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Process of rapidly generating as many ideas as possible
Thumbnails sketches
Quick drawings considered the fastest and easiest way to approach a design project or logo
Design Principles
Value, Contrast, Balance, Rhythm, Pattern, Movement, Emphasis, Unity
Graphic Design
Conveying a message by designing and creating text and images
4 main parts of a layout design
Headline, illustration, body copy and a logo design
Effective Ad/Advertisement
Creates immediate graphic impact (memorable, sells product or service)
Graphic designer
Creates visual concepts, using computer software or by hand, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform and captivate consumers
Graphic designers
Need to observe and direct the photographer on a photoshoot
Larger, bolder fonts usually the most visually dominant text on a design page
Easily recognizable graphic symbol that identifies a company or product
Main purpose of a logo?
Communicates something about the client or product
Poster design planning
Must convey the information (most important consideration)
A mockup of finished brochure or package design
Vector graphic
Form of computer graphics made up of curves, lines and points that can be scaled without any distortion (Adobe InDesign or Illustrator)
Raster graphic
A two-dimensional image made of many small squares or pixels (Photoshop)
Smallest square or element in a raster image
Refers to one million pixels
A measure used to describe the sharpness and clarity of an image or picture
High resolution
Used for creating and professional printing purposes
Low resolution
Used for images on the web, internet and computer monitor
High V.S Low resolution
High - Used for printing purposes
Low - Used for viewing school monitors, web, internet images, social media
Stands for random access memory or temporary memory in a computer
CMYK color mode
Full color used for printing purposes made up of 4 plates: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black
RGB color mode
Best for digital work which stands for Red, Green and Blue
Images off the internet and computer monitors are
all RGB color mode
Pantone matching system (PMS)
Color number selection system used for printing purposes
Monochromatic color scheme
Creating different values of one color
Software that is best for editing, manipulating or altering digital images
A self-contained design area in which you can create your design. In Adobe software they can be changed after you create your new document (File>Doc>Setup)
Images stacked on top of each other which allow different parts to show through.
Marching ants
Selection is made, feathered if value is greater than zero, control + d to deselect image
Scroll bars
Used to navigate or move through the Adobe software environment.
Are contrast, color, and brightness enhancements for your images
Special effects such as colored pencil, brush stroke or noise. and effects are used in Photoshop to create texture and depth.
Transform or Free Transform
To scale, rotate, filp, distort, change perspective, warp an image.
Adjusting the colors and enhancing colors of an image in photoshop
Can have infinite colors in them, think the rainbow
Layer style in photoshop that outlines an object, image or type
The functionality that supports see through areas in an image or layer
Adjustments to change the transparency of an image or object
0% transparency
Will make the layer or image completely see through or disappear
History palette
The steps in your graphic design that you have done. Can go back and be deleted.
Properties panel
Located on the righthand side of the software. Where you’ll find controls and options for whichever layer is selected in the Layers panel.
Tools in photoshop:
Magic wand, Lasso tool, crop tool, paint bucket tool, dodge tool, burn tool, eyedropper tool, cloning tool and hand tool
Magic wand
Tool used to help you select similar pixels or colors in an image
Lasso tool
Tool used to select odd shaped pixels of an image
Crop tool
To cut down the size of your entire graphic design including all layers.
Paint bucket tool
Fill in a layer or selection with a solid color
Dodge tool
Lightens pixels in an image
Burn tool
Darkens pixels in an image
Eyedropper tool
Selects a single color or single pixel at the cursor
Cloning tool
Involves taking pixels from one location and moving to another location
Hand tool
Used to navigate or move through the Adobe software environment
Menu items in Photoshop
File, Edit, Image, Layer, Type, Select, Filter, 3-D, View, etc
Adobe InDesign
In the industry-this software is considered a desktop publishing software. It’s the leading multi -page layout design software for print and digital media. Ex: Magazines and catalogs.
Pages Panel in Indesign
Allows you to view all the pages in the document
Links Panel in Indesign
Indicates all the images and graphics used in the document
Text box
Is drawn to include text.
A red plus sign on the bottom right corner indicates that there is more that is not shown
Tools in InDesign
Pen tool
Pen tool
Allows you to draw shapes and lines to complete your illustration
How to apply a drop shadow
By selecting the image or object and using the “effects” option in objects
Adobe Illustrator
In the industry - this software is a vector- based drawing program used to make crisp illustrations, logos, icons, etc
Adobe Animate
Industry standard software for creating animation. Interactive movies are considered animation, such as Disney’s “Finding Nemo”. Frames in animation are displayed in the timeline window.
Registration marks
Symbols used to align color separations
Proof reading marks
Written instructions/symbols used to make type corrections and changes
Proofreading mark ^
Means to insert text or an element of design
When finding the right one you must select the right name, weight, color and finish ( thickness of paper, surface like rough, matte, shiny, etc ) for printing
Business Cards
Small hand sized rectangular thicker paper including business information about a company or individual.
Flatbed peripheral device used to digitize artwork, drawings or photographs. They are considered input/output devices
Is any piece of equipment that attaches to and serves as an extension of a computer
Dot Pattern
An image that is broken into after digitizing a photo or artwork
Written permission
Required agreement before an image is scanned and used
Buy out
Rights - gives an artist unlimited right to reproduce the photo
Usage rights
Photographer holds these rights to a photo
The art and technique of arranging type
What type size is measured in
Body copy
8 point type which refers to the main paragraph or line of text in an ad
Point or line from which other elements of type are measured
The portion of a letter or font that extends below the baseline (ex:q or y)
Line spacing or space between the lines
Serif fonts
Type that contains end strokes such as Times or Old English
Sans serif fonts
Type without end strokes such as Arial or Helvetica
Reverse type
Solid color block or shape with white text on top
Used to create different type styles and sizes
Which of the following is least essential information when initially discussing an an image or advertising strategy for a client?
Type style
Key commands in Adobe software
Command S & Z
Command S
Saves a document
Command Z
Edit undo or goes to the last change made in your design
File formats
Pdf, Jpg, and Png
Jpg or jpeg
File format used to save a photograph or flattened photoshop document (no layers)
Stands for portable document format used to send in email or professional printer
A file with a transparent background