[ 1.4.3 ]
what are the two possible outputs of a boolean equation?
True or False (or 1/0)
why do we use karnaugh maps?
to simplify boolean expressions
how do you find the simplified expression from a completed karnaugh map?
take each box in any order
take each variable in any order
if the digit for the variable in the heading stays the same, keep the variable
if the digit for the variable in the heading changes, discard the variable
what are the 8 rules for drawing boxes on a karnaugh map?
boxes must be rectangles or squares
no diagonal boxes
boxes must only contain 1s
boxes must be as large as possible
boxes can only be made of 2n 1s ( e.g 1, 2, 4, 8 etc)
boxes can overlap
use the smallest amount of boxes possible
boxes can ‘wrap around’ the edges of the map
why do we simplify boolean expressions?
decreases considerably the cost of the hardware
reduces the heat generated by the chip
most importantly, increases speed
A V (B Λ C) ≡ (A V B) Λ (A V C)
A Λ (B V C) ≡ (A Λ B) V (A Λ C)
*note that this works for only AND and only OR as well
draw the AND gate and describe it’s function.
applied to two literals to produce one output
only outputs true (1) when both literals are true
can be thought of as applying multiplication to its inputs
draw the OR gate and describe it’s function.
applied to two literals to produce one output
outputs true (1) when one or more literals are true
can be thought of as applying addition to its inputs
draw the NOT gate and describe it’s function.
applied to one literal (input) to produce a single output
‘flips‘ the value of the input
draw the XOR gate and describe it’s function.
applied to two literals (inputs) to produce a single output
similar to OR, differs when both inputs are true
only outputs true when exactly one input is true
describe a half-adder and draw the circuit.
a logic circuit that adds two bits together
outputs a digit (sum) and a carry bit (remainder)
does not provide input for a carry bit from a previous addition
describe a full-adder circuit and its function.
a logic circuit that adds two bits, and a carry bit (Cin) together
outputs a digit (sum) and a carry bit (remainder)
can be combined to add larger numbers together (e.g a byte) by feeding the carry bit of the previous addition into the next one
describe a D type flip-flop and it’s function.
a logic circuit that stores the state of a bit, and can ‘flip’ between 0 and 1
it has two inputs: a single bit data input (D) and a clock signal
the output of the circuit (Q) only changes when the clock pulse is at a rising edge
when this occurs the output is changed to the value of D at that moment