BIO 272 Parasitology: Lab Practical #2 Tape worms

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What is Dibothriocephalus latus?

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Parasitic Tape Worms

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What is Dibothriocephalus latus?

AKA Broad fish tapeworm, a common species of tapeworm that infects humans.

What is the life cycle? It involves three hosts: copepods (small crustaceans) as the first intermediate host. Fish, as the second intermediate host, and mammals (including humans) as the definitive host (sexual phase )

How is the parasite transmitted?: Humans can be infected by consuming raw or undercook freshwater fish contains the plerceroid stage (infective larvae) of the parasite.

What is the disease? Their no disease just a health conditions/ infection call fish tapeworm infection.

What are the symptoms of Fish tapeworm infection?: Abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, and vitamin B12 deficiency.

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What does Dibothriocephalus latus ( egg form) look like?

Eggs are similar to those of trematode, being operculate.

<p>Eggs are similar to those of trematode, being operculate.</p>
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<p>What is Taenia Solium?</p>

What is Taenia Solium?

AKA Pork tapeworm, a parasitic tape worm part of the phylum: platyhelminths and class: Cestoda.

What the geography?: Itā€™s found world wide, but in region where pork consumption is common and sanitation practice are inadequate.

What is the life cycle?: Human are infected by consuming undercook pork contains cysticerci (larval cysts form) of the parasite.

What are the symptoms?: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss. In worse cases the large can travel to the brain and cause neurological proems, such as seizures, and headaches.

What is the treatment?: Medication

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What does Taenia Solium ( Scolex form) look like

Rostellum with two circles of hooks. It includes itā€™s hook/ and neck.

<p>Rostellum with two circles of hooks. It includes itā€™s hook/ and neck.</p>
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What does Taenia sodium (immature proglottids) look like?

Immature form the worm not fully developed

<p>Immature form the worm not fully developed </p>
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What does Taenia sodium (gravid proglottids) look like?

Proglottids passed in long chains, has 7 - 13 lateral uterine branches per side

<p>Proglottids passed in long chains, has 7 - 13 lateral uterine branches per side</p>
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<p>What is Taenia pisciformis?</p>

What is Taenia pisciformis?

AkA Rabbit tapeworm, a parasitic flatworm belonging to he phylum: Platyhelminthes, and class: Cestoda

What type of hosts does it have? Intermediate host, includes rabbits and hares, Definitive host (sexual host) dogs, foxes, and coyotes, and accidental intermediate host, rodents.

What is the life cycle?: Adult worms live in the small intestine of the definitive host (carnivores), they realizes eggs in the poop of the carnivore host. Lagomorphs or rabbits and hares become infected by ingesting contaminated foo or water contains the eggs. When inside the rabbit, the eggs hatch and developing larvae (aka cysticerci) that form cysts in the muscles and organs. When a carnivore eats an infected rabbit, the cysts develop into adult tapeworms in the carnivoreā€™s intestine.

What are the symptoms?: In rabbits, causes weight loss, decreased fertility, and organ damage due to the presence of cysts. In humans, itā€™s very rare, but it can occur if undercook rabbit meat contains viable cysts is consumed. It includes abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea.

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What does Tania pisciformis (worm form) look like?

Internal organs are visible because oh how weak there musculature is. Includes the ovary, vtelline gland, testes, vas deferent, cirrus pouch, vagina, ootype, Mehlisā€™ gland, genital pore, and excretory canals.

<p>Internal organs are visible because oh how weak there musculature is. Includes the ovary, vtelline gland, testes, vas deferent, cirrus pouch, vagina, ootype, Mehlisā€™ gland, genital pore, and excretory canals. </p>
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What does Tania pisciformis (scolex) look like?

Has both long and short hooks, approx. 34 - 38 hooks.

<p>Has both long and short hooks, approx. 34 - 38 hooks. </p>
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What does Tania pisciformis (mature proglottids) look like?

This is from a rabbit life cycle, includes organs, vitellarium, gential pore, ovary, vagina, testes, uterus, and sperm duct

<p>This is from a rabbit life cycle, includes organs, vitellarium, gential pore, ovary, vagina, testes, uterus, and sperm duct </p>
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What does Tania pisciformis (gravid proglottids) look like?

This is the form in the rabbit, all the circle are eggs

<p>This is the form in the rabbit, all the circle are eggs</p>
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What is Taenia Saginata?

AKA the Beef tapeworm, itā€™s a zoonotic cestode parasite, basically it can infect both humans and animals. Largest in the Tania species, measuring 4 - 10 meters, exceeding 22 meters.

What is the life cycle?: In involves two hosts, Intermediate host, cattle, where the larval stage ( or cysticerci form) develops in their muscle tissue. Definitive host (sexual) humans, where the adult tapeworms resides in the small intestine and lays eggs.

How is it transmitted? Human become infected by consuming undercooked or raw infected beef contains cysticerci. Cattles become infected by ingesting vegetation contaminated by eggs or gravid proglottids.

