T/F humans are only one type of creature among many and should not feel special
T/F A human is someone not something
T/F Creation is more evil than
Humans have to earn respect and dignity (T/F)
we are composite beings of spirit and matter
humans are free beings
some people because they are more gifted are superior to others
we cannot make our own choices because we are subject of a superior being
human dignity comes from our accomplishments
fundamentally other people are responsible for how we should feel
free will allows us to love
god created us in his image and likeness because it allows him to have more control over us helping us avoid sin
The soul is like God because it is a spirit that will never die, and it has understanding and free will.
We must take more care of our bodies than of our souls, because in losing the body we lose God and everlasting happiness.
all of creation is sacred including our bodies belong to god and should be treated with reverance
Personhood is based on our genetic makeup.
we are acting morally when we
Choices build a person's moral character: good choices build it up and bad choices tear it down
the church teaches the most fortunate of us are obliged to share their fortunes with others particularly with those most in need
the church teaches that some people don't have the right to participate in some communities
original sin has afflicted the entire human race and is harmful
Concerning our "being made in the divine image," which of the following is not true?
Concerning our being created male and female, which of the following is not true?
we are incapable of choosing evil
Concerning human dignity, which of the following is not true?
we cannot really be human unless we have sex
Concerning our social nature as humans, which statement is not true?
human person should be the principle and subject and not the object
By creating us in his image, God endowed us with the ability
all of the above
to say god created humans________ means male and female need and complete the other that they combine to bring out the best in one another
complementary beings
God created marriage as a view or insight into the mystery of:
God and church
the beginning of moral living is
to respect everyone
humans are the only earthly creatures
who know that they know, with both a body and a soul, made in
God's image and likeness
which of these is a Christian belief about God and creation
answer will be all of the above
the vocation of every human person is
To express the love of the communion of Divine Persons in their own
God ____ to model how to live a moral life.
sent his son, Jesus
catechism defines which word as the forgiveness of sins and the restoration of friendship with god and can be only done by god alone
which is an example of the ultimate question all humans seek to answer
what is the meaning of life
God's love and salvation revealed through Jesus' passion, death, resurrection, and accession
paschal mystery
the ______ virtues are three important qualities bestowed at baptism that help a person relate to God
______ is loving to good for other people even to the point of personal harm
______ is simply an offense against god and against reason truth and conscience
what is a principle of catholic teaching that holds that a higher unit of society should not take over the functions of a lower unit
______ is the personal sin of Adam and eve and chose their own will over Gods will
original sin
sum total of social conditions that enable people to reach their fulfillment more fully and easily
common good
_____ is disordered human desire resulting from original sins that creates a nature of sin
in his reflections on the __________, pope john Paul ii described the human body in terms of a sacrament
Theology of the Body
what is known as the power rooted in reason and will to act or not to act to do this or not to do that
what is known as the Christian virtue of social charity and friendship
what is the habitual and informed disposition to do good
what is the name for the most innermost part of human beings
philosophy that denies their is no existence of religious beliefs
Atheism (I think)
the state of Adam and Eve in which they shared in divine life
original holiness
These are often called "second nature"
the quality of being deserving respect
Love of god and neighbor
The state of inner harmony between the first man and woman, as well as the first couple and all creation
original justice
The end does not justify the means
who and when
why you do something
most important aspect of an act
a good _____ does not justify evil means
can decrease moral goodness of an act
Where and how
the motivation
There are rarely alternatives to proposed moral actions
the outcomes or circumstances of our actions are the most important action of determine moral goodness
Catholics have a serious duty to consult the Magisterium in areas of right and wrong
Prayer has both a talking and listening part
both are important in choosing the right thing
No action in and of itself is always wrong
the STOP method of moral decision making is rooted in reality
in short prudence is necessary for correct judgment
intention is what good or evil you want to happen
a bad intention can make a good act wrong
some intrinsically evil acts can be justified
A good end or result can justify the use of evil to achieve it.
For an action to be morally good, both the moral ____ of your action and your ____ must be good.
object, intention
premarital sexual activity may lead to infidelity after marriage
the circumstances of an action can not make an action that is evil good
there are three major aspects of every moral action which is not one of these
Jesus described the difference between a good and false prophet. He said we could recognize them by:
their fruits
The text says we should ask three questions when making a moral decision. Which is not one of these?
is there a way that i can benefit from it
Geneticists have concluded that a unique human life comes into existence at:
Two rules governing intentions are to keep the intention good and:
remember the ends do not justify the means
Christ gave the ___ the right and duty to teach moral affairs
the church
st Thomas Aquinas describes the moral virtue of prudence as
right reason in action
Fornication is a grave sin destroying the virtue of charity in a person's heart and undermining the original intent of:
sexual expression
which of these is an example of an action that is always wrong
all options provided
what are known as the four pivotal qualities that support moral living
cardinal virtues
what is known as a decision making process that attends to the implications and consequences of an action
The pope and bishops in union with him can definitively proclaim a doctrine of faith or morals for the belief of the faithful.
what is known as the response of faith to the free promise of salvation and also a response of love to the thirst of the only son of God
what is known as mental prayer
the course of action for how something is accomplished is known as the:
A virtue which inclines us to discern a good, ethical and moral life
what is controlling ones desire for physical pleasures
what is known as giving god and each person his or her due by right
what is known as courage to persist in living a Christian life
the sacrament of what is intended for Catholics who have fallen into grave sin since their baptism
Human ____ helps us recognize and judge which actions correspond to the true good
______ can diminish or increase a persons responsibility