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What is “Development” in FEMA
any man-made changes to improved or unimproved real estate
What does 44 CFR Part 60 do?
Criteria for Land Management and use
The federal basis of a community’s power to adopt and enforce its ordinance
What does 44 CFR section 60.3 do?
Floodplain Management Criteria for Flood-Prone Areas
Establishes five different requirements (a-e)
What is “The Regulation staircase”?
Each step add more stringent requirements as risk increases
What are the steps in “The Regulation Staircase”
There is no floodplain map
There is a map but no BFE
There is a map with BFE and FIS
There is a map with floodway, BFE, and FIS
There is a map with coastal high hazard areas, BFE, and FIS
Flood-proofing must be certified by?
Registered Engineer
Fully enclosed areas below the BFE can only be used for?
Parking, storage, or building access and must have opening for floodwaters
What re the federal floodplain management standard listed?
44 CFR 60.3
Requirements to build in 60.3a
o determine if the project is “reasonably safe from flooding”
o do not apply to a community that has been mapped with no SFHA
what kind of new development that requires to acquire BFE?
greater than 50 lots or 5 acres
If development shows to result in a rise of WSE, the project must fulfill the requirement s of _____ in order to procedd
what is requirement in 60.3e
elevate the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member to or above BFE
Define structural member
a device that bears the weight of a beam, brace, or plate
What does new construction must be in 60.3e?
must be landward of high tide
Prohibit encroachment within floodway unless engineering study shows?
no rise in flood levels