What are the symptoms?: Abdominal pain, Nausea, Diarrhea, Weight loss, etc

<p>AKA the Beef tapeworm, itā€™s a zoonotic cestode parasite, basically it can infect both humans and animals. Largest in the Tania species, measuring 4 - 10 meters, exceeding 22 meters.</p><p>What is the life cycle?: In involves two hosts, Intermediate host, cattle, where the larval stage ( or cysticerci form) develops in their muscle tissue. Definitive host (sexual) humans, where the adult tapeworms resides in the small intestine and lays eggs.</p><p>How is it transmitted? Human become infected by consuming undercooked or raw infected beef contains cysticerci. Cattles become infected by ingesting vegetation contaminated by eggs or gravid proglottids.</p><p>What are the symptoms?: Abdominal pain, Nausea, Diarrhea, Weight loss, etc</p>
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What does Taenia Saginata (egg form) look like?

Spherical, contain an onchosphere surrounded by a thick embryophore (inner wall) that is riddled with numerous press giving the egg a striated appearance.

<p>Spherical, contain an onchosphere surrounded by a thick embryophore (inner wall) that is riddled with numerous press giving the egg a striated appearance. </p>
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What does Taenia Saginata (Immature proglottids) look like?

It has 14 -23 lateral uterine branches pers side.

<p>It has 14 -23 lateral uterine branches pers side.</p>
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What does Taenia Saginata ( mature or gravid proglottids) look like?

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What is Echinococcus granulosus?

AKA hydatid worm or Dog tapeworm is a parasitic flatworm belonging to the phylum: Platyhelminthes and the class: Cestoda.

What are its host?: Definitive host (sexual host), are carnivorous mammals, primarily dogs, where the adult worm resides in their small intestine and reproduces. Intermediate host, are various herbivores, including sheep, cattle, goats, pigs, and even humans, where the larval stage of the parasite develops

What is the life cycle?: Adult tapeworms in dogs shed eggs that are released in the feces. The intermediate host (humans and sheep, cattle, goats, pigs), become infected by ingesting contaminated food or water containing eggs. Inside the intermediate host, the eggs hatch and develop into larvae (hydatid cysts) that form fluid filled sacs in various organs, mostly in the liver and lungs. when a digs eats the infected organs of an intermediate host, the cysts develop into adult worms in the dogā€™s intestine, completing the life cycle

What are the symptoms?: In the intermediate host, humans, sheep, cattle, goat, pigs, the hydatid cysts form can cause organ damage, pain, and other health problems. In more serious cases it can be life threatening. In humans, itā€™s rare by it can occur accidentally ingesting the parasites eggs. Symptoms can include, depending on the location and size of the cysts, abdominal pain, coughing, and difficulty breathing.

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What does Echinococcus granulosus (egg form) look like?

Spherical in shape thick shell and a hexacanth (6-hooked) embryo (oncosphere)

<p>Spherical in shape thick shell and a hexacanth (6-hooked) embryo (oncosphere)</p>
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What does Echinococcus granulosus (cyst form) look like?

the hydatid cyst is the larvae form and it can be very harmful to humans. the thick outer cyst, composed of fibrous connective tissue produced by the host. within this is a thin germinal membrane to which the daughter cyst are attached. each of the latter contains either one or more invaginated scolices or several small brood capsules. The scolices are produced by endogenous budding capsules. All of the cysts is confined within one large spherical cyst embrace, hence the term ā€œunilocularā€. Spces within the cyst are filled with hydatid fluids.

<p>the hydatid cyst is the larvae form and it can be very harmful to humans. the thick outer cyst, composed of fibrous connective tissue produced by the host. within this is a thin germinal membrane to which the daughter cyst are attached. each of the latter contains either one or more invaginated scolices or several small brood capsules. The scolices are produced by endogenous budding capsules. All of the cysts is confined within one large spherical cyst embrace, hence the term ā€œunilocularā€. Spces within the cyst are filled with hydatid fluids. </p>
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What does Echinococcus granulosus (worm/ scolex ) look like?

Found mostly in canines and other carnivores in a local population. The worm has four suckers and several circles of hooks on its rostellum. Itā€™s a tiny worm ( 3- 6mm) with three or four segments only (an immature, mature and gravid proglottid). average number of eggs per proglottid is 823

<p>Found mostly in canines and other carnivores in a local population. The worm has four suckers and several circles of hooks on its rostellum. Itā€™s a tiny worm ( 3- 6mm) with three or four segments only (an immature, mature and gravid proglottid). average number of eggs per proglottid is 823</p>
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What does Echinococcus granulosus (worm/ immature ) look like?

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What does Echinococcus granulosus (worm/ mature ) look like?

Itā€™s long the black dots and circles are eggs that are inside the worm.

<p>Itā€™s long the black dots and circles are eggs that are inside the worm. </p>
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What is Dipylidium caninum?

AKA Flea tapeworm, cucumber tapeworm, or double-pored tapeworm, is a parasitic cestode (flatworm) that infects dogs and cats, and occasionally humans. Itā€™s most commonly found in animals.

