Chapter Team - TSA

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104 Terms


Extend Debate

Applies only to the immediately pending question; extends until a certain time or for a certain period of time

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Limit Debate

Closing debate at a certain time, or limiting to a certain period of time

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Lay on the Table

Temporarily suspends further consideration/action on pending question; may be made after motion to close debate has carried or is pending

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Can be made only by one on the prevailing side who has changed position or view

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Informal Consideration

Move that the assembly go into "Committee of the Whole" - informal debate as if in committee; this committee may limit number or length of speeches or close debate by other means by a 2/3 vote. All votes, however, are formal.

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Appeal Decision of the Chair

Appeal for the assembly to decide - must be made before other business is resumed; NOT debatable if relates to decorum, violation of rules or order of business

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1 Tap

Be seated, announce vote.

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2 Taps

Call to order.

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3 Taps

All rise.

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Two-thirds Vote

Motions that require a two-thirds vote are those that limit or eliminate the members' rights in some way.

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The most votes recieved, but not always a simple majority.

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How do you state a main motion?

Madam President, I move that___________.

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How do you state a divide a motion?

Madam President, I move to divide this motion into two motions. The first stating _____________ and the second _______.

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Point of Privilege

Pertains to noise, personal comfort, etc. - may interrupt only if necessary!

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Parliamentary Inquiry

Inquire as to the correct motion - to accomplish a desired result, or raise a point of order

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Point of Information

Generally applies to information desired from the speaker: "I should like to ask the (speaker) a question."

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Orders of the Day (Agenda)

A call to adhere to the agenda (a deviation from the agenda requires Suspending the Rules)

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Point of Order

Infraction of the rules, or improper decorum in speaking. Must be raised immediately after the error is made

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Main Motion

Brings new business (the next item on the agenda) before the assembly

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Divide the Question

Divides a motion into two or more separate motions (must be able to stand on their own)

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Consider by Paragraph

Adoption of paper is held until all paragraphs are debated and amended and entire paper is satisfactory; after all paragraphs are considered, the entire paper is then open to amendment, and paragraphs may be further amended. Any Preamble can not be considered until debate on the body of the paper has ceased.

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Inserting or striking out words or paragraphs, or substituting whole paragraphs or resolutions

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Withdraw/Modify Motion

Applies only after question is stated; mover can accept an amendment without obtaining the floor

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Commit /Refer/Recommit to Committee

State the committee to receive the question or resolution; if no committee exists include size of committee desired and method of selecting the members (election or appointment)

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Postpone to a Certain Time

State the time the motion or agenda item will be resumed

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Object to Consideration

Objection must be stated before discussion or another motion is stated

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Take from the Table

Resumes consideration of item previously "laid on the table" - state the motion to take from the table

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Postpone Indefinitely

Kills the question/resolution for this session - exception: the motion to reconsider can be made this session

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Previous Question

Closes debate if successful - may be moved to "Close Debate" if preferred

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Suspend the Rules

Allows a violation of the assembly's own rules (except Constitution); the object of the suspension must be specified

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What is parliamentary procedure?

A set of rules for running a successful meeting.

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What are the three goals of parliamentary procedure?

Make meetings run smoothly, assure everyone gets to voice their oppinion, and maintain order.

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Who began parliamentary procedure?

Sir Thomas Smyth, in England in 1562.

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What is the bible of Parliamentary Procedure?

Robert's Rules of Order, which was written by Henry M. Robert in 1876.

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When was Robert's Rules of Order revised?

First revised in 1915. Last revised in 1990.

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What is the floor?

A point where the attention of the meeting should be focused.

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What does germane mean?

Related to the original topic.

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What is a quorum?

The amount of members present required to conduct a meeting.

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Series of Taps

Restore order.

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Simple Majority

One more than half the votes cast.

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Super Majority

Required majorities that are greater than a simple majority.

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What is a main motion used for?

A main motion is a means of introducing business to a meeting.

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Who cannot speak against a main motion?

The person who makes the motion cannot speak against it.

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What main motions are not legal?

Main motions that break any laws, bring up a motion that have already failed, are outside the power of the group, are negative motions, or support political/ religious support.

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What are privileged motions?

Motions that fulfill individual needs or the interest of the group individually.

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How do you state a fix time to which to adjourn motion?

Madam President, I move to adjourn until (time) on (date).

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How do you state an adjourn motion?

Madam President, I move to adjourn.

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How do you state a recess motion?

Madam President, I move to take a __ minute recess.

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How do you state a raise a question of privilege motion?

Madam President, I rise to a question of privilege.

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Call for the orders of the day can be made on?

Motions that are not set on the agenda for the meeting.

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How do you state a call for the orders of the day motion?

Madam President, I call for the orders of the day.

