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What best describes a DNA molecule?
double helix
Why is DNA important
It serves as the blueprint for traits of all living things
What organelle is DNA usually found in?
What are the 4 nitrogen bases?
adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine
What bonds with guanine
What are inherited traits?
Traits that are passed from generation to generation.
______ carries information for the inherited traits
What will be the matching sequence be on a strand that reads AAGCTAT
What two scientists are accredited with correctly making a model of DNA?
Watson and Crick
What is mutation
The change in the sequence of DNA
What pairs with adenine?
Put these structures in order from largest to smallest, Gene-Cell-Nucleus- DNA- Chromosome
Cell, Nucleus, Chromosome, gene DNA
Who were some of the scientists we learned about? How did they add to our understanding of DNA? (Hint: There are 3 in total)?
Rosalind Franklin used an x-ray crystallography and captured the first image of an DNA; James Watson and Francis Crick used the image to create the first accurate model of DNA.
What do genes do?
They control the production of proteins
How many chromosomes do humans have?
46 chromosomes, (23 pairs).
What is a mutation?
The change in DNA.
What are genetic disorders
It is when a mutation affects your genes or when you have the wrong amount of genetic material.
What are the 3 types of mutations?
Insertion-extra bases added, deletion- 1 or more bases deleted, substitution-the wrong bases paired up
What do helpful mutations do
They cause new proteins that can help the organism adapt better to change. For example, it can cause DDT resistance in insects that help keep bugs alive who are trying to survive on pesticide-laden crops.
Name 2 genetic disorders we discussed in class
Cystic Fibrosis, Sickle Cell Anemia.
deoxyribonucleic acid