatest defeat in Italian military history
Ends Italy’s involvement in WWI
Dress rehearsal for Fascism
Some Italians occupied Fiume out of rage that the promise of terretorial gains post-WWI weren’t held up
eventually the Italian government demanded that the people retreat, but it was later annexed.
What was the Agrari?
Right wing party of rural farmers that allied with the Fascists
represented the rural bourgeoise
correlated with distribution of rural violence
What is the mass society theory for who voted for the Nazis?
Extremist movements appeal to individuals on the fringes of society
outcasts not rural farmers
The irrational, anti-intellectuals who were attracted by the visceral nature of Nazism
What is the Class Theory of who voted for the Nazis?
Within the same party, different groups have different types of political expression. This results in idiosyncratic and group specific radicalization hypotheses.
Middle class voters and rich voters wanted different things from the Nazis, and the Nazis appealed to them in different ways
What is the Catchall Theory of who voted for the Nazis?
Nazis were a “protest party” that appealed to the voters who were fed up with the ruling party but didn’t want communism
Retrospective voting: most voters were rational and were hurt by the depression and dissatisfied with Weimar post WWI
Fascism and Anti-semitism in Italy
Not a lot of anti-semitism from 1922-1938, jews took part in the march on Rome
After 1938, Nazis were forcing racial laws on their fascist counterparts
restricted rights of Jews with a few exceptions for veterans and church goers
Mussolini released a pseudo-science manifesto declaring Italians are decendents of the Aryan people.
Dreyfus affair?
French man accused of passing Gov. secrets to Germans
He was innocent but he was Jewish and was blamed
Klan I of the KKK?
1865 - no real political agenda
During reconstruction they got increasingly violent
By 1867 the KKK had become more “organized” and was the governing power in many counties.
Klan II of the KKK: Founder? What was the sales pitch? What was different from the first Klan?
Reestablished in 1915 by William Simmons
Sales pitch = “pre civil war america”; anti black, jewish, catholic
MUCH more violent: Lynchings, shootings, burning crosses, etc.
How does the KKK fit the criteria of a fascist organization?
Rejected civil authority
Readily employed violence
distinctive uniform
Goal to restore radical exclusive past
Who was Gerald Winrod?
Nazi sympathizer
One of the inspirations for buzz windrip
Proponent of biblical protestantism
Biblical prophecies help explain contemporary political and social development
America is part of “god’s plan” and will be spared
What was the Silver Legion of America?
Silver shirts
Fascist, pro-nazi organization
Inspired by the success of Nazi Party
lost traction when the US joined the war and the public started to denounce nazism more strongly.
Who was Father Coughlin?
Influential radio priest
plagiarized speech by Nazi propoganda minister
inspiration for Bishop Prang in ICHH.
Britain and Fascism: What was the BUF? What was their nickname? What notable battle occurred with the BUF? What was the aftermath of this battle?
BUF was the British Union of Fascists
Battle of Cable street — deadly battle
Aftermath: Outlawed political uniforms and essentially prohibited paramilitary organizations
Spain and Fascism: What was Rivera’s party? What was the name of the notable general? Was said general really fascist?
Rivera’s part was the Falange
His father was the dictator of Spain for 7 years and promoted General Franco during the Rif war.
Franco won the spanish civil war with the help of Mussolini and Hitler
Franco was not a fascist but he was definitely an authoritarian
Didn’t really do what Hitler wanted
Hitler gave him help and resources but didn’t actually give him much of anything in return.