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What are subsidiary motions?

Motions that alter, change, or dispose of main motions.

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How do you state a lay on the table motion?

Madam President, I move to lay this motion on the table.

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How do you state a take from the table motion?

Madam President, I move to take the motion that reads _____from the table.

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How do you state a call for previous question motion?

Madam President, I call for the previous question.

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How to state a postpone definitely motion?

Madame President, I move to postpone this motion until the _____Regular Meeting.

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Two types of committees?

Standing (one of the 15 listed in the POA) and the Ad Hoc, or special committee appointed by the chair (made of 3 or more members).

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How to state a refer to a committee motion?

Madam President, I move that we refer this motion to the ____ Committee/ a committee of three appointed by the chair.

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Special rules for amend motion?

Must be germane. No more than two amendments can be considered at one time.

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An amendment changes or alters a main motion by?

Striking out, inserting, striking out and inserting, or adding to the end.

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How do you state an amend motion?

Madam I move to amend the motion by ___________. So the motion would read, I move that _________________.

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How do you state a postpone indefinitely motion?

Madam President, I move to postpone the motion indefinitely.

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What must be specified in a limit or extend debate motion?

Maker of the motion must specify the amount of time, and the number of speakers that can debate the motion.

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How do you state a limit or extend debate motion?

Mister/ Madam President, I move that we limit debate on this motion to 3 discussions for the motion and 3 discussions against the motion.

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What are incidental motions?

Motions that correct ill-advised actions.

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How do you state an object to the consideration of question motion?

Madam President, I object to the consideration fo this question.

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How do you state an appeal motion?

Madam President, I appeal the decision of the chair.

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How do you state a rise to the point of order motion?

I rise to a point of order.

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Who can propose a withdraw?

Can only be moved by the member who proposed the motion being withdrawn.

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How do you state a withdraw a motion motion?

Madam President, I would like to withdraw my motion.

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How do you state a suspend the rules motion?

Madam President, because of the lack of time tonight, I move to suspend the rules and skip directly to new business.

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When can a call for the division of the house motion be made?

Can only be called for after vote has been announced.

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How do you state a division of the house motion?

Can be made by saying division loud enough for the entire group to hear or by standing and saying I call for a division of the house.

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What is a Rise to Parliamentary Inquiry Motion used for?

Ask how to carry parliamentary ability.

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What is a divide motion used for?

This motion allows a motion that has been made to be split into two different motions.

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What does a reconsider do to the motion?

If passed the motion is handled as if it was never voted on.

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How do you state a recondsider motion?

Madam President, I move to reconsider the motion ________.

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How do you state a rescind motion?

Madam President, I move that we rescind the motion ___________.

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Seconding a motion ensures?

That you get on record as supporting motion and puts the motion to a vote.

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Debating a Motion allows?

Raise concerns about the motion, persuade others to vote one way or another, and provide information about motion.

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Amending a Motion allows?

Allows for changes to a main motion to appease both sides or improve both sides or improve the motion.

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Voting on a motion can be down by what means?

Voice, visual, ballot, roll call, and mechanical devices.

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What is a Fix Time to Which to Adjourn Motion used for?

To set date and time to adjourn meeting.

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What is an Adjourn Motion used for?

To end current meeting immediately.

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What is a Recess Motion used for?

To call for a temporary break in meeting.

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What is a Raise a Question of Privilege Motion used for?

To secure comfort/ convience for members.

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What is a Call for the Orders of the Day Motion used for?

To demand compliance with agenda or seek information on order or agenda.

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What is a Lay on the Table Motion used for?

To delay a motion briefly, until taken from the table.

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What is a Call for Previous Question Motion used for?

To force immediate vote on a motion.

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What is a Postpone Definitely Motion used for?

To allow for the motion on the floor to be deferred to a different day, meeting or until after a certain event.

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What is a refer to Committee Motion used for?

To send a pending question to a small group so that the question may be carefully investigated.

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What is an Amend Motion used for?

To modify a main motion.

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What is a Postpone Indefinitely Motion used for?

To kill a motion without a direct vote.

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What is a Limit or Extend Debate Motion used for?

To limit or extend the time allowed for a discussion when it is clear that discussion will be lengthy or the meeting will be short.

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What is an Object to the Consideration of Question Motion used for?

To stop offensive or innapropriate measures.

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What is an Appeal Motion used for?

To allow members to overrule the chair.

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What is a Rise to a Point of Order Motion used for?

To have parliamentary errors corrected.

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What is a Withdraw Motion used for?

To retract motion that was proposed.

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What is a Suspend the Rules Motion used for?

To allow the chapter to break the rules of parliamentary procedure, or the current constitution for a short period of time.

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What is a Reconsider Motion used for?

To reevaluate a decision that was made earlier.

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