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Who is Charles Arnold
Charles Arnold was a prominent figure in the field of art conservation, known for his innovative techniques in preserving historical artworks and artifacts. Known for challenging Canada on how we treat witches.
What did Gardner DO
Initated by a coven of whiches called new forecast Coven. Became the founder of contemporary Wicca as a relgion. He introduced rituals and practices that combined elements of ceremonial magic and nature worship.
What does Gardnerian mean in todays socitey
A witch who can trace his or her lineage matrilineally to the practices established by Gerald Gardner, often adhering to traditional Wiccan beliefs.
Who is the grandmother of witchcraft
Doreen Valiente
How many wicca follow Gardnerian Wicca
What is a paganus
One who’s born in the countryside, behind the times with no power in society
What does Neo-Natal mean
“Born again pagans”, those who practice pre-christian religion
What is wicca
Sect of neo-pagan
What is someone who practices wicca called
What is Asatru
Old Icelandic word, meaning "faith in the gods"; a modern revival of Norse paganism. Come from a literate socitey
What are runes
A lettering system
What do Astru referer to themselves as
Asatrur or Heathens
What is Druidry
A spiritual practice rooted in ancient Celtic traditions, focusing on nature, rituals, and reverence for the divine. Come from a non-literate, oral society
What do dridry call themselfs
Does wicca have higher leadership/power
Who was Gerald Gardner
Known as the father of modern wicca, old religon that worships nature and the Goddess.
Some properties of Garderian witch laws
include adherence to secrecy, the importance of initiation, and the practice of rituals that honor the Goddess and nature. They are hierachical in structure, emphasizing a lineage of teachings and authority.
Doreen Valiente
Known as the mother of modern wicca, studied with Garder. She reconized that Aliestar crowly had the same thing going on.
Alex Sanders
Founder of the Alexaindrians, self proclaimed king of the witches, very close to the guardrains
Who is the head of Orient
S.L Mac Gregor Mathers
Because there is no _____ a coven of _____ is accepted
Wiccan Alter
Goddess only (no males), there is a goddess side and a god side to the altar, representing the duality of the divine in Wiccan practice. The colors are based on what you want from the spell
What is Semiotics
Study of symbols and signs
Signs are _____ not,
Univocal, Universal
Symbols are
short hand, color, shape and they are learned
What does Multi Vocal mean
Many meanings that are culturally based
What is Radical Feminsim
Womens opression are based on greater construct of male patriarchy. Works to eliminate genders importance. Started florishing in the early 70s
Cultral Feminism
Took over radical, turn male patriarchy to women patriarchy. Roles were created by fear of women,
Who is Mary Daly
A radical feminist philosopher and theologian known for her critiques of patriarchy and advocacy for women's liberation. She emphasized the importance of women's spirituality and the need to challenge traditional religious structures. Believed that the holy trinity was supposed to be a threefold goddess
What is Reclaiming
A feminist movement aimed at reclaiming derogatory terms and symbols to empower women and challenge societal norms.
What was the big event in the satanist protest
The 2014 Satanic Temple protest against a Ten Commandments monument in Oklahoma. This protest aimed to promote the separation of church and state and challenge religious displays on public property. They wanted to put there own monumet, called bahomet. The protest featured a large statue of Baphomet, symbolizing religious pluralism and freedom of expression.
What were the big changes in the 1960s
People started talking about different religions, spirituality, and feminism. This period marked a significant shift in societal norms, with movements advocating for civil rights, women's rights, and countercultural values gaining prominence.
What does W.I.T.C.H mean
Womens international terriorists conspiracy from hell
What does W.I.C.C.A mean
Women in constant creative action
Goddess worship
Leaving men from the religion, and shifiting to “women who look like me”
McFarland Dianics
A feminist spiritual tradition founded by Morgan McFarland that emphasizes women's experiences and practices in witchcraft. Both men and women can partake. This doesnt spread far past Texas
Who was Z.Budapest
Started a womens collective, and founded feminist witchcraft. She focused on the empowerment of women, by running a women only collective with no leadership.
Feminist Wicca Orgin Story
Goddess danced and her sweat created things of this world
Who was starhawk
A prominent feminist witch and author, Starhawk is known for her work in ecofeminism and the development of modern witchcraft practices that emphasize community, spirituality, and activism. Founder of Reclaiming
Who was Marjia Gimbutas
An archaeologist and anthropologist known for her theories on the role of women in prehistoric societies and the significance of goddess worship in ancient cultures. Most of her students would turn this into a theolgoin view.
What does misogyny mean
Women - hating
What are the two gods in Zoroastrianism
creative living
Who was Kerr Kahulin
A significant figure in the study of ancient cultures, known for his contributions to understanding prehistoric societies and their belief systems. First Candian neo-santaist
Solidary Satanists
Highschool age boys, un-happy with main stream poltics and thier place in the system. They typically feel insignificant and seek self - gradification. Used as an ego-booster
Outlaw Groups
Young men capped at 25, bigger groups of kids (4-10 people) They follow a charismatic leader. These groups get into more trouble (shoplifing, pimping underage women etc). They believe satan will help you achieve the things you lust
Neo-Satantic Churches
Very organized religious groups that promote the worship of Satan and often incorporate elements of modern Satanism. They may focus on individualism, self-empowerment, and the rejection of traditional religious values.
Church of satan
Founded in 1966 by anton Szandor Lavey
Micheal Aquino
A former member of the Church of Satan who founded the Temple of Set in 1975, promoting a form of Satanism focused on self-deification and personal empowerment.
Temple of set
Not only about satan, about the more dangerous gods and goddesses. Very left handed path Teaches you should “do by pushing you limits” and exploring your potential beyond conventional boundaries.
Reading occult info, studying and devoting. Becoming as god / goddess like as possible
Difference between Neo-pagan and Neo-Satan
Neo-p, embraces and loves nature/ earth. Neo-s. Nature is dangerous and hostile, they want to be in control
A program initiated by the Nazi regime to breed a master race, encouraging the birth of Aryan children through selective breeding and fostering.
Blood Flag
A Nazi flag stained with the blood of fallen soldiers, used in rituals to symbolize the sacrifice and unity of the party.
Sixteen Nazi Martyrs
A group of Nazi leaders who were executed for their roles in the failed Beer Hall Putsch in 1923, commemorated as martyrs by the Nazi Party.
Thule Society
A secret society in Germany that promoted Aryan nationalism and occultism, influencing early Nazi ideology and membership.
Heinrich Himmler
One of the most powerful leaders of the Nazi Party and head of the SS, responsible for implementing the Holocaust and overseeing the concentration camps.
Black Propaganda
A form of deceptive communication used to promote disinformation and manipulate public opinion, often associated with psychological warfare.
Changing Holidays
The practice of altering or redefining traditional holidays to align with specific political or ideological agendas, often to promote a particular narrative or belief system.
Night Of The Blood Knives
A violent purge carried out by the Nazi regime on June 30, 1934, targeting political adversaries and consolidating Hitler's power, leading to the execution of many SA leaders.
Richard Wagner
A German composer known for his operas and influential musical dramas, whose works often reflected his nationalist and anti-Semitic views.
Hoot Koomi
A fictional character or concept used in literature or discussions to symbolize cultural or societal issues, often embodying themes of identity and change.
The Holy Grail
A legendary object often associated with the quest for eternal life or divine grace, frequently depicted as the cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper.
A French astrologer and physician, known for his prophecies and predictions about future events, often interpreted as foretelling significant occurrences in history.