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effort to unite all Christians
Charismatic gifts
special, spiritual gifts, used for the good of the Church
It is everyone's responsibility
Whose responsibility is it to unify the Church?
In what book of the Bible were the charismatic gifts mentioned?
Bishops are the successors of who?
one, holy, catholic, and apostolic
What are the four marks of the Church?
faith, worship, governance, and charity
What are the four visible signs of unity in the Church?
A letter written by the pope to the Church
Apostles and Nicene creed
What are the two creeds in which we profess our faith?
True or false; Unity is a gift from God
Jesus and each other
With whom were the early Christians united?
prayer, Eucharist, and in one heart/mind
How were the early Christians united?
When people have the same convictions, values, visions, and goals
How is unity achieved?
false; one
True or false; Holy is the Mark of the Church that stresses unity
Holy Spirit
Who are the leaders of the Church inspired by?