Who are actors in the modern international system? Which actors are most important?
The actors in the international system are states, intergovernmental organizations (IGOS), nongovernmental organizations(NGOS), multinational organizations(MNCS), they all work together as a predictable system. The primary actor is states, because they are sovereign entities with recognized borders and governments and can engage in diplomacy, enter treaties, participate in international organizations, and maintain military forces.
What is the primary characteristic of the international system?
The primary characteristic of the international system is the principle of sovereignty, the principle that states have supreme authority over their territory
What are the primary characteristics of states? Why would we say that states have agency?
In order for a country to be a state it must 1. Sovereignty (exclusive jurisdiction over its territory and population) 2. Human population that permanently inhabits the territory 3. Territory with Defined borders 4. Organization (government) States at said to have agency because they can make their own decisions.
How do countries use foreign aid? What are the motivations of both the supplies and the recipients?
Foreign aid provides money or material to a state, in exchange for something in return. The recipients use the aid for a variety of reasons such as promoting infrastructure, emergencies like wars, disease control, etc. The motivation for the suppliers include moral obligation, strengthen alliances, place military bases, etc.
What is the security dilemma? Why is it important? What is the necessary prerequisite for the security dilemma to exist?
The security dilemma is in a situation of anarchy, measures are taken to make oneself feel more secure inevitably it makes the other states feel less secure. The security dilemma is important because it helps explain why countries end up in conflict, and highlights the challenge of misperception and trust. Anarchy is needed for the security dilemma to happen.
When does the modern international system begin? What prompts the beginning of the system?
The modern international system begins in 1648 with the treaty of Westphalia. The treaty ended the 30 years wars and established sovereignty.
Why do we study European politics to study the current international system? What roles does other parts of the world play?
Because of the way Europe settled conflicts by the treat of Westphalia and the development of sovereignty.
International relations
The behavior and interaction of states (cultural,economic,legal,military,political, and social relations of all states)
3 steps to understand international relations
Present reflects the past
Appreciate multiple perspectives
Foreign aid
Provides money or materials to a state in exchange for something back.
The ability to make their own decisions; autonomy
Components of the International system
Actors states igos ngos mncs
The component parts of the international system
What defines a state
Human population (permanent)
Defined territorial borders
A structure of organization
The entity has exclusive over it’s territory and population
Peace of Westphalia
1648 a treaty that created the principle of sovereignty. The king chose the religion of its people.
A group of people who believe they should be ruled together based on some characteristic.
No government
Intergovernmental organizations
Institutions created by states to manage some aspects of the interchange between states, and whose membership is comprised of states. The United Nations NATO European Union