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God's Authority vs. Man's Authority
God's sovereignty supersedes human authority.
Inalienable Rights
Rights granted by God, inherent to all individuals, not revocable by government.
Federalism mirrors covenantal relationships, dividing powers.
Doctrine of the Two Swords
Church and state have separate roles under God's authority.
Tower of Babel Fallacy
Centralized planning risks widespread failure.
Just War Theory
Just cause, legitimate authority, last resort, proportionality.
De Facto Inequality vs. De Jure Injustice
Inequality exists naturally (de facto); injustice arises from laws (de jure).
Articles of the Constitution
Define government structure and powers.
General Welfare Clause
Promotes the common good.
Necessary and Proper Clause
Allows Congress to enact laws to fulfill its duties.
Idolatry of Office
Avoid idolizing political power; governance should reflect servant leadership.
Media Freedom
Diverse sources ensure accountability.
Committee Work
Reflects self-governance and accountability.
Presidents as Prophetic Voices
Presidents shape public values but should not wield unchecked power.
Civil Servants vs. Bureaucrats
Civil Servants: Administer law fairly; Bureaucrats: Risk becoming territorial and power-driven.
Regulatory Burden
Overregulation reduces effectiveness and increases dependency on legal experts.
Judicial Activism
Unelected judges interpreting the Constitution without accountability.
Judicial Independence
Lifetime appointments protect judges from political pressure.
Sin vs. Crime in Poverty Policy
Poverty is a societal sin but not always a state crime.
Social Security
Collects wealth but does not create it.
Education and Propaganda
Education as a state tool risks indoctrination.
Keynesian Economics
Market irrationality is matched by state irrationality.
Free Market Morality
Encourages innovation and wealth creation over wealth redistribution.
Radical Islam vs. Stalinism
Stalinism posed greater existential threats; Islamic radicalism poses cultural challenges.
Restorative Justice
Rehabilitation and reconciliation over punishment.
Broken-Window Policing
Data profiling risks inequity.
Negative Rights
Rights ensuring freedom from interference (e.g., speech, property).
Private Prisons
Profit motives conflict with justice priorities.
FDR's Policies
Expanded federal roles undermined self-governance.
Mental Health in Public Policy
State intervention may be needed for public safety.
Moral Case for Free Markets
Aligns with Biblical values of liberty and stewardship.
Article I
Establishes the Legislative Branch, outlining the structure, powers, and limitations of Congress.
Article II
Establishes the Executive Branch, defining the presidency and its powers.
Article III
Establishes the Judicial Branch, outlining the structure and powers of the federal court system.
Article IV
Addresses the states' powers and limits, and responsibilities to one another.
Article V
Outlines the process for amending the Constitution.
Article VI
Establishes the Constitution as the supreme law of the land and addresses oaths of office.
Article VII
Details the process for ratification of the Constitution.
Misuse of the General Welfare Clause
Often misinterpreted to justify excessive spending and programs beyond the original intent of promoting the common good, resulting in extensive government intervention.