AQA GCSE Religious Studies B: (Catholic Christianity) Incarnation

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What is the meaning of the incarnation?

  • It shows how much God loves the human race- he was prepared to experience being human

  • It helps us value God’s love as he knows what it is like to be human

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What does Luke 1:26-38 show?

  • “He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High” Luke 1:32

  • “Let it be with me according to your word”

  • Focuses on Mary’s role in the incarnation and how she was given the choice of whether or not to be Jesus’ mother- she was given free will

  • Through Jesus’ birth, God fulfils his promises to the Jews

  • Jesus is fully human and fully divine

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What does Matthew 1:18-24 show?

  • “She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:20b-21

  • Focuses on Joseph’s part in the incarnation

  • Confirms that Jesus is the Son of God

  • Confirms that Jesus is being sent to Earth by God to save humanity from its sins

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What are the similarities between the accounts in Luke and Matthew’s Gospels?

  • Mary was a virgin

  • God worked through human beings to bring about his plan for humanity

  • Jesus was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit

  • Jesus was the Son of God

  • The angel Gabriel announced Jesus’ birth

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What is the relationship between the Word and God?

  • The Son of God is also known as the Word of God

  • The Word of God became human in the form of Jesus, which is why Jesus is sometimes called ‘the Word of God made flesh’

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What do we know about the nature of the Word of God from John 1:1-4?

  • The Word of God is eternal- “In the beginning was the Word”

  • The Word of God is God- “the Word was God”

  • The Word of God is distinct from God- “the Word was with God”

  • The Word of God is how God expresses his power and love- “What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people”

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What does John 1:14 tell us about Jesus as the Word of God?

  • “And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.”

  • Jesus is the Word of God- He has always existed but has taken on human nature to live on earth as Jesus

  • Jesus is God’s free gift to humanity and is an expression of God’s love

  • The Word came to Earth to guide people closer to God and teach them how to share in his love

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What does it mean that Jesus is the ‘Son of Man’?

  • “the Son of Man must undergo great suffering” Mark 8:31

  • Jesus is fully human and just like any one of us- this allows us to feel closer to Him

  • Jesus is given power and authority by God

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What does it mean that Jesus is the ‘Son of God’?

  • When asked if he was “the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One”, Jesus replied “I am” Mark 14:61

  • “you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Power” Mark 14:62

  • This shows that Jesus is fully divine and always was God, but during his life on Earth, he limited himself to the human condition

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What does the Ichthus symbol show?

  • It is an acronym for the titles Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour

  • It is a reminder of the persecution of Christians in early Christianity and the persistence of their faith- they would use the symbols to confirm their belief in God and signal where meetings were held

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What does the Alpha and Omega symbol show?

  • Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet, and Omega is the last letter

  • This shows that God and Jesus are involved in everything from beginning to end

  • They are used in churches, vestments, Christian art, and most notably, the Paschal candle

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What does the Chi-Ro symbol show?

  • It is a monogram formed from the first two letters of the Greek word for Christ when written in capitals

  • This is a reminder of the death of Jesus and our being saved by God, which inspires Christians

  • This may be worn as an alternative to the cross or crucifix as an expression of their faith

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What are some reasons against religious art?

  • It is impossible to portray God accurately- an infinite God cannot be represented using finite means

  • Art can mislead people about what God is like

  • Praying in front of an image or statue may mislead people- people may get the impression that the image or statue is being worshipped as a god

  • It is against the second commandment- “You shall not make for yourself an idol” Exodus 20:4

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What can religious art do?

It can:

  • inspire people

  • give people something to focus on as they pray

  • help people to learn about aspects of God’s work

  • have a positive role in religious life

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Why does the Catholic Church approve of religious art?

  • Jesus was fully human- this makes it acceptable to show Jesus in a human form

  • Jesus was fully God- God revealed himself through a human form so can be depicted in that form

  • Jesus died to save all of humanity- Jesus can be shown as a member of any ethnicity because everyone was affected by his death and resurrection

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How does the ‘Sacred Heart of Jesus’ show the qualities of Jesus?

  • He has an expression of peace and love- his giving up his life was the ultimate act of love

  • Flames come from the heart- Jesus has a burning love for all people as shown through his saving us from sin

  • A hole/piercing through the heart represents the soldier piercing Jesus’ side with a spear after his death- Jesus was willing to go through immense pain for us

  • Holes in his hands from where Jesus was nailed to the cross

  • A crown of thorns surrounding the heart represents the crown placed on his head when mocked- Jesus is the King of the world

  • One of his hands points to his heart- to emphasise his heart that he extends to all of us

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What are different attitudes to art that portrays Jesus?

  • The second commandment indicates it is wrong to worship images and some people may believe that Christians are worshipping the art

  • Depicting Jesus as a human could be misleading as it ignores the fact that he is also fully God

  • No one knows what Jesus looked like- it is wrong to try and depict him through art

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How was the Jesus’ approach to the Law different?

