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Rudyard Kipling
He was a British Man who wrote the poem called a “The White Man’s Burden”
Average thoughts on imperialism at the time.
Commander Perry
US Navy representing the president
Delivered the Japanese a letter
In the letter, he says that the US wishes to trade with Japan
Recounts the problems China faced when they didn’t want to trade with Europe:
Opium, War, Weak government
Says Japan shouldn’t meet the same fate
Threatens Japan to trade with US
Chief Kabongo
Was chief of the Kikuyu tribe in Kenya and he displayed how imperialism slowly took over places in Africa with the story called “the coming of the pink cheeks.
Primary source of imperialism
King Leopold II
Ruler of the Belgium throne, inflicted great torture onto the people of the congo, lied to everyone about what was actually happening so he could continue the suffering he inflicted.
Cecil Rhodes
He wrote “Confession of Faith” thought of the British as the best and most advanced people
He was on the radical end of imperialist who thought their countries should take over the world.
George Orwell
Was a subofficer in Burma and journaled his time there and hated imperialism and working for the British. He wrote “Shooting an elephant” which displayed how the harsh relationship between the Burmese people and the British Officers.
Was a modern example of peoples thoughts on Imperialism as he experienced it first-hand and was against Imperialism.
White Man’s Burden
Moral obligation to help those who are not white - Rudyard Kipling wrote a poem about this
Cash Crop
A farming crop sold for profit - You sell it and get money for food instead of directly getting food
East India Company
Started in 1600
Joint stock co
Imported things like spices, cotton, indigo from India
instituted systems of trade, government, and intellectual exchange that ultimately proved detrimental to India and China.
Direct Rule
The government ran by officials of the controlling country
Indirect Rule
Colony is still ruled by the natives, but it is watched over and still in control of the ruling country
A country or area under the full or partial political control of another country, typically a distant one, and occupied by settlers from that country
Add somethings - an addition to
Sphere of Influence
Exclusive rights over something (can be religious) (can be about land)
A required contribution to state revenue, by the government on workers' income and business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions
Belgian Congo
Place that was ruled under the King Leopold II - harsh and brutal - eventually become an independent state
A want for the same thing (example: a colony)
Natural Resources
High demand, imperialism likely started in places for a want for these
The act or process of buying, selling, or exchanging items within a country or between countries
Open Door Policy
Attempt that was made so trading with China was equal - every country wanted to trade with China because of their advancements
Goods or services that is brought into a country that was produced in another country
Goods or services that are produced in a country and sold to another country
Berlin Conference
A meeting of 14 nations to establish the ground rules of colonization in Africa, discuss territorial disputes, negotiate questions and end confusion over the control of the African continent
Included representatives from the United States and such European nations as Britain, France, and Germany
The goal of the conference was to negotiate and create a process for the partition of Africa into European colonies or spheres of influence
When did the Berlin Conference occur
What did France want at the Berlin Conference?
To expand its control into western Africa
What did Britain want at the Berlin Conference?
To connect its holdings from the south of Africa to Cairo in Egypt.
What did Belgium want at the Berlin Conference?
To access the mineral and rubber resources of the interior tropical rainforest in the Congo River Basin, and were interested in the Ivory Trade
What did Germany want at the Berlin Conference?
Interested in maintaining control of these areas as well as expanding to Africa’s western coast
What nation was the most successful at the Berlin Conference?
France because they expanded their territory into Western Africa.
Annexation of Philippines
The US paid Spain to get the Philippines
Sepoy Rebellion
A failed rebellion against the rule of the British East India Company in India. Led to end of British East India Company
Spanish-American War
The war led to the United States emerging predominant in the Caribbean region, and resulted in U.S. acquisition of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. It also led to United States involvement in the Philippine Revolution and later to the Philippine–American War
The United States succeeded in seizing territory from another empire, but also because it caused the global community to recognize that the United States was a formidable military power
Opium War
The Chinese government respond to the British opium trade by trying to get rid of the drug, which led to _____. The British won the _____ because it brought more trade and profit to them
Treaty of Nanking
Treaty that ended the first Opium War, the first of the unequal treaties between China and foreign imperialist powers.
This treaty gave Hong Kong Island to Britain, allowed for free British trade with any merchants in China, and forced China to pay damages for the destroyed opium
Boxer Rebellion
An uprising against foreigners that occurred in China about 1900, begun by peasants but eventually supported by the government. A Chinese secret society known as the Boxers embarked on a violent campaign to drive all foreigners from China
Meiji Restoration
A change to a modern society influenced by Western institutions - Japan
Modernization, Westernization, Industrialization, Militarization, Urbanization
Industrial Revolution
Automated factories
Increase in the mass production of goods
End of “Craftsmen” and guilds
Change in notions of time and people now care what hour it is
New transportation like trains and steamships
Big machine inventions
Spinning Jenny
Created thread
Power loom
Weaves and flips
Lowell , Mass
Steam Boat
What was the effects on Imperialism of the Industrial Revolution?
Europe is producing so many goods, they are making more than Europeans can buy
Producing so much, they have used up all local resources, and needs more
Where can European industrialists get more resources?
Expanding empires both to meet demand for natural resources- Europe produces more goods-Expand empires to make sure more people across the world buy those goods
Force colonies to buy their stuff
What type of rule was the French in Haiti?
Direct Rule
What type of rule was the Belgium in the Congo?
Direct Rule
What type of rule was the British in Kenya?
Indirect Rule
What type of rule was the British in India?
Indirect Rule
What type of rule was in China?
Indirect Rule
What type of rule was in Japan?
Indirect Rule