What are its hosts?: Itā€™s definitive host (sexual host) are dogs and cats, and its intermediate host, arthropods, commonly fleas.

What is the life cycle?: When a definitive host, cat or dog, ingested an infected flea or louse. The flea or louse, intermediate host, becomes infected by ingesting tapeworms eggs shed in the feces of an infected definite host, cat or dogs.

What are the symptoms?: In animals, diarrhea vomiting, weight loss, restlessness, visible proglottids (tape worm segments) around the anus or in the feces of the definitive host, dog or cat, resembles an whit small rice grain or cucumber seed. In humans, is commonly found in children) is the same symptoms but the site of infection is the small intestine.

What is the treatment?: Medication.

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What does Dipylidium caninum ( worm/scolex) look like?

Has a retractable rostellum with several circles of tiny rose thorn-like hooks. they have four to five transverse rows of small rose thorn shaped hooks.

<p>Has a retractable rostellum with several circles of tiny rose thorn-like hooks. they have four to five transverse rows of small rose thorn shaped hooks.</p>
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What does Dipylidium caninum ( worm/ Proglottids) look like?

Are delicate, elongate, and have two genital pores, one on each side of the proglottids. the presence of these bilateral genital pores is a diagostic feature of this worm.

<p>Are delicate, elongate, and have two genital pores, one on each side of the proglottids. the presence of these bilateral genital pores is a diagostic feature of this worm. </p>
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What does Dipylidium caninum ( worm/ Mature Proglottids) look like?

In mature proglottids, there are duplicates sets of reproductive organs. Eggs inside the vines shape reproductive organs.

<p>In mature proglottids, there are duplicates sets of reproductive organs. Eggs inside the vines shape reproductive organs. </p>
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What is Hymenopis nana?

AKA the dwarf tapeworm, is a tiny intestinal parasite belonging to the plum: platyhelminthese, and the class: Cestoda. The most common human tapeworm infection worldwide, specifically in regions where their is poor sanctions and hygiene practice. Adults are very small, 15 to 40 millimeter (mm) in length, they are consider the smallest tapeworms species that infects humans

How many hostā€™s does it have? One single host, in its direct life cycle, itā€™s a definite host( sexual), humans (or sometimes rodents). And in itā€™s indirect life cycle their an intermediate host, Beetles (flour beetles, or Tenebrionidae) or fleas, who can become infected by ingesting eggs in the environment contaminated with infected feces. This makes it a facultative heteroxeneous parasite.

What is their life cycle? H. nana has a direct life cycle (direct transmission) as it has on single host, which are definitive host (sexual), humans.The eggs releases from adult worms in the intestine can mature within the same individual, leading to internal auto infection. The eggs hatch in the intestine, releasing larvae that burrow in the back into the intestine wall, developing into adults, and relating the cycle within the same person. Humans are infected by ingesting contaminated food or water contains the parasiteā€™s eggs. This can happen because of poor hygiene, close contact with infected individual or consuming food contaminated by insects carrying the eggs. I.e. infected grain products (flour bottle) or coming into contact with infected fleas.

What are the symptoms?: Many infected may experience NO SYMPTOMS, but in some cases, it may include abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, Irritability, weight loss, Restlessness or sleep problems.

What is the treatment?: medication to kill the adult worms

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<p>What does the Hymenopis nana (adult/Scolex (neck/suckers) look like?</p>

What does the Hymenopis nana (adult/Scolex (neck/suckers) look like?

It' has a small head, 4 suckers, and 20 - 30 hooks, measures to 40mmX1mm and has a long slender neck

<p>It' has a small head, 4 suckers, and 20 - 30 hooks, measures to 40mmX1mm and has a long slender neck</p>
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<p>What does the Hymenopis nana (adult/ middle body) look like?</p>

What does the Hymenopis nana (adult/ middle body) look like?

Proglottids are wider than long, the genital pores unilateral, and there are three testes per segments.

<p>Proglottids are wider than long, the genital pores unilateral, and there are three testes per segments. </p>
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<p>What does the Hymenopis nana (adult/ end of the body ) look like?</p>

What does the Hymenopis nana (adult/ end of the body ) look like?

This is the end of the body little black dots could be the the eggs.

<p>This is the end of the body little black dots could be the the eggs. </p>
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<p>What does the Hymenopis nana (egg form) look like?</p>

What does the Hymenopis nana (egg form) look like?

The eggs are onchosphere that fills most of the eggs volume and posses polar filaments, which may or may not be discernible. Polar filaments sometimes appear ā€˜fuzzyā€™ throughout the egg. Often two small knobs can be seen on either side of the oncosphere from the filaments arise. Occur s near or among the debris of small intestine.

<p>The eggs are onchosphere that fills most of the eggs volume and posses polar filaments, which may or may not be discernible. Polar filaments sometimes appear ā€˜fuzzyā€™ throughout the egg. Often two small knobs can be seen on either side of the oncosphere from the filaments arise. Occur s near or among the debris of small intestine. </p>
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