  • He developed the Law to make it more perfect

  • He focuses on people’s attitudes rather than actions

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Name some Beatitudes

  • “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth”

  • “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God”

  • “Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy”

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What is the significance of the Parable of the Sheep and Goats?

  • “I was hungry and you gave me food” Matthew 25:35-36

  • It shows Christians how they should respond to those in need

  • It tells people that if they show love and kindness to others, they will be judged favourably by God and rewarded with eternal life

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What does it mean that Jesus is the ‘meeting point between God and humanity’ ?

  • God is invisible; he is beyond human sight and understanding

  • Christians can only get to know what God is like through Jesus

  • Because Jesus is the son of God, he displays qualities of God

  • This means that Christians can develop a better understanding of God’s nature through examining the life and actions of Jesus

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What does it mean that ‘the glory of God is a human being, fully alive’?

  • Jesus was the perfect human being- he followed all of God’s wishes and perfectly displayed all the qualities God wants people to have

  • Jesus sets the example for all other Christians to follow

  • All people can become ‘fully alive’ by following Jesus’ teachings and becoming more open to God

  • Jesus helps Christians to know God in the incarnation

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How does Dei Verbum 4 help Catholics understand Jesus is fully human and fully divine?

  • “For He sent His son… so that He might dwell among men and tell them of the innermost being of God”- God is revealed and speaks through Jesus, His Son. This shows Jesus is fully divine.

  • “Jesus Christ, therefore, the Word made flesh, was sent as a ‘man to men’.”- The Son of God became a human to live among other humans. This shows Jesus is fully human.

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How does Verbum Domini 12 help Catholics understand Jesus is fully human and fully divine?

  • “the eternal word became small- small enough to fit into a manger”- The Word of God limited himself to a human form so we could understand God. Jesus is fully human

  • “Christ…crucified… is the Lord of all things.”- Through the human act of dying, Jesus gave himself into God’s hands. Jesus is fully human.

  • “[Jesus] does the will of the father at all times…Jesus thus shows that he is the divine Logos”- Jesus always knew the will of God because he is God but he was also the perfect human. Jesus is fully human and fully divine.

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What is grace?

  • an outward sign of inward grace

  • the love that unites the three Persons of the Trinity

  • helps people to become aware of what God wants for them

  • gives believers the strength to do what God wants

  • is a free and unconditional gift of love from God

  • pours into people’s hearts and calls them to a deeper relationship with God

  • pours out from the Trinity and gives life to all things

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What does the sacramental nature of reality mean?

  • The whole of reality can be seen as a sacrament

  • The world and everything in it is a sign of God’s love

  • God’s presence and love can be seen throughout the world

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How has the incarnation helped Catholics view reality as sacramental?

  • Before the incarnation, God was seen as a distant being

  • Jesus was the ultimate gift from God to show his love for humanity

  • Since Jesus has lived on Earth, people can see God as a living and active presence

  • Although Jesus is no longer present on earth, his spirit is active in sharing God’s love with all people

  • Jesus helped to bring God’s love and presence into the world, making the world sacramental in nature

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What happens in the sacrament of baptism?

  • Water is poured on a person’s head to symbolise the washing away of sin

  • The person becomes a child of God and a member of the Church

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What happens in the sacrament of confirmation?

  • When a person chooses to confirm they are a member of the Church and are anointed with holy oil

  • The person’s faith is strengthened and deepened

  • The power of the Holy Spirit is renewed in their life

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What happens in the sacrament of the Eucharist?

  • A person receives the Body and Blood of Christ which has been given up for them

  • They can keep growing in God’s love

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What happens in the sacrament of marriage?

  • A man and a woman give their consent to be united as one in marriage

  • The couple accept that through their love for one another the love of God is active in their lives

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What happens in the sacrament of ordination?

  • A person becomes a priest, bishop or deacon through the laying on of hands and anointing of hands with chrism

  • This person commits himself to God and the Church and is given certain powers such as being able to consecrate a mass and forgive sins

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What happens in the sacrament of reconciliation?

  • A person confesses their sins to a priest and is forgiven

  • The person’s relationship with God is restored

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What happens in the sacrament of the sick?

  • A person who is very ill is anointed with oil

  • This gives strength to the person and forgives their sins

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When do Catholics believe life begins?

  • “For as soon as I heard the sound of your greeting, the child in my womb leaped for joy.” Luke 1:44

  • Catholics believe life begins at conception and that the whole person is present from that moment

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Why are Catholics against abortion?

  • All human life is holy (Imago Dei)

  • Human life begins at conception

  • All life should be protected, including the unborn

  • Abortion is therefore wrong

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How might a Catholic help protect the unborn?

  • Support a pro-life organisation that campaigns to reduce the abortion limit or ban abortion completely

  • Support an organisation that cares for women who have decided not to abort their child, but who are facing emotional and financial problems as a result

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